Der Vorgang 12925
Der erste Kontakt 12925
Anzahl der Mails: 29

Mailtext |
How are you? Kevin, I thought I should send you a photo. Suddenly you did
not receive. It s a good weather today. Warm outside. The snow is even melting. It s amazing how warm the winter is. I love this time of year. And I also love autumn, because my birthday is in October. I am really looking forward to your letter. Hope you write soon. Elena |
Kevin, I would be the happiest girl in the world if you could write to
me every day. I would give anything to see your letter every day. It is a pity that you can not write to me every day. Today was a good day, and it would be even better if you have to saw me. I hope that you are fine. I hope that you can write to me tomorrow and answer my questions. I really want to know more about you every day. I m waiting for your letter. Elena |
Hello Kevin! I get very sad when you re not can write me.
Looks like it s a nice day out. It s a good day for go out with you. Just think of the fun we ll have! I sent you the the new picture of me. you like? I would be happy if I too had a picture of you too. I ll come again tomorrow and will wait for your letter morning. I ll wait to hear from you. Elena |
Probably you have important things to do and you could not write a
letter today. Kevin, I have a good mood today. I do not know why, but I m all day thinking only about you. I hurried to go in the Internet cafe and check the mail. I hope you also have a good day. Write to me when you can. I will wait. bye bye Elena |
Kevin, I m really looking forward to a letter from you. I don’t know when
you will write. For this I try, as often as possible to come here and check the mail. It’s sad that I didn’t receive a letter from you today. but I m waiting for you to answer. Tomorrow is Sunday. Probably I can’t write because everything will be closed. But on Monday I will definitely come. I will again wait for your answer. I hope you write. I m really looking forward to it. Elena |
Hello. Did you get my letters yesterday? I sent email to you yesterday.
I d have thought you would have answer to me. Maybe you can send letter today? Very much I wait for your answer. Elena |
Today I was waiting for your letter. I thought that you can write to
me. Yesterday I sent you my letter. I waited for the answer but you didn t respond to my letter. You must be busy today? I will be very happy if you write to me tomorrow. I sent you a photo today. If you like it, I ll send more. I will wait for your answer. A very good day to you, Elena |
I am very happy because you received my letter. For several days I had
problems with communication. It’s not always possible to get to the Internet. I am very happy because I can today. And I will bring along a new photo for you. Attached to this letter. Hope you got it. To me very Interesting learn about you more. Thank you for what you answer to me question. How does it feel to have relatives? To be surrounded by care? I would give all, that to find out about my parents or even my grandparents. Why am I alone? I often think about it. Perhaps my parents would be happy for me if they found out that I m communicating with an interesting man. What is your name? Tell me where do you live? And where do you work? I am now in a very small city. Not even a city, this is a village. Mostly elderly people live here. Because you are getting younger to leave. Only the elderly remained. There is no connection there. Silence and forest around. I work nurse in a hospital. I do a routine examination, vaccinations, I leave for urgent calls to help. I also write out the conclusions and check the analyzes. My work is like a long business trip. By the way, I m 29 years old. I m lonely. I have not met my happiness yet. The last 5 years I have been working under a contract. No one wants to work in such places. I signed a contract. I did not know that it was so far and that there was nothing. no civilization. I don’t want to work here for a long time. When the contract ends, I will not renew. I m tired alone. I want to relax, I want, wherever I go. Wherever you go to the resort. On the sea. I want to see the world. But I don’t want one. Boring. Therefore, I register on the site. Tired of being alone. I have not met my man. I decided to try to communicate via the Internet. He will get to know you. Continue communication? I don’t even know what to tell. This is my first time. And my English is not very good. But I hope you understand me. I want you to still say something to yourself. What are you looking for? What relationships? Which girls do you like? Am I your type? Do you like my photos? I am very lonely. There is almost no connection and you have to go to this Internet club. There is one computer on which the Internet works via satellite. There is no more communication. I will come once a day. Before work or after. I will, waiting for your reply. I would be glad if you write the answer back. Elena |
Hello !!
Are you still here now? May be you can write for me now? How are you? Do you receive my letters? And photo? I was very much waiting for your answer today. Hope I can get your answer soon. Take care of yourself, bye. Elena |
Today I wanted to send you a photo. Suddenly you did not receive my previous
pic that I sent you. I thought you would write me today. I checked all the mail, even the spam folder, but did not receive your letter. Perhaps you are busy or have not yet checked your email. Please write me when you can. I ll wait. I think I can come here tomorrow, at the same time. I would be glad if you have time to answer. Okay, bye. Elena |
I hope that all is well with you. I m still waiting for your letter.
And I hope that you answer me. I today all day I thought about you. I imagined how it would be nice if you wrote me today. It is a pity that you do not answer. But I hope that you will be able to do it tomorrow or today. I ll have to wait. You re probably busy at work. I hope that today you had a good day. I waiting to your letter. Elena |
Hello !
I hope you get my letter and you can answer for me soon. Today I did not see your letter. I do not know why you did not write for me. I waiting to you letter and I hope that I received your letter soon. Write me please Elena |
Hello! How are you?
I was waiting for your letter. I guess you have a lot to do on this, could not write me a letter today. Tomorrow the post office will be closed. And I still tomorrow all day will be at work. I can’t come here. But I’ll come on Monday for sure. I will wait for your letter. Till Monday. Write me. I will wait for a letter from you. Elena |
I am sad because I have not received your letter. But I think
that tomorrow is another day and I received your letter and all will be well. Really? I m really looking forward to your letter. I hope to know more about you. I hope that does not upset you. It is waiting for your answer. Elena |
Kevin, I wait for your reply. I’m very glad because you’ll write today. I have
a lot of thoughts. Many questions. But I don’t know how we can start normal communication. The Internet here only works in this club. There is no other place. I will try to come here more often. But you write. I will answer as soon as I can. Thank you for your new photo. I like it. I also sent you pic today. Kevin, I think our meeting did not happen by chance. There are 8 billion people in the world. And I met you. I want to tell more about myself. I am from a boarding school. I do not have a relative. Only friends. Because I do not know anything about this. There are no records of my relatives. No data at all. After boarding, I went to college. Got an education. And I went to work on a contract. All around Russia. This is mainly the far north. Now I am staying at village Bolshetarkhovo. Probably it doesn’t tell you anything. This village is located in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area. My first contract was for 5 years, then I signed another one for 3 years. I won’t do this anymore. I am very tired, but I worked. I help people. I like it. I all went to work. Now I understand that if I continue like this, I will probably die alone. Here I do not meet the man whom I want to make happy. It s not meant to be. I saw in films that many met on the Internet. I decided to try it. I want to talk about myself. From the photo you see my hair, about 172 centimeters tall. All about 55 kilograms. I do not have many friends. Because basically I ride all the time. You can’t be attached to a place with my lifestyle. The village where I work is small. Someone is already married. Someone arrived on a business trip and will leave soon. Kevin I do not know what and how else to tell. I like sports. I like to run. Drink alcohol only on holidays. And only red wine. Sometimes I can have a beer. I hope this does not bother you. I love popular and classical music. Tell me about yourself. About what you look for in a relationship. What are you interested in? I answer all the questions. Try to do it. That I can not understand. Or you do not understand my answer. Ask one more time. Good? Kevin I m waiting for your reply. I m really looking forward to it. Elena |
Hello Kevin! I get very sad when you re not can write me.
Looks like it s a nice day out. It s a good day for go out with you. Just think of the fun we ll have! I sent you the the new picture of me. you like? I would be happy if I too had a picture of you too. I ll come again tomorrow and will wait for your letter morning. I ll wait to hear from you. Elena |
Hello Kevin! I miss you. I hope that you are fine. I am waiting for
your answer today. Because the tomorrow I can not write to you because the Internet cafes will be closed till Monday. I hope you received my letter yesterday. Kevin, I think about you every day. I want to see your letters every day. It is a pity because you do not can to write every day. But I hope that in this weekend you will have free time and can write and I answer to you in Monday. I am waiting for your answer. Elena |
Hello Kevin!
I hope you get my letter and you can answer for me soon. Today I did not see your letter. I do not know why you did not write for me. I waiting to you letter and I hope that I received your letter soon. Write me please Elena |
How are you? Kevin, I was waiting for your letter today. I thought you would
write. Today is Tuesday. But I still have not received your answer. Maybe you will write soon? I really wait. I remember you almost every day. I m so glad I met you. I am very lonely. And it’s very interesting to you. I want to tell you that no matter what. I just want to share my thoughts with you. I hope you write to me soon. I will be very waiting. I will come here tomorrow, at the same time. I hope that when I return, I will see your letter. Till tomorrow. Elena |
Kevin I am very wait to see yours letter today. And to me so very
sadly because you no answer today. I am very miss. Why to you not write to me. I am offend you? I hope it is not so. I very to wait yours the letter. And I to hope what you can write me soon. Elena |
I missed. I was waiting for your letter today. I m hoping that today
you will have time and can write to me. Kevin, I believe, and I hope that you will be able to answer tomorrow. I will wait for your answer. I hope that you have a better date than mine. I m very tired at work. Worked from morning till night. The whole day running around. The legs are aching. I want to go home and go to bed. Kevin, I hope that you can write to me tomorrow. Waiting for your letter. Elena |
Hello Kevin! How are you? I hope all is well with you. You did not write to me
today. I hope you have not forgotten about me. I miss your letters very much. I hope you can write to me this weekend. You must have been busy. But I hope that soon you will find time to answer. You always answer. I know. Do you have plans for this weekend? What are you going to do? Maybe you are already planning to write me a letter? Kevin, I can only come on Monday now. I ll miss. I will wait for your answer. Till Monday. Bye Bye. Elena |
Forgive me for being so late today. And my letter today will be short.
I completely forgot that today everyone has a shortened working day. I do not even have time to read your letter. Next time you have to answer all your questions. I ll tell you everything. I promise. Sorry, but now everything is closing. I don’t even have time to write a big answer. They hung up a schedule here. Internet cafe and post office, today is the last day of this year. Tomorrow is a day off. From December 31 to January 5. January 6, I can write. As soon as everything works, I will come here. Kevin, but then January 7 is again a day off, because it s Christmas Day. Opens on January 8th. Then the usual schedule. I hope I can receive your letter on January 6th. Banks work on the same schedule. I already found out. I can’t do anything until January 6th. And I can’t write to you. I will wait for everything to open. I will wait on January 6th. To come here. And write you a new letter. I have to go now. Because they are closing. I want to wish you a happy New Year. I think this will be our year. Elena |
Kevin, I am very happy because the Internet cafe opens today. I can come
to the Internet cafe again and receive your letter!!! This is the greatest joy for me. Happy New Year!!! Kevin, Thank you for your letter. Thank you for talking about yourself. You have a wide flight of thoughts. I like. You think openly. And talk about everything. In many ways, I agree with you. I think that you always need to do what you like. And if you combine this with work, after some time something should work out. The main thing is to deal with love. And no matter what income it brings. Small or large. The main thing is to do what you like. Forgive me. I must write to you on January 6th. But I couldn’t. Because that day was away. Worked all day. There is a lot of work now. The weather is terrible. Snow fall, then melt. Now it s cold. Slippery. It’s very bad to walk along the street. You can slip and hit your head. Now probably all the traumatic points are occupied by people. Today I personally saw how one woman fell. And hurt her hand. I could not get up for a long time. I helped her up. She seemed to just hurt herself. And she could even break her arm. It’s good that everything worked out. The woman is fine. She shook herself and went on. How did you spend the holidays? What did you do? How was the weather? I worked almost all the time. The hospital works seven days a week. Even in the midst of the holiday I had to work. I was away. Helped the victims of the accident. No one was hurt badly. Only a few scratches. Kevin, only two days managed to relax. Hope you had more days off than me. I missed you all this time. Thinking about how you? Do you think about me or not? What are you doing? Where are you now? All this haunted me. I could only think of you. Even when I m getting ready for bed, I think about you. Kevin, I dreamed about being with you on holidays. It would be great to have fun, relax and just be near you. I am glad that the Internet cafe will now work as usual. I will come here whenever I can. I don’t want to miss a single day. I want to come here every day and write to you. I missed you so much all these days. Kevin, today I sent you a photo. You probably already missed you. I thought you would like it. I have to go now. Today there are still a lot of different things. She wanted to get out of the house. A few days did not have time. I came home and immediately went to bed and fell asleep. Today is the time. I will come here tomorrow. As usual. And I will be very happy if I see your letter tomorrow. I kiss you! Elena |
How are you? Kevin, I was waiting for your letter today. I thought you would
write. Today is Thursday. But I still have not received your answer. Maybe you will write soon? I really wait. I remember you almost every day. I m so glad I met you. I am very lonely. And it’s very interesting to you. I want to tell you that no matter what. I just want to share my thoughts with you. I hope you write to me soon. I will be very waiting. I will come here tomorrow, at the same time. I hope that when I return, I will see your letter. Till tomorrow. Elena |
Hello Kevin! I am glad to see your letter today. I am very glad that you
answered me. And how is your day? How are you feeling? I was at the old woman today. She is about 80 years old. Lives alone. Itself drowns the stove and plant a garden. Complain about back pain. It turned out to be a hernia. She said that there was no one to help her with. She always lived alone. Now there is no one to look after her. I said that I need to hire an assistant. But no one wants to go here. She has nowhere to go. I went to local officials today, there I wrote a statement to send her to a boarding house. Near the sea. Good thing she has money. She can pay for everything herself and everything will be fine with her. A very long paperwork. I m tired But I hope that everything works out. And everything will be fine with this grandmother. Kevin, I hope your day was better. Your mood too. I am waiting for your letter. If I could. I would come to the Internet club several times. But after going everywhere, listen to everyone. Or go to a neighboring village. That forces no longer. I live alone. Give me a house. Need to heat the stove. Eating at the hospital. I think to stay there. It s not too far. Communication with you is like a breath of fresh air for me. I m tired of all this. Everyday. Same. No one to even talk to. Only work and work. I am very tired of this. It’s good to distract from all this and just write you a letter. I m sorry to complain to you, but there is no one else to tell all this. And I want to share with someone about everything that is boiling. I have to tell you everything. I hope you do not mind that I write so much. Kevin, tell me about your day. What else do you want to know about me? I would like to know what kind of food you eat. What do you like cooking? Do you like to ride in nature? Who to ride with? I like to swim, to lie on the beach. But she was at sea only once. I guess you re already tired of my letter. Or not? How do you like my photos? Like? I hope that you will send your more. Kevin, I will be waiting for your reply to my letter. Write me as soon as you can. Your letter to make my day better. Hope I also make your day better with my letter. Kevin, I will be waiting for an answer. Elena |
I am waiting for your letter. I hope you received my photos. I sent
you many. You got? Kevin, I hope what you like to my pic. Or not? Write me, please. It is interesting to know your opinion about me. What do you think of me? Tomorrow is Sunday. Unfortunately, I can not write for you tomorrow. But I will be wait for your letter on Monday. I hope what you can write for me. And send for me to your pic, please. I will be very glad. I will be wait your letter in Monday. Write me, please. Elena |
I hope you are doing well. I miss. I thought you could answer me this
weekend. Kevin, I hope you have not forgotten about me and will write me a letter soon. I m really looking forward to your letter. Elena |
I checked the mail today. I saw your letter . Probably you answered
me from the dating site where I left my email. Thanks for writing. I thought what no one would answer to me. But you write. And I am very happy. Will we know each other? What can I tell you? What do you want to know about me? My name is Elena. I am blond. I am 29 years old. Single. Without children. And what about you? Do you have children? Wife or girlfriend? I will wait for your answer. I would be very glad to get to know you better. I d be happy if I can see your letter again. Bye-bye... friend. Elena |