Der Vorgang 10716
Der erste Kontakt 10716
Anzahl der Mails: 9
Mailtext |
Aloha my new friend! Before we we will be familiar, I am would like it to be presented. My name Elizaveta. Hru? And what is your name? I am I hope, what my letter did not become for you full unexpectedness? I’m has addressed in dating agency with the purpose to search worthy the man. I’m in searches serious intentions and the man which will respect me and mine vital principles. I’m I wish to love and be beloved. Now I am I will tell about myself. I am has finished a higher educational institution, I work. I’m I do not use drugs, I do not drink alcohol and I do not smoke. I am to time married and at me there are no children. I am romantic and cheerful the girl. If you are really interesting to you and you wish to communicate with me I will be to wait your reply. I’m I can to send to you a snapshot and more to tell about myself. I’m I will be also it is glad to see your photos and your story about your life. I wish you positive day and with impatience I will wait the counter letter.
Interested? Please answer ONLY to my regular email: If you acquaintance do not answer me. Yours faithfully Elizavetunka |
Salutti my man. Before we will get acquainted, I’m want it to be presented. My name is Elizaveta. Hru? What is your real name? I am I hope, what my letter did not become for you unexpectedness? I am has addressed in dating agency with the purpose to search decent the man. I am I search serious for relations and the man which will respect me and mine positions in a life. I’m I wish to love and be desired. Now I’m I will tell about myself. I’m has finished a higher educational institution, I work. I am against drugs, I do not drink alcohol and I do not smoke. I am never was married and at me there are no children. I’m romantic and cheerful the girl. If you are really interesting to you and you wish to communicate with me I will be to wait your reply. I’m I can to send to you a photo and more to tell about myself. I’m I will be also it is happy to look your pics and your story about your life. I wish you positive day and with impatience I will wait the counter letter.
If you are interested Please answer ONLY to my personal mailbox: If you does not interest is not interested in acquaintance do not answer me. Yours faithfully Elizavetuska |
Hello my new pen-friend Before we we will be familiar, I am wanna it to be presented. My name is Elizaveta. Hru? What is your real name? I am I hope, what my letter did not become for you full unexpectedness? I am has addressed in dating agency with the purpose to find worthy the man. I am I search serious intentions and the man which will respect me and mine positions in a life. I’m I wish to love and be desired. Now I’m I will tell about myself. I am has finished university, I work. I’m against drugs, I do not drink alcohol and I do not smoke. I’m to time married and I have no children. I’m gentle and careful the girl. If you are really interesting to you and you wish to continue our dialogue I will be to wait your letter. I’m I can to send to you a picture and more to tell about myself. I’m I will be also it is happy to look your pics and your story about your life. I wish you successful day and with impatience I will wait the counter letter.
If you are interested Please write ONLY to my private mail: If you does not interest is not interested in acquaintance do not write to me. Yours faithfully Elizavetushulenka |
Hello my great friend Before we we will be familiar, I am want it to be presented. My name is Elizaveta. Hru? What is your real name? I’m I hope, what my letter did not become for you unexpectedness? I am has addressed in dating agency with the purpose to find careful the man. I am in searches serious for relations and the man which will respect me and mine vital principles. I am I wish to love and be desired. Now I am I will tell a little about myself. I’m has finished a higher educational institution, I work. I’m I do not use drugs, I do not drink spirits and I do not smoke. I am never was married and I have no children. I’m gentle and careful woman. If you is interested and you wish to continue our dialogue I will be to expect your answer. I’m I can to send to you a picture and more to tell about myself. I am I will be also it is happy to see your pictures and your story about your life. I wish you positive day and with impatience I will wait for your answer.
If you are interested Please write ONLY to my private e-mail: If you does not interest is not interested in acquaintance do not write to me. Yours faithfully Elizavetunka. |
Hey hey my awesome friend Before we we will be familiar, I’m wanna it to be presented. My name Elizaveta. How are you? And what is your name? I am I hope, what my letter did not become for you surprise? I’m has addressed in dating agency with the purpose to search decent the man. I’m in searches serious for relations and the man which will respect me and mine vital principles. I’m I wish to love and be beloved. Now I am I will tell about myself. I’m has finished a higher educational institution, I work. I’m against drugs, I do not drink alcohol and I do not smoke. I am never was married and at me there are no children. I’m romantic and cheerful woman. If you are really interesting to you and you wish to communicate with me I will be to expect your message. I am I can to send to you a snapshot and more to tell about myself. I’m I will be also it is happy to look your pictures and your story about your life. I wish you successful day and with impatience I will wait for your answer.
Interested? Please write ONLY to my personal email: If you acquaintance do not answer me. Yours faithfully Elizavetunya |
Hi there my great pen-friend. Before we will get acquainted, I am want it to be presented. My name Elizaveta. Hru? What is your real name? I am I hope, what my letter did not become for you unexpectedness? I am has addressed in dating agency with the purpose to meet decent the man. I’m I search serious for relations and the man which will respect me and mine positions in a life. I’m I wish to love and be beloved. Now I’m I will tell about myself. I’m has finished a higher educational institution, I work. I’m against drugs, I do not drink alcohol and I do not smoke. I’m never was married and at me there are no children. I’m gentle and careful lady. If you is interested and you wish to communicate with me I will be to wait your message. I’m I can to send to you a image and more to tell about myself. I’m I will be also it is glad to look your images and your story about your life. I wish you positive day and with impatience I will wait the counter letter.
Interested? Please write ONLY to my personal mailbox: If you does not interest is not interested in acquaintance do not write to me. Yours faithfully Elizavetushunka. |
Hello Sweetheart! Before we will get acquainted, I am would like it to be presented. My name is Elizaveta. Hru? What is your real name? I’m I hope, what my letter did not become for you surprise? I am has addressed in dating agency with the purpose to meet careful the man. I’m in searches serious for relations and the man which will respect me and mine positions in a life. I’m I wish to love and be desired. Now I am I will tell a little about myself. I’m has finished university, I work. I’m I do not use drugs, I do not drink spirits and I do not smoke. I am never was married and I have no children. I’m gentle and careful the girl. If you are really interesting to you and you wish to communicate with me I will be to wait your reply. I am I can to send to you a pic and more to tell about myself. I am I will be also it is glad to see your pics and your story about your life. I wish you positive day and with impatience I will wait for your answer. If you acquaintance do not answer me. Yours faithfully Elizavetunka. |
Good day, Before we will get acquainted, I’m wanna it to be presented. My name Elizaveta. Hru? What is your real name? I am I hope, what my letter did not become for you unexpectedness? I’m has addressed in dating agency with the purpose to search worthy the man. I am in searches serious intentions and the man which will respect me and mine positions in a life. I am I wish to love and be beloved. Now I am I will tell about myself. I am has finished university, I work. I’m against drugs, I do not drink spirits and I do not smoke. I’m never was married and I have no children. I am gentle and careful the girl. If you is interested and you wish to continue our dialogue I will be to expect your reply. I’m I can to send to you a pic and more to tell about myself. I’m I will be also it is happy to look your pics and your story about your life. I wish you successful day and with impatience I will wait the counter letter. If you acquaintance do not answer me. Yours faithfully Elizaveta. |
Hallo meine liebe Elizaveta, es ist immer schwer sich selber einem
anderen Menschen vorzustellen. Schreibt man zu euphorisch, gilt man als Angeber. Schreibt man zu defensiv, ist man ein Verlierer, der ohne Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstvertrauen ist. Darum versuche ich mich so sachlich wie möglich zu beschreiben, was auch schon eine Kunst für sich ist. Ich bin 48 Jahre alt und meine, dass ich mich gut gehalten habe. Ich trinke kaum Alkohol, ich rauche nicht und mit Drogen habe ich überhaupt nichts zu tun. Zudem versuche ich mich gesund zu ernähren, wobei ich auf nichts verzichte. Nein, ich bin kein Vegetarier. Ich esse alles, was mir schmeckt, aber es gibt Regeln, die ich beachte.Ich pflege einen Freundeskreis, der teils aus meiner Jugend stammt, teils meinem beruflichen Umfeld geschuldet ist. Es ist nunmal so, dass man als arbeitender Mensch eine lange Zeit am Tag mit anderen Menschen zusammen ist. Dadurch entstehen Verbindungen. Mal sind sie enger, mal eher etwas locker. Aber unter meinen Arbeitskolleginnen und -kollegen gibt es ein paar, die ich sehr mag und sympathisch finde. Aus meiner Jugend sind es die Jungens, mit denen ich Fussball gespielt habe. Auch verbindet uns eine Segeltörn auf dem Rhein mit einem kleinen Segelboot. Das war sehr aufregend und spannend für uns, denn wir waren erst 16 Jahre alt und durften tatsächlich alleine diese Tour, die nicht ungefährtlich war, machen. Von Beruf bin ich Berufschullehrer und Lehrer in der Erwachsenenbildung. Ich arbeite also nicht mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, sondern mit jungen Erwachsenen und richtigen Erwachsenen. Es kam für mich nie an Frage, dass ich Grundschullehrer oder Gymnasiallehrer werde. Meinen eingeschlagenen Berufsweg würde ich so immer wieder gehen, denn er macht mir Spaß und ich selber lerne auch jeden Tag wieder was dazu. Denn viele meiner Schülerinnen und Schüler haben selber viel Berufs- und Lebenserfahrung. In meiner Freizeit bastel ich gerne. Ich mag es alte Dinge zu kaufen, um sie dann zu restaurieren. Heutzutage ist es ja angesagt, dass man Retro-Gegenstände in die Wohnung stellt oder anderweitig benutzt. Das, was wir vor 40 Jahren auf dne Müll geworfen haben, ist heute modern und jeder will es haben. Somit gehe ich viel auf Trödelmärkte, kaufe mir die dort für wenig Geld zu erwerbenden Gegenstände und arbeite sie auf. Nicht nur, was das Aussehen betrifft, sondern auch von der Technik her. Oftmals sind die Gegenstände nicht mehr gut gebrauchsfähig und das ist dann etwas, was mich anstachelt. Es muss wieder funktionieren. Abends gehe ich zum Sport. Handball, Fussball oder auch Gymnastic. Ich bin sehr beweglich und das liegt eben daran, weil ich nicht nur herumsitze, sondern aktiv bin. Wer rastet, der rostet. So lautet eines unserer vielen Sprichwörter hier in Deutschland. Und da ist was Wahres dran. Für den Moment weiß ich nicht mehr zu erzählen. Ich hoffe sehr, dass Du Dir ein erstes Bild von mir machen konntest und nun ansatzweise weißt, mit wem Du es zu tun hast. Ich bin sehr gespannt, wie sich unsere Verbindung entwickeln wird. Wegen der weiten Entfernung habe ich keinerlei Sorgen. Das ist zu regeln und ich bin mir sicher, dass wir hier Mittel und Wege finden, um uns bei Bedarf und auf Wunsch auch mal persönlich treffen zu können. Mails schreiben und Bilder tauschen ist die eine Sache, sich persönlich Aug in Aug gegenüber zu stehen eine andere Sache. Ich füge dieser Mail eine kleine Audiodatei bei. Es ist ein ganz persönlicher Gruß von mir an Dich und ich hoffe, dass Du Dich darüber freuen kannst. Vielleicht gefällt Dir ja das was Du hören wirst. Ich sende Dir einen lieben Gruß und wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag. Paolo |