Der Vorgang 20898

Der erste Kontakt 20898

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hey! No matter how trite it sounds, but let s get acquainted. My name is Polina. Was it nice to know your name too? If you do not mind). I m only 37 years old, but maybe I look younger. How old are you? But I want to warn you right away. My outlook on life is serious. I decided that maybe I can find my destiny here. It is important for me to start a family in the future. I m not interested in meeting for one evening. Would you meet me? I live in Russia. I have never been abroad. Have you ever been to Russia? By the way. Where are you from? Where do you live? If you do not want to answer me, of course it will be a shame, but if you are ready to communicate with me, then I will not mind it. I sent you my photos and would like to see yours too. Polina.