Der Vorgang 20935

Der erste Kontakt 20935

Anzahl der Mails: 8

Die Transfersumme,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 2)

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From The desk of Dr.Qazi Zahid Raza.
Syrian Petroleum Company
xxxar Province Expransion Square ,
Island 19- Building 32
P.O.BOX 2849 or 3378
Middle East, Damascus
Dear Friend,
A very good day to you. We have an immediate business proposal that involves US $500,000,000.00 Million Dollars which we will like to invest under your custody. Once I receive a message from you notifying me of your interest, the details of the transaction/the terms and condition of sharing regarding the business would then be brought to your knowledge.
Your urgent response will be highly appreciated and will swiftly bring us to the commencement of the transaction. We hope to conclude. This transaction within 10-14 working days do not forget to contact me on the receipt of this e-mail address. And please you have to maintain absolute confidentiality as regards this pending transaction.
You have to send me your full details as stated below.
FULL NAME:.................................................
FULL ADDRESS:............................................
DATE OF BIRTH:...........................................
TELEPHONE OR MOBILE:..............................

I urgently await your response.
Best Regards,
Dr.Qazi Zahid Raza.

This is not SPAM. You have received this email because you know IT LOOKS SAFE
Make a label for your inbox AND MARK IT AS NOT SPAM This IS NOT PHISHING
WHY will you send this to me.

I understand your reasoning. Still it does not explain why you should suspect me of a scam when I have not even asked you for money. I am sure you realise it is standard procedure to request for identification prior to releasing money to anyone? Even the high street banks do this. I cannot bend such rules unfortunately. If you are not comfortable with doing that for fear I might use your identity inappropriately, then I cannot help you with this matter.

Please save your breadth, I have seen or heard about numerous scam listings on the internet that I don t even know which is true anymore. If you pay too much attention to such information in our world today, you cannot achieve anything. The fact that some individuals latch onto a website and use it for scam activities does not mean every person on such sites who have emails there is actually also a scammer, which is why I find your silent accusation or finger-pointing a bit premature. You ought to have waited for me to ask you for money before jumping to such conclusions, or how else would I qualify as a scammer.....just for asking you for identification???!!! investment that will favor you

Like I said, I do not have to do this. If you are not comfortable with this, then by all means advice your self that you do not want the money. I will do same. Have a nice day!

Dr.Amin I. Al-Olofi.
Dear xxxxxx,

I would like to thank you very much for your prompt response to my request in having these funds secured in your possession, and for viable investments. Your reply has given me much confidence and trust that you are capable of handling the confidentiality as stated, as well as receiving the funds. Before I brief you on the nature of the pending project at hand. I would like to bring to your notice that due to the present political situation in my country, my family is under surveillance. Therefore, I will be most obliged for both of us to have at the bottom of our heart that confidentiality comes before anything in this pending project. In a nutshell, confidentiality should be our watch word.

Since the civil war in Syria, President Assad Regime dictatorship government of my country have maintained a steady policy of clamp-down on fortune and our legacy that is the reason why we want to invest this money with somebody neutral I have also discussed your response with My colleague and I have assured him of my belief in your ability ,and that we can count on your total support once you have a clearer picture of the procedure.
In this wise, we shall do a proper officialization of all related paperwork according to the laws of my country and your country. Thus, the true nature of this transaction as an organized affair will forever remain in ours (you & I) exclusive knowledge. However, the pertinent question I would like to ask is; assuming we intend to invest the money in your economy, how exactly or in what area of the economy would you advise us to invest? How much knowledge of the economy do you have that will yield maximum profit to our investments and allow the money to be spread overtime in different areas of the economy? Actually, the issue of investing these funds will be left entirely to your discretion once it is demonstrated that you are capable of taking independent decisions, but of course, based on our approval. I expect to receive your opinion on the issue of investing in your economy. Our perfect modalities to ensure a 100% risk free transaction are as follows .

////////Send me your valid identification ( international passport )as a guarantee that the money will be safe with you and at the same time as collateral considering the huge amount of money we intend to leave in your care for further investments. Scan & send identification via email , I will also send you my identification in the spirit of partnership. After I receive your identification, I will promptly forward your personal draft of the power of attorney meaning execute a Power of Attorney for change of ownership/re-assignment of credit of the funds US$500,000,000.00 Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ) to your name. Our perfect modalities to ensure a 100% risk free transaction are as follows .

////////Send me your valid identification ( international passport )as a guarantee that the money will be safe with you and at the same time as collateral considering the huge amount of money we intend to leave in your care for further investments. Scan & send identification via email , I will also send you my identification in the spirit of partnership. After I receive your identification, I will promptly forward your personal draft of the power of attorney meaning execute a Power of Attorney for change of ownership/re-assignment of credit of the funds US$500,000,000.00 Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ) to your name. Our perfect modalities to ensure a 100% risk free transaction are as follows .

////////Send me your valid identification ( international passport )as a guarantee that the money will be safe with you and at the same time as collateral considering the huge amount of money we intend to leave in your care for further investments. Scan & send identification via email , I will also send you my identification in the spirit of partnership. After I receive your identification, I will promptly forward your personal draft of the power of attorney meaning execute a Power of Attorney for change of ownership/re-assignment of credit of the funds US$500,000,000.00 Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ) to your name.

////////Send me your valid identification ( international passport )as a guarantee that the money will be safe with you and at the same time as collateral considering the huge amount of money we intend to leave in your care for further investments. Scan & send identification via email , I will also send you my identification in the spirit of partnership. After I receive your identification, I will promptly forward your personal draft of the power of attorney meaning execute a Power of Attorney for change of ownership/re-assignment of credit of the funds US$500,000,000.00 Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ) to your name.

////////Send me your valid identification ( international passport )as a guarantee that the money will be safe with you and at the same time as collateral considering the huge amount of money we intend to leave in your care for further investments. Scan & send identification via email , I will also send you my identification in the spirit of partnership. After I receive your identification, I will promptly forward your personal draft of the power of attorney meaning execute a Power of Attorney for change of ownership/re-assignment of credit of the funds US$500,000,000.00 Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ) to your name.

I will also send you my identification in the spirit of partnership. After I receive your identification, I will promptly forward your personal draft of the power of attorney meaning execute a Power of Attorney for change of ownership/re-assignment of credit of the funds US$500,000,000.00 Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ) to your name.I will also send you my identification in the spirit of partnership. After I receive your identification, I will promptly forward your personal draft of the power of attorney meaning execute a Power of Attorney for change of ownership/re-assignment of credit of the funds US$500,000,000.00 Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ) to your name.I will promptly forward your personal draft of the power of attorney meaning execute a Power of Attorney for change of ownership/re-assignment of credit of the funds US$500,000,000.00 Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ) to your name.

I have to perfect all conditionalities that will lead to the release of the funds in your favor in any manner of Payment you may desire ie Cash in transit, bank to bank wire transfer. When we get to this point in the transaction, I will guide you effectively. From the date of receipt of the above requirement, our projected time to successfully conclude this matter will not exceed ten (10) working days. This is our guarantee. I reckon we shall communicate by email till I deem it is secure to contact you by telephonic method. I am aware our country s entire International Direct Dialing network is bugged.

Thanks for your support
I await your prompt response.
Dr.Qazi Zahid Raza .
Dear xxx xxx ,

I received your email and I wish to thank you immensely for your kind interest to co-operate with me on this transaction and your willingness and support to assist me in this transaction. In furtherance to your response in which you indicated your positive disposition towards cooperating with us, I hereby convey the approvals of My colleagues that I continue discussion with you on this mutually beneficial project.

Actually this transaction is real, and one hundred percent risk free and does not relate to any breach of law or proceed from drugs. The funds will be released legally and necessary precautions have been taken to safe-guide the intended beneficiary and us by following all the regulations of the Government with regards to foreign payment.

It is a matter of necessity to contact you for this transaction without further investigation about your person. I hope you wouldn t betray me. We have decided to seek a confidential operation with you in the execution of the deal described hereunder for the benefit of all parties. Since the civil war in Syria President Assad Regime dictatorship governments of my country have maintained a steady policy of clamp-down on fortune and his legacy that is the reason why we want to invest this money with somebody neutral.. Due to the sensitivity of our position in Syria , I do not want to be directly involved but you will be directed accordingly. And I strictly advise that the transaction be kept between us only to avoid jeopardizing it.

As for Trust, it is a given thing that trust is earned, it is not given out lightly; however, because I need a foreigner in this transaction, I must give you my trust; it is worth 30% of this money. I believe that this will keep you from refusing to give my own share of the money if the transaction is completed.

All you need to do is just to I will promptly forward your personal details for the draft of power of attorney meaning execute a Power of Attorney for change of ownership/re-assignment of credit of the funds (US$500,000,000.00 Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ) to your name. Upon receipt of these details, I shall immediately begin the processes of documentation. Upon preparation of these documents and approvals from the Bank, the money will be transferred to your nominated account bit bit. On completion of this transaction, you will be required to hold this fund in your account until I come over to your country for the sharing of the money. The funds when released will be invested in your country over a period of time with your assistance.

We are desirous of you assisting us completely in securing hospitality properties like hotels, motels or resorts in country. Since we are going to leave the acquisition of the estate in your care, total disclosure and honesty is required from you to further cement our relationship.
Dr.Qazi Zahid Raza.

NB PLEASE NOT THAT Dr. Amin I. Al-Olofic is my partner on this transaction.
Thank you for your response to my proposal. Please understand that information. You are expected to form one of the fundamental structures of this transaction as the information would be used to process the transfer of the funds to your nominated account from the payment bank.

1. Full Name..................................................................................................
2. Your Telephone Number ...................................................................................................................
3. Your Contact Address.......................................................................................................
4. Age............................................................
5. Occupation.......................................................................

Please, send me an email to indicate your details are correct to enable me to unveil the procedure to you. take note to finalize this transaction you will have to travel to sign for the release of the funds to your account.
I await your prompt response.
Dr.Qazi Zahid Raza
Hello xxx,
Please, The funds will be shipped to your country next week, Please let me
know if you are will ready to receive this payment of $500,000,000.00


Op wo 26 jan 2022 om 22:13 schreef xxx Rumland :


Thank you for your email.

To enable us proceed further, I will be grateful if you can oblige me the
following information;

• Your organization Ownership structure/profile.

• Your organization trade performance for year ending 2023.

• Your organization trade forecast for the year 2024

• Value of current assets and liabilities

• Would your organization require a major cash injection? If yes, please
state purpose and value of cash injection and the full amount of funds
needed required.

Upon receipt of the above requested information, my team and I should be in
a better position to secede on the viability of forming a strategic
partnership with your organization.

Do also send us your comprehensive business proposal

Thank You.

Op zo 12 mei 2024 om 00:22 schreef xxx Rumland :