Der Vorgang 20938

Der erste Kontakt 20938

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Die Telefonnummern


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My warm greetings to you and to all of your family and friends. Hope you are having a great day and that it is not too boring. Here too, and this is the place and the opportunity to thank you once again for the attachment and availability you have shown to me. It is clear that this takes time and this is precisely what is rare these days, given our various personal concerns. So you really have to count as a person to deserve their time and I appreciate very much to notice that I am important to you. In all truth, I really liked your place and in such a short time your sense of courtesy and correspondence, which is moreover the reason why I would like to continue to maintain this correspondence while hoping of course that the destiny will give us the chance to meet in the near future.

As notified in my previous post about my mission in the United States, I have finally made it to Philadelphia since last night and will take up duty next Monday. The process of the trip took me a long time, which is why I was a bit late in responding to you. If not for my part know that I will be very happy to receive you in Canada to show you around the country or at best to help you find a job and come and settle here permanently if you are interested of course. I am making this proposal to you in view of the recruitment project that our company has launched in alliance with the United Nations Organization for Immigration and the Promotion of Employment in the World. This is an international recruitment, open to the general public and in which I also invite you to take part in order to try your luck. This will of course allow you, in case of eligibility, to join Canada for a 05-year employment contract and will also be a great opportunity for us to meet.

I would also like to tell you that you can reach me on the phone while taking into account the time difference in order to be sure that I do not miss me, as there must be a considerable time difference between our two countries. For now, I will stop here while inviting you to find attached some photos from my previous trips to Africa. I was first going to Egypt and then to South Africa and all of these trips were in the context of making a documentary on the consequences of global warming for the TV channel "AMI TV Canada" where I worked before. You will also find attached, the document bearing information notice on the current recruitment project with the available job offers, download it and read it carefully in order to tell me then if it really interests you. Thank you once again for all the attention and so much to your family from me. I leave you with that, while remaining in the expectation of rereading you as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention and above all, be well and see you very soon my dear Nancy.

Affectionately I, your dear friend and correspondent,

Anne-Marie anita
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Immigration Consultant at ISA Global Services

Tel and Wahtsapp: +1 (609-380-9988)