Der Vorgang 10766

Der erste Kontakt 10766

Anzahl der Mails: 17

Es wurden insgesamt -- 17 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello Charming Dear stranger, I wish to read how much you are interesting in search and getting acquainted with new and wonderful woman? I m Katenka. Iam hope to your like my picture. I m also look person with which my life is quiet and wonderful. I am very cheerful, kindly and positive woman. But I m still have alone and yet very tired of that life. So I went to a dating agency and get you email. In Actually, I m find for real man for a serious friendship and even marriage in future. Most important is my goal. I want to find a lover for my lonely life. I very much hope that you are precisely this a person. I will be glad if we will find our common interests and our meeting is most wonderful moment in our future life.

Please reply ONLY to my private mailbox:

I do not know how much you are interested in continuing our conversation therefore in greater detail I will talk about myself later. I will wait for your answer. See you soon, Ekaterinchika,
Salutti. Dear stranger, I wish to read how much you are interested in find and familiarity with new and wonderful girl? My name is Katya. Iam hope to your like my foto. I am also look man with whom my life is quiet and astonishing. I am very cheerful, kind and positive woman. But I m still have one and yet very tired of that life. So I go to a dating agency and got you email. In reality, I m search for real man for a serious relationship and even wedding in future. Most important is my purpose. I want to find a companion for my lonely life. I very much hope that you are just such a man. I will be glad if we will find our common interests and our acquaintance is most wonderful moment in our later life.

Please write ONLY to my regular email:

I do not know how much you are interested in continue our conversation therefore in more detail I will talk about me later. I will wait your message. See you later, Ekaterinoka!
Meine allerliebste Ekakterina, wenn wir tief in die Gedanken von Menschen
blicken könnten, die wirklich frei sind, würden wir die Dosis von
Wahnsinn und Mut sehen, die es an die Oberfläche bringt und würden wir
verstehen, dass die Grenzen nur von uns auferlegt werden und dass sie
nicht wirklich existieren.
Wir könnten die ganze Welt sehen … wir würden sie ständig in all ihrer
Unermerßlichkeit erforschen. Ohne Sorge, ohne Ängste, ohne Reue. Einfach
und offen. Manchmal unreif aber so wunderbar.
Wir fühlen uns wie wir leben und vergessen, dass wir einmal überlebt
Wir würden ohne Unterlass dahin laufen, wo der Himmel die Erde berührt,
wo Tag und Nacht keine Rolle spielen und wir verweilen. Wir würden ganz
tief atmen und würden es von Anfang beginnen.
Wir würden Leidenschaft in ihrer reinsten Form suchen und jede Sekunde
mit Intensität erleben, als wäre sie die letzte.
Und … wenn wir für einen Moment Mut hätten, würden wir es tun?
„Welchen Preis hat die Freiheit?“ dachte Emma, die Frau, die jetzt
sitzt, auf dem Vordersitz des Autos, während sie sich eine Zigarette
anzündet. „Ein Cent? Eine Million? Ein Traum? Eine Liebe? Mehrere Lieben
oder ein Leben der Suche? Aber, was ist sie eigentlich?“
Sie ist eine noch junge Frau, die zu viele Zweifel hat und viel
reflektiert . Wie ein alter Mensch. Sie mag keine Heuchelei und falsche
Menschen, aber auf seltsame Weise unsichtbar für sie. Aber sie würde
gerne so sein wie sie. Falsch. Es wäre einfacher. Es ist leicht zu
leben, wenn du wie die anderen bist, es ist schwer, wenn du anders bist.
Emma ist so eine andere, andere und doch eine gewöhnliche Frau, die das
Leben auf einzigartige Weise liebt, die Seele eines Kindes und der Geist
eines alten Menschen im Körper einer Frau. Dein Dichi mmer liebender
Hello Josef!!! What s up? I m glad that you wrote to me. So, we can
start to exchange our photos, biographies, our emotions and cultures
if you a wish. It was pleasant to see your photo. Perfectly you
look!!!. The photo of the person can tell much.... It allows better To
understand the person. You agree? It allows to receive the first
Impression about this person. To draw some conclusions... Make
Psychological portrait of the man. I think, you good and decent The
person. Here that I can tell, looking at your photo. Tell to me, What
do you think, when look at my photo? I m serious in my intentions so
please show me your devotion also. I will hope that in the future, we
will be very good friends. I do not know what to say in my first
letter. This is something new and unusual I. But I ll try and write
good letters to you. Please do not be too strict to my mistakes in
words, English is not my native language. And I hope will improve the
poor level of my language during communication with you. As for me, my
name is Ekaterina, I m 34 years old now. My birthday is 8 March. In
1984 I was born. My weight makes 57 kg in height 170 centimetres, I do
not smoke. I from Russia, from city Divnogorsk which is in Krasnoyarsk
region. I graduated from medical university. My formation will consist
of 3 levels: school, college, university. I Learned for 18 years. All
18 For years I learnt English also. I work in clinic as the
Maxillofacial surgeon. I to you will tell at once that it from itself
represents. The Maxillofacial surgery is engaged in carrying out of
plastic operations in the field of a head, the person and a neck, the
traumas directed on elimination and their consequences, removal of
cancer tumours, and also restoration of various functional
infringements. I live alone, I have no children and a friend.
Sometimes I feel like I m very lonely in my house. Perhaps for this
reason I decided to get acquainted with You. To me for 34 years, also
I take a philosophical life. I have home, work, friends, but I can not
say that I m happy. Probably you felt? A feeling of emptiness? I hope
that you will not be Laugh. And we he will write many letters to each
other. I m very happy and grateful that you answered my letter. Are
you interested in our dialogue. Well what are you look and expect from
woman to be you life partner, perhaps just a girlfriend or mistress
home, maybe the mother of your children? Another question I would like
to ask, what did you to answer my previous letter, just interest or
sympathy or politeness or maybe something else?, the distance between
us problem for you? I hope that our communication will continue. You
are welcome tell me also your preference in women. I send you some
photos of me and my life.

P.S. Uuuf, finally I finished this letter yes, which it seems to be
more likely great and probably difficult to read, but I wrote it with
great inspiration and tried to say as much as possible about me.)))
Wishing you a very good day and hope to hear from you soon, Ekaterina.
Hello, I ve already sent you my letter with photos but you still
didn t answer... Why?You did not like my photo? Have you received my
letter? Maybe simply you didn t have time to answer immediately or
maybe my photos and everything what was written there didn t interest
you at all??? Please write me at least a note of explanation, because
most of all I m afraid of indefinite situation when you don t now what
to expect...Hope to hear from you soon,Ekaterina.
Hello Josef!!! What s up? I m glad that you wrote to me. So, we can
start to exchange our photos, biographies, our emotions and cultures
if you a wish. Please send me some of your latest photos. I m serious
in my intentions so please show me your devotion also. I will hope
that in the future, we will be very good friends. I do not know what
to say in my first letter. This is something new and unusual I. But
I ll try and write good letters to you. Please do not be too strict to
my mistakes in words, English is not my native language. And I hope
will improve the poor level of my language during communication with
you. As for me, my name is Ekaterina, I m 34 years old now. My
birthday is 8 March. In 1984 I was born. My weight makes 57 kg in
height 170 centimetres, I do not smoke. I from Russia, from city
Divnogorsk which is in Krasnoyarsk region. I graduated from medical
university. My formation will consist of 3 levels: school, college,
university. I Learned for 18 years. All 18 For years I learnt English
also. I work in clinic as the Maxillofacial surgeon. I to you will
tell at once that it from itself represents. The Maxillofacial surgery
is engaged in carrying out of plastic operations in the field of a
head, the person and a neck, the traumas directed on elimination and
their consequences, removal of cancer tumours, and also restoration of
various functional infringements. I live alone, I have no children and
a friend. Sometimes I feel like I m very lonely in my house. Perhaps
for this reason I decided to get acquainted with You. To me for 34
years, also I take a philosophical life. I have home, work, friends,
but I can not say that I m happy. Probably you felt? A feeling of
emptiness? I hope that you will not be Laugh. And we he will write
many letters to each other. I m very happy and grateful that you
answered my letter. Are you interested in our dialogue. Well what are
you look and expect from woman to be you life partner, perhaps just a
girlfriend or mistress home, maybe the mother of your children?
Another question I would like to ask, what did you to answer my
previous letter, just interest or sympathy or politeness or maybe
something else?, the distance between us problem for you? I hope that
our communication will continue. You are welcome tell me also your
preference in women. I send you some photos of me and my life.

P.S. Uuuf, finally I finished this letter yes, which it seems to be
more likely great and probably difficult to read, but I wrote it with
great inspiration and tried to say as much as possible about me.)))
Wishing you a very good day and hope to hear from you soon, Ekaterina.
Liebste Ekaterina, lange hab ich gewartet Dir meine Liebe zu gestehen. So konnte ich dann sehen, auch Dir ist daran gelegen, dass wir beide uns auf eine gemeinsame Zukunft bewegen. Was ich für Dich empfinde, ist in Worte schwer zu fassen. Es fühlt sich alles richtig an, wenn Du bei mir bist. Deine Stimme klingt in meinem Ohr, wie ein Engelschor. Das Foto von Dir, ist mein größter Schatz. Es findet nicht nur in meinem Herzen Platz, auch meine Augen wollen sich daran weiden. So will ich doch vermeiden, es oft anschauen zu müssen. Denn viel wohler ist mir, Dich in meinen Armen zu wissen. Lassen wir bitte nie voneinander los, so liegt uns die Welt zu Füßen und das Glück fällt in den Schoß. Mein Eid, Dich zu lieben, wird ewig gültig sein. Ob Wind, ob Sturm, ob Schneegewühl, unsere Zweisamkeit ist richtig, ist echt, ist ein gutes Gefühl. Drum sei Dir gewiss, nicht nur am Valentinstag ist meine Schulter zum Anlehnen da für Dich. Du kannst immer auf mich zählen. Danke, dass es Dich gibt und für Deine Entscheidung, mich als Deinen Liebsten aus zu wählen. Für immer Dein Josef
Hi!!! I have already sent you the letter. You has received mine The
letter? It was not probably simple at you time to answer
immediately??? Or what?? I very much liked ours with you dialogue and
I wish to continue it. I understand that you are very occupied and
from you not enough time. I hope that today you will find Some minutes
also write me the answer to the letter to you. I will wait very much
for it. Please write me at least the explanation note. Well!? The hope
to hear from you is fast, Ekaterina.
Hello Josef!!!!!

Today I have a letter from you) It s very good! I think that Now we
are familiar! I m glad that we can continue our communication :)
Say me, in what city do you live? What do you do for life? I would very
much wanted to know about you this information. You could write to me
a longer letter and tell me more about your life. I m sure I will be
very interested. It is a great pity that you did not do this for me!

Why did not you send me a photo? Do you doubt your beauty? For me, the
main inner beauty of man, and not his appearance. I really hope to
receive a picture from you in the next letter. I want to receive more
of your photos. You understand? It is very important for me!!!

Today I will write to you a little about my family. I think that you
should know about it. I have been given birth also grown in
Divnogorsk. Now I live here. I do not remember my father because he
did not live with us. I was grown only by my mother. We were the best
friends, we were very much the friend close to the friend. But my mum
had a cancer of a stomach, and she has died when I was absolutely the
little girl. It was awful and incredible. I could not understand it
for long time. I was empty. Even now I remember my mum very much
frequently. You know, that I had very happy childhood. My mum and I
went in park together. We play together various games. We spoke much.
Only through several years I started to understand last, that she felt
because I had no father with me. But I have received news from other
people, that it was no mistake of my mother. My father (I cannot name
his "daddy") never loved my mum. Me has left her lonely when he has
learned, that my mum was the pregnant woman. It was very difficult for
her to bring up me. We lived only her tiny earnings. But we never
complained of our life we have solved all problems together. But we
were happy. My mum always spoke me, that I should marry the person
which I shall love. After death of my mum I feel very much alone
because I have no neither sisters, nor brothers. To be more exact, I
no any relatives.

But I have close friends. I m some of them from school. And they are
the closest people to me. I m absolutely sure of my friends that they
will always help and help me out of any situation. I also have a
hobby. I m not a professional fashion model, one of my friends is
starting a professional photo and I help her to climb the career
ladder. I m for her as a model and for this I have a lot of
professional photos made by my girlfriend. For this hobby, I do not
get money, but only for pleasure and lots of beautiful photos. I hope
you enjoy the photos I send you. I hope you will also send photos to
me as often as possible. I hope that you will respond my letter. I
also hope that you are interested in our communication. Best regards,
Hello Josef.

Can you introduce yourself? Tell me in what city do you live? What do
you do for life? I would really like to know about this information
about you. You could write me a longer letter and tell me more about
your life. I m sure I will be very interested.I have not received your
photo. I hope you understand as it important for sew correspondence. I
should know with whom I have correspondence, it is very important if
you we will have serious relations. I expect your photo in the
following letter.

My health is the most important for me. I do not brag. My health is
really good, and I always try to be in good shape. Every morning I try
to spend as much time in the open air. I do not have a car, and I take
the bus. Since my childhood I lived in a fairly cold winter and a damp
autumn. This climate helps to toughen my health. I do not smoke and do
not drink alcohol. I prefer a healthy lifestyle, and I m proud of it.
Fitness and swimming are my hobbies, if I may say so??? I also like to
spend my free time skiing? In the summer I ride a bicycle. I try to
watch the food, I try to use healthy food more. I love vegetables and
seafood. I like sour-milk products. They are very useful!

I can talk about my hobbies for a long time. But I also want to say
that I do not like some things. I do not like skilful and envious
people. I hate it when someone deceives. I do not like cruelty and
rudeness. I m not interested in people who prefer to spend time
drinking alcohol. I also do not like bad food and cloudy days. I will
be glad if you tell me about yourself a lot of different things. I
want to know more and more about you. Because you are my Friend. Do
you agree? Friends should always know each other well.

Your Ekaterina.

Hello!!! How are you doing? How your mood? I have already sent you
some letters and you have not answered me. I very much worry. Why you
have not answered? You do not like our dialogue? If so then inform
that any more do not wish to communicate with me. I very much hope to
continue our acquaintance. I hope that you will find time and will
give me the answer. With hope to receive from you the letter,Ekaterina.
Hello, how is your health?How is your mood.This working day was really
hard for me and I got really tired,but in spite of my mood I think
that I m due to write to you because I m,as if,charging with positive
energy and warmth from our correspondence.How was your day?????? I
with impatience shall wait for your letter.Have a nice mood:)Ekaterina.
Hello Josef!!! What s up? I m glad that you wrote to me. So, we can
start to exchange our photos, biographies, our emotions and cultures
if you a wish. Please send me some of your latest photos. I m serious
in my intentions so please show me your devotion also. I will hope
that in the future, we will be very good friends. I do not know what
to say in my first letter. This is something new and unusual I. But
I ll try and write good letters to you. Please do not be too strict to
my mistakes in words, English is not my native language. And I hope
will improve the poor level of my language during communication with
you. As for me, my name is Ekaterina, I m 34 years old now. My
birthday is 8 March. In 1984 I was born. My weight makes 57 kg in
height 170 centimetres, I do not smoke. I from Russia, from city
Divnogorsk which is in Krasnoyarsk region. I graduated from medical
university. My formation will consist of 3 levels: school, college,
university. I Learned for 18 years. All 18 For years I learnt English
also. I work in clinic as the Maxillofacial surgeon. I to you will
tell at once that it from itself represents. The Maxillofacial surgery
is engaged in carrying out of plastic operations in the field of a
head, the person and a neck, the traumas directed on elimination and
their consequences, removal of cancer tumours, and also restoration of
various functional infringements. I live alone, I have no children and
a friend. Sometimes I feel like I m very lonely in my house. Perhaps
for this reason I decided to get acquainted with You. To me for 34
years, also I take a philosophical life. I have home, work, friends,
but I can not say that I m happy. Probably you felt? A feeling of
emptiness? I hope that you will not be Laugh. And we he will write
many letters to each other. I m very happy and grateful that you
answered my letter. Are you interested in our dialogue. Well what are
you look and expect from woman to be you life partner, perhaps just a
girlfriend or mistress home, maybe the mother of your children?
Another question I would like to ask, what did you to answer my
previous letter, just interest or sympathy or politeness or maybe
something else?, the distance between us problem for you? I hope that
our communication will continue. You are welcome tell me also your
preference in women. I send you some photos of me and my life.

P.S. Uuuf, finally I finished this letter yes, which it seems to be
more likely great and probably difficult to read, but I wrote it with
great inspiration and tried to say as much as possible about me.)))
Wishing you a very good day and hope to hear from you soon, Ekaterina.
Hello Josef!!!!!

Today I have a letter from you) It s very good! I think that Now we
are familiar! I m glad that we can continue our communication :)
Say me, in what city do you live? What do you do for life? I would very
much wanted to know about you this information. You could write to me
a longer letter and tell me more about your life. I m sure I will be
very interested. It is a great pity that you did not do this for me!

Why did not you send me a photo? Do you doubt your beauty? For me, the
main inner beauty of man, and not his appearance. I really hope to
receive a picture from you in the next letter. I want to receive more
of your photos. You understand? It is very important for me!!!

Today I will write to you a little about my family. I think that you
should know about it. I have been given birth also grown in
Divnogorsk. Now I live here. I do not remember my father because he
did not live with us. I was grown only by my mother. We were the best
friends, we were very much the friend close to the friend. But my mum
had a cancer of a stomach, and she has died when I was absolutely the
little girl. It was awful and incredible. I could not understand it
for long time. I was empty. Even now I remember my mum very much
frequently. You know, that I had very happy childhood. My mum and I
went in park together. We play together various games. We spoke much.
Only through several years I started to understand last, that she felt
because I had no father with me. But I have received news from other
people, that it was no mistake of my mother. My father (I cannot name
his "daddy") never loved my mum. Me has left her lonely when he has
learned, that my mum was the pregnant woman. It was very difficult for
her to bring up me. We lived only her tiny earnings. But we never
complained of our life we have solved all problems together. But we
were happy. My mum always spoke me, that I should marry the person
which I shall love. After death of my mum I feel very much alone
because I have no neither sisters, nor brothers. To be more exact, I
no any relatives.

But I have close friends. I m some of them from school. And they are
the closest people to me. I m absolutely sure of my friends that they
will always help and help me out of any situation. I also have a
hobby. I m not a professional fashion model, one of my friends is
starting a professional photo and I help her to climb the career
ladder. I m for her as a model and for this I have a lot of
professional photos made by my girlfriend. For this hobby, I do not
get money, but only for pleasure and lots of beautiful photos. I hope
you enjoy the photos I send you. I hope you will also send photos to
me as often as possible. I hope that you will respond my letter. I
also hope that you are interested in our communication. Best regards,
Hello Josef.

How do you? What is the weather like today in your country? I hope
that everything is fine. Today I had a difficult day, but now I m
free, and I can write you a letter. I think now you know about me a
little more??? I am very pleased that you took the time and wrote me
an answer.

My health is the most important for me. I do not brag. My health is
really good, and I always try to be in good shape. Every morning I try
to spend as much time in the open air. I do not have a car, and I take
the bus. Since my childhood I lived in a fairly cold winter and a damp
autumn. This climate helps to toughen my health. I do not smoke and do
not drink alcohol. I prefer a healthy lifestyle, and I m proud of it.
Fitness and swimming are my hobbies, if I may say so??? I also like to
spend my free time skiing? In the summer I ride a bicycle. I try to
watch the food, I try to use healthy food more. I love vegetables and
seafood. I like sour-milk products. They are very useful!

I can talk about my hobbies for a long time. But I also want to say
that I do not like some things. I do not like skilful and envious
people. I hate it when someone deceives. I do not like cruelty and
rudeness. I m not interested in people who prefer to spend time
drinking alcohol. I also do not like bad food and cloudy days. I will
be glad if you tell me about yourself a lot of different things. I
want to know more and more about you. Because you are my Friend. Do
you agree? Friends should always know each other well.

Your Ekaterina.

Hi my Josef!

The day is wonderful today and I’m in high spirits and how are you? I
hope all is well.

Yesterday I was in a bad mood. It was rain all day long. I’ve already
told you that I live in my own house. It’s very beautiful and
comfortable, but it’s too old. Waterpipe and heat conductor are very
old too and that’s why there are some holes in it. I’m disappointed
that during the bad weather there was a failure. Waterpipe and heat
conductor are damaged also I have no drinking water, I cannot wash, I
cannot cook food, also in my house became very cold, I cannot sleep
because of a cold. I asked a specialist’s help, and he tried to repair
some parts of the pipes for many times but it didn’t help, because
it’s necessary to repair the whole pipes, I have to change the pipes.
And yesterday I come to the conclusion that I have to do it as soon as
possible. More than it at this moment it’s necessary. My friend Irina
promised me to help. She always help me. I’m very glad to have such a
girlfriend. She is very close to me and we often spend time together.
By the way I told her about you ans she is happy that we write letters
to each other. Irina says that I need a man who will help me and who
will really love me. You know I really feel lonely very often but I
believe in god luck. I believe in God, he always helps.

I don’t remember if I told you or not about my Dog. Its name is Rex.
He the boy. To him 2 years. It is very handsome. I like to play with
it, I like to feed it, so I like to take care of it. Rex is very
tender, and it loves me too. Every evening it meets me near the house.
You will laugh at me, but I must be sure that somebody or something
waits for me in the house, no matter if it’s just my Dog. I hope you
do. I heard if a person has a pet in a house and if he takes a good
care of it the person is a very good house keeper. I belive it. Irina
has a Dog at home too, and our Dog like to play together. But
sometimes Dog fight. I’m sorry that I pay too much attention to it in
my letters and may be you are not interested in it at all, but I want
to tell you about the dearest living being in my life.

Probably during week I will prepare for future house and pipes repair.
I’ll look for people who will help me with it. I imagine my house and
pipes after repair. It will be very cosy and nice, if everything will
go well. I’m sorry, probably my letter is sad but I think you’ll be
interested in thoughts and feelings. Tell me, if something will be
interesting for you. I’ll tell you it in detail. With best regards.
Hi my dear Josef,

Thank you very much for your letter. It brightens my day. I hope that
you have the same feeling when you receive my letter. And of course, I
enjoy our correspondence and I am serious. I consider you to be my
friend, I think that you understand me in lots of things it s easy for
me to talk to you on many topics. You can ask me any questions you
want. Within reason.)

I think that trust is very important for the relationship, if both of
the partners want the relationship to grow. No relationship can be
strong without it. Thank you for being honest with me and from my side
I can say that I will be honest with you also. I think we should try
to tell each other as much as we can.

I would like to know you better from inside, because you seem very
interesting to me, so I have a question for you: What qualities do you
appreciate in people the most? In my opinion, honesty, faithfulness,
kindness, sincere and understanding are very important in people. I
also think that in every relationship trust plays the main role.
That s why I think that 100 trust should be between man and woman,
they should be able to say every single thing to each other, share all
their joys and sorrows. If they have a problem they should try to find
a salvation together. What do you think? What is your opinion? And
feel free to ask me anything, I ll answer you with great pleasure.

I will be looking forward to your letter!!!! Sincerely Ekaterina.