Der Vorgang 11011
Der erste Kontakt 11011
Anzahl der Mails: 1
Mailtext |
Woha my dear mate! It appears in my opinion that you are an individual I m searching for. Please tell me regarding yourself. Mail me your image on top of that. Anyway, my name Irina, Now i m thirty eight years old. I want to know your age? I am just looking to find a man who is more mature as opposed to me.I am located and also was born in Ukraine. Which area you are now living? I d like to meet up some guy with whom i will find common hobbies and interests. I am in need of the one with aims of the cement.I would actually like to start a communication together with you. I am hoping you are attracted, and so the following email doesn’t stay without reply.I must request you to remember to mail me your?mages, so we are able to get acquainted with one another much faster.With this mail I will send a pic of me personally, and possibly you will like it.
Interested? Please reply ONLY to my regular mail box: If you won t like me, you can erase my mail. Irinulya! |