Der Vorgang 12693

Der erste Kontakt 12693

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hey Kunibert.

I am glad to receive a message from you)
My exact name is Natalya. I am 36 years old.
I m glad we meet you.
I look for a man for communication and good pastime. but if our communication goes further. then, I ll be just glad)
I look for a sincere and kind man. The important qualities of a man are kindness and honesty.
In my dreams, I want to have a family. be a friend and wife to your man.
To create a family you need to be honest with each other. It also requires love and understanding.
I work in a mall, in the department of clothing and footwear. My job is a clothes seller. I like my job. This is not a hard job.
Can you talk about your work?)

I live alone. In the apartment, which belongs to my mother.
I have never been married and have no children.
I live in Russia in the city of Bor - it is near Nizhny Novgorod. This is a small but very beautiful city, I love it very much.
You can see pictures of my city on the Internet. I think you will like it.
Will you tell me about your city?)

I like sport very much. And I try to do different kinds of sports.
Swimming, tennis, aerobics ...
It s good for a young girl like me;)))
I think. What, it is good for any person. This is to support a person in good shape.
I do swimming and gymnastics twice a week. (Tuesday and Thursday)
I try to keep my body in good shape.
Do you have any favorite sporting preferences?
I am also interested in your hobbies.
What do you like to do? Can you tell me about it?
In this message I sent you my photo. I really hope. What, you will like my photo.
I really want to leave a good impression about myself.
I will be waiting for your reply.
I hope so. What, you also send me your photo.

Regards Natalya.
I sent you a letter. But you didn t answer me.
I really hope you write to me.
Really looking forward to your letter.
I apologize again for the late reply.
With best regards.
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