Der Vorgang 20706
Der erste Kontakt 20706
Anzahl der Mails: 12
Mailtext |
I love your country with a rich culture. Tell me please, do you like day or night? I like to live in sweden, have you seen my country ?. xxx enough writing to each other |
Hi xxx :) Thank you for answering me. When I saw your letter, I felt the desire to become your friend. I will try to tell about myself as much as possible. I was offered your profile at a dating agency. Most people get isolated the first time they communicate, but I m not on this list of people. If I like a man, then I try to show all my qualities in life.
Do you mind if I start a story about myself !? :) I am 36 years old, my height is 173 cm, weight is 60 kg. I ve never been married. I have no children. But I love children. if you have children, then this is a great joy. Children are flowers of life! Perhaps you will be interested to know where I live. I travel a lot. I visited many countries. Saudi Arabia, Australia, America, Norway, France, Italy, Spain. I was born in the UK. My mother lives there. my dad passed away a few years ago. and I miss him very much. I am often on the road for work. I am often not at home. But I try to come home about 1-2 times a year. to see mom, and friends. real friends only 1 or 2 in life. everyone else is just acquaintances. this is the truth of life. I want to learn more about you and your life: your interests, what do you do in your free time? What do you like to do on weekends? your hobbies. your job, if any. I am looking only for a serious and long term relationship. I hope you are looking for the same. Unfortunately now I don t have a laptop at hand and that s why I use my cell phone. I m a little sad because I have to finish. I look forward to your letter. I hope I become your friend. I would like to ask you to answer and say that you could receive my letter. Even if you don t want to communicate. Then tell me about it so that I don t continue to build hopes on our friendship. Your Princess Jacqueline P.S. I ask you to mark my email as "favorite". so you can always see right away. what I wrote to you. and so that my emails do not end up in spam. I just did it with your address. and now I will always know if you write me |
I was waiting for your answer
This is Jacqueline from Sweden. do you still remember me? Some time ago I sent you an email. and sent my photos. did you receive? I m asking. because you still haven t answered me. and it s been a long time. please tell me. I want to get to know you better. I am looking for a serious long term relationship only. If you are interested in further acquaintance. please answer me. I will be waiting for your news. Jacqueline |
Hello xxx
Nice to see your letter. I hope that we will have a good dialogue. and in the future there will be a good path for a serious relationship. My real name is Jacqueline. I ask you again to mark my email as "favorite". so that you can always see my letters. and so that my emails do not end up in spam. if you haven t done it yet. do it now please. I want to learn more about you and your life: what are your interests, what do you do in your spare time? What do you like to do on weekends? your hobbies. your work, if any. I m only looking for a serious and long-term relationship. I hope you are looking for the same. In reality, you can see each other and enjoy the presence. I didn t expect you to be interested in me. Thanks for answering. It becomes impossible for me to continue acquaintance on the streets. My job is time consuming. The Internet helps to get to know you. The dating agency suggested your email. I agreed that I am ready to meet you. I was very quickly offered your profile. I am always very busy with my work. I am engaged in the restoration of an unprofitable business: a bar, a restaurant, a company, a firm and much more. I always help people if they need my help. All bars and restaurants, firms and various other areas of business. which I help to unwind. They have become very successful in their field of activity. I travel often. and was able to see many countries. Friends are often offended because I cannot often communicate with them in reality. I hope you are ready for the first time to communicate here and exchange letters on the Internet !? my friends like to use facebook, instagram, whatsapp, viber, skype. But I like to communicate more in reality. I have no social networks. i had problems after using them. so I don t use them again. besides, I don’t have time to sit on social networks. my days are too busy. there are always various negotiations with customers and clients, subordinates, business meetings. hope you understand me. I will try to answer you as often as possible. but if I cannot answer you within 1-2 days. do not lose me. this means. that I don t have time to check my mail. and I will answer you a little later. I hope you will not be offended. as I said, I was born in the United Kingdom. I have a younger cousin. My birthday is October 8, 1985. I am 36. I had a very good training. I have studied several foreign languages ​​(English, German, Italian). But it is more convenient and easier for me to communicate in English. I currently live in Gethenburg, Sweden. I m here for work, temporarily. I am doing a project here. It is very beautiful and picturesque here. My work often sends me to different countries. I am using a dating agency. I was offered to answer your profile. I agreed and I hope to receive your reciprocity. For a start, you and I can become friends, I hope you don t mind. I don’t want to guess. but I think about how we become much closer than friends. I really love the gym, swimming, sex, golf, racing, tennis, travel. I am a sports girl. when I say I love sex. I mean I love it. as for absolutely any normal woman. sex is not my hobby. this is not my sport. I am looking for only a serious relationship with you. I am a normal, healthy beautiful girl. and I need a good serious long term relationship. not just sex. do you understand me my friend? If we want to meet, then this is not a problem. I have the opportunity to visit various countries, both as a tourist and for work. I love listening to music. I like almost all styles of music except rap. it always depends on my mood, what kind of music I want to listen to. Sometimes I go to the cinema. Will you keep me company in the future? I respect any kind of work and can do a lot on my own. I like to dance :-) I wanted to know more about you and your character, your life. Will you tell me about it? I think that you are a sociable and romantic man ... Did I guess right? :-) Now I m finishing up and waiting for an answer. I would like to continue our acquaintance. Have a good day! Regards Jacqueline |
Guten Tag xxx! Ich hatte schwierige Tage. und musste daher die Antwort verzögern. Ich kommuniziere oft und oft mit Kunden über das Internet. Also beschloss ich, das Internet für Dating auszuprobieren. Ich habe wenig Erfahrung in der Kommunikation auf Dating-Sites. Ich bin ein alleinstehendes Mädchen und deshalb habe ich bezahlt. Dann schickten sie mir Ihre E-Mail und sagten, dass ich Sie kennenlernen kann. also fingen wir an zu reden. Leider weiß ich den Namen dieser Partnervermittlung nicht mehr.
Ich möchte Sie gleich fragen. damit du mich niemals nackt oder nackt oder irgendwelche obszönen Fotos fragst. weil ich es nie tun werde. Ich habe eine gute Erziehung meiner Eltern, für mich ist ein solches Verhalten nicht akzeptabel. Ich bin nicht diese Art von Mädchen. Ich bin anständig und ehrlich. Wenn Sie danach fragen, wird unsere Beziehung beendet sein. Ich hoffe du verstehst mich richtig mein lieber Freund. Ich möchte mich entschuldigen, dass ich gerade nicht telefonieren kann. Ich verspreche, ich werde versuchen, in Zukunft Zeit zu finden. wenn wir uns besser kennenlernen. Ich verbringe viel Zeit damit, mit Kunden zu verhandeln. und ich werde sehr müde davon. Ich liebe Tiere: Katzen, Hunde, Pferde. Ich entspanne mich gerne auf der Couch und schaue mir einen Film an. Ich will einen Mann neben mir. Vielleicht kannst du mich in Zukunft umarmen. ICH BIN Ich vermisse und brauche die Umarmungen eines Mannes. Jetzt schaue ich mir lieber sinnvolle Filme an. Ich weiß nicht wie es euch geht, aber solche Filme schaue ich mir gerne mehrmals an. Gefällt dir der Film: "1 + 1 (eins plus eins)"? Interstellar? Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten? Regenmann? Sag mir, was du dir gerne ansiehst. Träumen Sie davon, mit Ihrer Freundin Filme zu schauen, wo Sie sich küssen und umarmen können? Ich habe Skype kürzlich registriert, konnte aber die Treiber nicht einrichten. und deshalb habe ich kein ton und bild. Ich bin nicht sehr gut mit Computern. Ich vermisse männliche Umarmungen. Ich möchte jeden Abend neben meinem geliebten Mann sein, damit wir die Wärme des anderen genießen können. Ich bin bereits 36 Jahre alt. und ich möchte die meiste Zeit meines Lebens mit dem Mann verbringen, den ich liebe. Ich konnte mir mein Leben finanziell aufbauen. Daher kann ich mich mit allem Notwendigen versorgen. Ich brauche herzliche Umarmungen. und ich möchte dein Freund sein. Ich versuche, Zeit für Entspannung zu finden und tanze gerne Rock n Roll, Walzer und Tango. Ich möchte auch die Grundlagen von Rumba und Samba lernen. Wenn es Ihnen nichts ausmacht, möchte ich, dass Sie in Zukunft mein Partner sind. Ich werde dein Lehrer sein. Wie gefällt Ihnen mein Angebot? Ich koche gerne leckeres Essen. Aber ich muss oft in einem Restaurant zu Mittag und zu Abend essen. Ich vermisse es, zu Hause zu sein. Ich werde versuchen, meine Fotos mit jedem Brief zu schicken und hoffe auf Gegenseitigkeit. Der ideale Mann sollte zu Frauen wie Göttinnen sprechen und sie wie Kinder behandeln. Ich wollte fragen, ob Sie das haben ideale Frau? Im Moment habe ich schon lange keine intime Beziehung mehr zu einem Mann. Ich vermisse intime Liebkosungen. Ich denke, es reicht zum Träumen. Lernen wir uns weiter kennen. Ich werde sehr bald auf Ihren nächsten Brief warten. Es ist einfach, mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren. und ich mag es wirklich. Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute. Pass auf dich auf. Jaqueline Ich schicke Ihnen ein Foto von meinem Hund. Leider wurde der Hund kürzlich von den Rädern eines Lastwagens überfahren. und der Welpe starb. Ich bin immer noch traurig darüber. und ich vermisse es wirklich. Ich habe diesen Welpen sehr geliebt. jetzt habe ich nur noch ein foto von dem welpen(( |
where are you my dear? why don t you answer me? I am looking forward to your letter very much. and bored. please answer me soon. your Jacqueline |
Good day my darling
I wish you happy Easter! how are you my dear? I hope you receive this letter in a good mood. why don t you answer me for so long? what s happening? I lost you. you stopped writing to me. please answer me soon. I hope you re all right. I ll be waiting for your letter. Jacqueline |
I was waiting for your answer
I do not understand what is going on. why don t you answer me again? you disappeared again. and stopped writing to me. you didn t answer my last letter. where are you? I miss you. I don t know where you are or what happened. But I beg you. answer me. and tell me what s going on. and how are you. are you all right? kiss! I will be waiting for your answer. Your Jacqueline |
Good day my darling
I do not understand what is going on. why did you stop answering me again? you did not answer my last letter. and disappeared again. I miss. I am waiting for your answer every day. but you don t write to me. and I m interested to know the reason. every time I have to write to you. and remind you to answer me. you don t answer me on your own. and I don t know why it happens. please answer me soon. and let me know what happened again. Jacqueline |
Hello my darling
I again I don t get an answer from you for a long time. and again I don t know the reason for your silence. I want to understand you. How can you do this to a woman? you write me. and suddenly, you disappear, suddenly you stop writing and answering me. and I do not know why. so I have a logical question. are you taking me seriously? Am I really important to you? do you need me at all? if your answer is no. then I can understand your silence. But if your answer is yes, you need me. then I don t understand you. you keep disappearing. you do not answer my letters. I don t know, maybe my letter got into your spam. and you never check your spam. I do not know what to think. I want only serious and long-term relationships. please answer me. and explain what s going on. And why did you stop answering me again. your Jacqueline |
Hi my darling friend
I don t quite understand what s going on. and why I again do not receive an answer from you for a long time. I don t understand why you keep disappearing. And why do you always stop answering me? you write me one message. I am sending you an answer. but after that you don t answer me anymore. I want to know what s going on. and why are you ignoring me. I really miss. your Jacqueline |
Good day
where did you disappear to? what s happening? I wrote you a lot of letters. why are you ignoring me and my letters? I do not know what to think. are you all right? How is your health? how are you doing? why did you stop answering me. I miss you very much. I m starting to get nervous and worried about you. please. answer me soon. and explain what is going on. I send you kisses! your Jacqueline |