Der Vorgang 19653
Der erste Kontakt 19653
Anzahl der Mails: 8
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Mailtext |
I mis you!!! please answer me!!! Svitlana |
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! How did you spend the holidays? I m writing to you. and you don t answer! write me! I miss! Svitlana |
Hi My dear!!!
I am very much anxious again with that you have not written to me the letter. My dear why you so do, you may not understand, That I very much suffer, when my letter box Empty? You do not want to write to me? I even more often begins to be set by these questions, when from you There are no letters. Svitlana |
Hi dear friend xxx!
I am very pleased to communicate with a man like you, xxx! I m smiling right now! I waited to receive your email and when I got your letter it was a better time! I worried. I have sent you letter. also I thought. maybe you won t want to answer me. but now I understand that I not for nothing tried. thanks to you. you are a real man!!! Man must be a real man, who will always be able to protect his woman and support her when she has difficulty or she just in a bad mood. I don t pay attention if he smokes or not! Nevertheless, good health also plays a role! A real man must to be kind, sociable, gentle and caring to his girlfriend! A bit of humor, of course. the natural beauty is good, but not so important. The main thing for me is to feel the love of my man! My man must love me, trust me, respect me. And then, of course, I will reciprocate. I revealed to you what I have on the soul. and I want us to be able to trust each other. and talk about our feelings. I appreciate and love people that are close to me. I sincerely hope that we will be very close. Very rarely happens to me, someone I loved at first sight. I very demanding. But you did something once attracted. I don`t know what. It is just like me on a subconscious level. I want to meet a man who is worthy of my love pure and sincere. I am writing to you, and I feel that I can trust you. I can talk with you more personal things! xxx, I hope you don`t fall asleep reading my letter. to me isn t suffered to know you better. also I want to tell about myself very much. I think you had time to see my photo that I sent to you. Many My photos were taken by my friend Olga. I would ask you to send images, fell and cut, because I have a very slow speed of the internet, and unfortunately, I can`t upload photos of a large volume. I use the USB ADSL modem. This system does not work too well, and also not cheap and. I pay the megabyte downloaded, and if you load a large number of megabytes, will be expensive. So I write to you more comfortable just e-mail. Of these modern means of communication such as Skype, Facebook, and various types of messengers, while I can only dream of. Usual e-mail to me, the option most acceptable and convenient. I want to be sure you re a real person, I want to call you. I want to hear your voice and be confident that you re a real person. Enter your phone number and I ll call you. As you know, I m 32 years old. I was born August 25 (Zodiac sign-virgo), 1989. My height 167 cm 55 kg I weigh. I am a finish student now, in Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. With regard to age. I think the age is not important in the relationship between human beings. The most important thing is the ability to love and respect! it must know the true loving man the main thing that is in your heart. that your soul. looks can be deceiving. it is important that says your soul. The age does not matter. Music plays an important role in my life. Since childhood, I love her very much. Therefore, probably, the question of what kind of music I like depends on my mood. but more often than not I listen to the radio. popular music. I am an Orthodox Christian. I believe in God. but I do not want to go to church. faith in everyone’s soul. God is One!! the main thing to believe. and he will always help! Me 32, but I had a hard life, and I had to grow up quickly. I understand very well people. I am an orphan. I have no relatives. As a child, I grew up in an orphanage (orphanage for children who don`t have parents). Are very difficult years, and I was very hard. you know, I ve never seen my parents. and for this I really want to create my family. this is the dream of a lifetime. I have no children. But I love children, and in the future I would like to have two children (boy and girl). they would always know that their parents are loved by their children. and will always take care. I had no childhood. also it was really heavy. because we had to eat one long loaf on 10 people. there was severe famine. but nothing to do, this is my life. hard for me to think about it. Poverty, hunger, constant insults. They are very painful to remember those years. I don`t want to talk anymore on it. All this and much painful for me and please don`t ask me about it. Perhaps, sometime I will tell you about it in more detail. forgive my love, found sadness on me. but I know you will understand me. Tell me more about yourself, about you city where you live? Tell me about your life? how was your childhood? Tell me about your studies, work? I hope I did not spoil your mood with my letter. Please, write to me as soon as possible. I want to know more about you. and I am very pleased that we can speak frankly! I look forward to your new e-mail for me. of course send me a photo. please answer my questions and comment on what you think of everything that I have written. It s very important to me. do not ignore my requests. I embrace you!! Svitlana |
Hallo mein lieber freund xxx!
Ich bin so gespannt auf deinen Brief und ich bin so froh, dass du mir geschrieben hast! Ihre Briefe zu erhalten ist eine Freude! Vielen Dank!!!! Jeder neue Tag bringt mir einen stärkeren Wunsch, mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren und Ihre Briefe zu erhalten. Und jetzt hängt meine Stimmung direkt von Ihren Briefen ab! Meine Stimmung liegt in deinen Händen xxx! Ich hoffe, meine Briefe verderben nicht Ihre Stimmung? Ich freue mich sehr, dass wir uns auf dieser Welt finden konnten. Ich möchte mit dir gut befreundet sein, Dr. Ich möchte mich bei Ihnen dafür bedanken, dass Sie mir geschrieben haben. und ich kann dich besser kennen. Ich mache sehr gerne Hausarbeiten. Ich mag es, Reinheit zu bewahren. was wäre rein und bequem zu Hause. Vor allem aber koche ich gerne. Küche echte Mitte des Hauses, wo immer Wärme und Gemütlichkeit herrscht. Ich habe mich verliebt, im Waisenhaus zu kochen. Es gab immer einen Wunsch nach etwas Süßem. Und einmal haben wir mit Mädchen beschlossen, Kuchen zu kochen. Es war ein Feiertag. Internationaler Frauentag, 8. März. für uns war für 10 Jahre. Ich erinnere mich noch daran. nein kochen wer konnte. Wir haben lange Zeit Produkte gesammelt, die für uns notwendig sind. Jemand hat es geschafft, Mehl im Esszimmer zu finden. wann waren im Dienst. jemand hat Kondensmilch gebracht. frühere Rezepte waren sehr schwer zu bekommen. weil es möglich war, sie nur in Rezeptbüchern zu finden. Wir haben das Kochbuch in der Küche gefunden. und es gab nur 3 Kuchenrezepte. und wir haben das Rezept gewählt, das notwendig ist. ausgehend von dem, was wir Produkte haben. Zuerst war mir nichts unmöglich. aber ich könnte mit Mühe Teig ersetzen. Wir haben den ganzen Teig auf drei Formen ausgelegt und in einen Ofen gebacken. Während der Teig gebacken wurde, haben wir ein Glas mit süß-süßer Kondensmilch geöffnet, das ich genau dort probiert habe. Und hier sind Kuchenschichten fertig, sie lüften, rötlich und riechen appetitlich. dann wurde jede kuchenschicht mit kondensmilch eingefettet und hat dem freund kuchenschichten auf den freund gelegt. Ich erinnere mich noch an einen Geruch dieses Kuchens. und seitdem koche ich sehr gerne. Ich werde Sie mit den ukrainischen Gerichten behandeln. Ich werde dir Borsch kochen. Ich werde Pfannkuchen backen. und natürlich werde ich pelmeni machen. Ich denke, ich werde dich sehr lecker füttern können. du wirst zufrieden sein :) Es ist mir angenehm, mit Ihnen den Dialog fortzusetzen. und ich kommuniziere so leicht mit dir. als ob ich dich schon lange kenne. Ich möchte über meine Arbeit sprechen, wenn Sie interessiert sind! Die Arbeit als Zahnarzt macht mir viel Freude. Ich mag es wirklich, Menschen Vorteile zu bringen. In letzter Zeit gab es viele Leute. da jeder seine Zahnprobleme lösen wollte, nachdem die Quarantäne beendet ist. Einmal am Tag trainierte ich in der Klinik mit viel Stress. Wir mussten Medikamente und alle pharmazeutischen Materialien einschließlich Anästhetika erhalten. Aber aus irgendeinem Grund ist der Bus mit Medikamenten nicht in unsere Klinik gekommen. Ich habe allen Patienten erklärt, dass ich arbeiten kann, aber nur ohne Betäubungsmittel. Und es gab viele Menschen, die bereit waren, Zähne auch ohne Betäubung zu heilen, weil es keine Garantie gibt, dass der Bus morgen kommt. Der Tag war also der zweimal schwierige Arbeitstag. Vergib mir, dass ich über Zähne und meine Arbeit gesprochen habe. Ich wette, Sie hatten ein unangenehmes Gefühl beim Lesen über Anästhesie! Ich weiß, dass alle Männer Angst vor Zahnärzten haben, aber ich möchte Ihnen versichern, dass ich als Frau für Sie absolut gefährlich und harmlos bin !!! Erzähl mir mehr über deine Stadt. Haben Sie eine Klinik des Zahnarztes in der Stadt? Ich habe große Pläne für die Zukunft. Ich habe eine Erklärung an meine Universität geschrieben. für ein Praktikum in Ihrem Land. Ich suche keine Beziehung in der Ukraine, weil ich vorhabe, die Ukraine zu verlassen und ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Jetzt werden meine Dokumente für mein Zahnarztpraktikum in Ihrem Land vorbereitet. xxx, heute war wirklich ein guter tag und jetzt sitze ich und schreibe diesen brief und lächle. Und ich hoffe, dass Sie jetzt meinen Brief lesen und auch lächeln. Übrigens wissen meine Freunde, dass ich mit Ihnen spreche und sie beginnen, Fragen über Sie zu stellen! Nun, alle meine Freunde sind Damen - Irina und Olga. Irina ist meine beste Freundin. Mit ihr sind wir von Kindheit an aufgewachsen. Ich mag es wirklich, dass ich leicht mit Ihnen kommunizieren kann. und es macht mir Freude. Sie sind ein echter Gentleman. Mir gefällt, dass unsere Kommunikation einfach ist. Ich denke, das ist der Weg zu einer guten Beziehung. Ich mag das. xxx, entschuldigen sie mich für eine frage: ob bei dir jetzt eine frau ist? Was ist dein Privatleben jetzt? Bitte erzählen Sie davon. xxx, bereust du etwas, was du in deinem leben getan hast und möchtest du es ändern? Was dich glücklich macht? Was ist eine Sache, ohne die du nicht leben könntest? xxx, ich werde auf deinen Brief warten! Ich hoffe du schreibst mir bald. Und dann werde ich wieder ein Lächeln auf meinem Gesicht haben. Ich möchte etwas schneller mehr über dich erfahren. Es ist sehr interessant für mich, mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren. Deine Svitlana. P.S. Ich hoffe, dass Sie gerade ein Lächeln im Gesicht haben. Ich möchte, dass du lächelst :)))) Ich habe heute gute Laune und hoffe, du bist es auch !!! |
Hi My dear!!! I write to you and you do not answer me.
why? I m sorry that I m not getting your answer. please write to me. Svitlana |
Hello my love xxx!
Thanks for your letter. Thank you for not forgetting me. How are your days going ?? I hope everything is fine with you? I am writing to you and sadness on my face. I do not want to complain about my problems. you know what is happening in Ukraine now. on me with cuts in front of my eyes. I am horrified to write you this letter. tanks on the streets. rocket explodes. sleepless night! it s horrible. I am in the hideout with all the people in basement of the house. here interruptions with the Internet. very bad. but I cannot keep silent about it. you yourself know, now there is a big problem war. the whole city froze. the situation is not the best. Russia attacked Ukraine on 02/22/22 and from now on it s just Hell! I didn’t go out. and I don’t have the opportunity to make money. since all organizations do not work. works - only grocery stores and emergency assistance. I spend all the time inside hideout. and I am very worried about my health. since the beginning of this week I have been eating only rice, which I have left for only one day. I am very worried. since I have nothing to eat corny. and I can’t make money. I contacted the support service. but they refused me. since they help only those people goes to war. I cried today all days. and thought what should I do. since no one can help me. There is no support from the government of my country for the common people, ordinary people like me. I am very sorry for my country and it is very painful for me to say this to you. In other countries, the government provides monetary compensation to people for the most necessary. cancel the apartment fee. but in our country they sent a letter demanding payment for an apartment. and they’re not going to soften the burden on the population. they do not want to help ordinary people !!! I am very upset. I m sorry to have to tell you about this. Government requires - people stay home! turn off the light. stay in the shelter. but where can I get the money to pay for the apartment. and buy a meal and medicines? I m sitting now and I can’t hold back my tears. I am depressed. forgive me for telling you this! how I want it to end as soon as possible. I pray to God that my own will change right now. i forgive me xxx !!!! I am very depressed !!!!!!!!! I don’t know how to choose the right words. With tears in my eyes, I will tell you directly and openly. I really need your help. It s about a small amount of money. well as buy food and medicine to wait for the end of war!!!! please do not think badly of me. But I don’t know who to turn to for help anymore. Besides you, I have nobody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! forgive me, it is very difficult for me to talk about this. just humiliating !!! My dear xxx could you help me ?? This is a small amount of money. on my receipt I need a payment of 133 usd. or I’m threatened to turn off the light! as well as buy a meal. if you can give me 185 usd. I will be very happy, I will try to return this money to you. as soon as everything will go to normal life !!!! I beg you! Understand me!!!! I will not live without your help !!!! I am very ashamed and uncomfortable in front of you. I know that you are not obliged to solve my problems. I can only hope for your good heart. I am sure that soon the situation is changing for the better. I pray to God that the situation would improve. so that no one dies. and there was no war! that s horrible! You know that this is my chance to have life. My dear xxx, I never forget you. I hope for your understanding. I know that you are a very good and kind person and happy that I met you in this huge world. you are welcome. help me not to die of hunger. I know you are a real gentleman. and you can help me !!!! please send me money! make a deal right now! Please try to buy Bitcoin. all is simple. I gave you my wallet address. you don t need to create a wallet. everything is written there what to do. to buy bitcoin. 10 minutes. and everything is ready. I explained to you. Please wisit register. you need to provide your details. so how are you You will pay with your bank card. you understand ? nothing complicated. you point my wallet. which I gave you. and you pay. wallet address: bc1q84ndcp4vdrwaq2cv2fd0gvk6lt6jy6k6xtndmm Watch the video if you do not understand how to do it. my love, please. understand my situation. and lend a helping hand, now it is very important! |
Hello my love xxx!!!
thank you for not forgetting me. and at least read my letters! please don t be indifferent! sorry. but I cannot write this letter without tears. because I feel scared and I m terribly scared! xxx I pray to God that the war does not come to your house! so that you do not see all the horrors of war! today, March 17, at 5 o clock in the morning. a rocket flew into our house. I m alive!!!!!!!!! In Kyiv! great destruction. the whole house was evacuated. lifeguards say. that being in the house is dangerous! I left all my things. I only have my passport with me. the first thing I could get my hands on. and run away! it s fear! it s a fire all around! it s crying. it is suffering and groaning. but I can t do anything! I gave first aid to whomever I could. but I simply don’t have the means for this .... but I didn’t stand aside and helped with everything I could. who survived with tears in their eyes left their homes. a lot of old people. who cannot move on their own. and have to carry them by hand. to get out of the fire! what they say on TV is also not true! they say they all left. but it is not. many dead. because people have nowhere to go and they stay in their homes. at best, it is to go to the basement if there is an air raid. It hurts me a lot to talk about this. real hell on earth! Why do we ordinary people have to suffer? because of politics? even in the Supreme Rada, the deputies understand. that there is no safe place in Ukraine. bombs are falling even in my hometown Ivano-Frankivsk!!! but we have nowhere to go, we ordinary people have nowhere to go! who had money. left Ukraine for Poland and beyond. Now our house is destroyed and it is impossible to return to it! I sob. no strength to hold on. I m tired. it s horrible!! xxx my love. I have to starve. And now I need to look for a new home for myself. because they will not return to our house anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no where to earn money! a lot of stores just do not work! there are very few goods in the stores. And it costs crazy money! I am silent about buying meat. I forgot about it. I have to eat canned fish at best. cook soup from this jar! and eat for several days. But now I don t even know what to do. since I can no longer return to the house, it is destroyed! I have never lived so badly. even in an orphanage! I can t express in words. how upset I am and tears come from my eyes without my desire. it s soul crying!! I m ashamed to tell you about it. but even pads for intimate hygiene can not be bought! I don t have money for this! those are tears!!!! I wrote to you about asking for money earlier. Why are you ignoring me?????????????????? Do you think it s nice to beg you? When are you in real trouble? put yourself in my place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what would you do? I m an orphan!!!!1 nobody needs me. I don t have parents. no relatives. friends don t care. everyone is busy with their lives!!! my request to you is a request to the indifferent!!!! this is your step for me! it s a help for me, after all I m in trouble. war has come to my house. and now I have no home. Do you think I like to humiliate myself in front of you? and ask you for help!? I can t hold back my tears. from the fact that I have to live in poverty. and now without a roof over his head! I beg you give me any amount. any help is appreciated. because even buying food is a big problem. and now you still need to look for shelter. house or apartment to live on. I don t have words to tell you. How important is your help? I can t express in words. I beg you. help me not to die here! please. help me. Now every cent counts. I need to live. I want to live! I beg you. give me a chance. I need to find an apartment now and buy the necessary things. this food is medicine. I beg you. help me any amount. I beg you. it s a request on your knees. horror!!! I am alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never felt so humiliated! banks are closed now. any system. there is no money in ATMs. You can t pay by card in the shop. money can only be obtained from the hand of cash. I beg you. give me your help. your money. how much is the opportunity! I will receive your money from the broker. cash. bank is down! I beg you. you need to buy bitcoin!!! there is no other way to transfer money to me. other paths do not work!!!!!! there is nothing complicated. for your help to me. you need to go to the official website. it s safe and fast! you can pay by card. without leaving home. I will never forget your kindness to me. and the fact that I m not indifferent to you!!! I beg you. listen to me. and do not refuse help at this moment !!! please. open. A table will appear with the data that you must fill in. specify AMOUNT . this is how much you want to give me. e.g. 0.005 BTC. (no need to buy a whole bitcoin. you can buy a part) the amount will be shown next. and the next line is the wallet. Where do you transfer money? you need to specify my wallet. bc1q5zfg4saj8sjn20p8stwg723fcmy522mpvlux8r copy my wallet number. and paste in the required field then you click Go To Checkout. you will see the following board. where you need to enter your card. with which you will make a payment! COMPLETE ALL FIELDS. And follow further instructions.... so I can take your money. I need to show your brokerage receipt! so when you make a deal send a copy. and I can raise your money! please do not remain indifferent to my problem. I beg you. help me in any way you can! love you. peace in your home. and prosperity. I beg you. help me this is the question of life! I beg you. |