Der Vorgang 20218

Der erste Kontakt 20218

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Die Transfersumme

1.000.000,00 Pfund (Anzahl: 1)

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Beloved Hello.
I very much welcome your response. May God bless you greatly. I am talking of this donation with my doctor so he knows already that you re the only benefit of my briefcase. I want to say thanks for your availability confirmed. I also commend the eternal because he hath heard my prayer for you.
I have a heavy heart, tears to the eyes as I write.
But sometimes I wonder, Is it absolutely necessary to give a reason? And first, what does give? What is the meaning of the gift? It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. "Those who do not understand what I do, do they? And what do they give? Yes I give you this money.
Beloved, I would not be alone, I would be together in these difficult times, be reassured when I fear, be comforted when I sorrow, be strong, be heard, be accepted for who I am, and feel loved. Truly I tell you thank you, My words can not express my gratitude, because here I lay on my hospital bed I have no strength to do anything more than dreams for myself, more desires.
I do not know how to live with nothing left, only faith and hope for any support.
Day breaks, time passes, and my heart beat less and less, I m afraid of dying, I m really scared, I would hoped that I did not have miscalculated your liver good because before I do you have contacted, I had to please the whole night despite
my health was really bad, praying our God the Most Gracious
he can send me a serious person who can manage my
money and provide more deprived the joy and smiles to live
well. I have therefore chosen with the blessing of God.
I also wish to inform you that legal proceedings have already been established, and I left instructions to the bank so that my suitcase sent to you in a diplomatic assurances, for more security.
So I hope that you will receive MY PHOTOS join.
NB / I leave you the number of the hospital where I am in London.
Please contact my bank today so that my instructions will do as I ordered. The money you receive is a blessing from God for you. I live these last hours in fear, fear of dying without knowing what will happen to my money that I left behind me. It s why I took the initiative to bequeath you my money. Contact the director of the bank of Africa (Guarding Section) in Cotonou, Benin. I gave her instructions that you will come off my property. The money is (one million euros (1,000,000 £ e) is in my black briefcase that I put in my safe-controlled bank. IMPORTANT You will send details on my chest below by e-mail to send to the Director of the bank to confirm that it is beautiful and I who ve envoyé.Vous must also communicate to him an address to send it to you. For this you must complete the text below and sent it to him. So I recommend the discretion and do not disclose this letter to anyone. Be very discreet with regard to your family and friends until you receive money from you because I do not want my lover who continues to run around to get my money right now while I am still alive in my situation come to discover this letter. So be totally discreet around you. By bequeathing the money, I am sure that after my death I will be with God the most merciful and benefactor. Contact the director of my bank Cotonou, Benin in his e-mail address below and made fast to the love of God, and above all do it also said nothing about the actual contents of the briefcase.

C/335 11. Avenue Jean xxx II Street of the three banks,
Address of
........................................ TEXT to send to the bank .... .......................
To Mr. Sheikh n diaye

I come as the recipient of goods Fleurelle Ms. Sanchez Franco-American nationality with a passport No. 05CK16324, resident in the Republic of Benin where she holds a safe guard in your institution, the intelligence secrets of his chest are :

Safe Holder: Mrs Fleurelle SANCHEZ
Trunk number: BM212298
Security Code secret NENIBBI20041
Contained Trunk: Case Black
Contained the case: Although Family
Other Information:
Branch Code: 01011
Trunk date: January 26, 2007 Also I hope you send me tellingly the suitcase through the DHL office in BENIN EXPRESS to my address below.

NAME: ...............................................
NAME :...........................................
ADDRESS :.........................................
COUNTRY :.............................................
PHONE :.....................................
OCCUPATION :...................................
Thank you for your kind understanding.

Respectfully yours