Der Vorgang 21035

Der erste Kontakt 21035

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Die Transfersumme

13.500.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 1)

Die Telefonnummern


Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Dear Friend

My Name is Mr.Mohamed Touma Ansari I am a banker by profession. I hail from
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, West Africa. My reason for contacting you is to
transfer an abandoned $13, 500, 000.00 to your account.

The owner of this fund died in 1997 with his Next Of Kin. I want to
present you to the bank as the Next of Kin/beneficiary of this fund.

Further details of the transaction shall be forwarded to you as soon as I
receive your return mail indicating your interest.

Mr.Mohamed Touma Ansari
Dear Friend

Thanks a lot for your kind reply, Go through the breakdown of this detail carefully to enable you to understand the full nature of this transaction and why I contacted you, so we can proceed immediately.

I deem it necessary to utilize this opportunity of the present unclaimed sum of money, in the account sent in conjunction with the first proposal I sent to you, to help myself and my family after my retirement and help also the less privileges, through the investment I will establish in your country with my percentage in the transaction under your kind control.

The percentage is subject to review depending on your commitment to help me with full devotion. I am also ready to do charity work with part of the fund after we have succeeded.

Based on this, I will advise you to feel free, all is well. I studied this transaction very well before contacting you for assistance. Well, having served this bank for so many years now and nearing my retirement, there is no doubt about your eligibility as the legal next of kin to our deceased customer and owner of the account number NBOA 4934109, with the following reasons:

(a)Before the death of our deceased customer, his true next of kin was not indicated to the board of directors of the bank, because of the top secrecy and confidentiality of the transactions, which our late customer transacted with the various governments in West Africa.

(b) Owing to his failure to indicate his next of kin to the officials of the bank, it is therefore impossible for the board of directors of the bank to verify the next of kin as well as the true inheritor of the fund.

(c)And for the above reasons, the management of the bank authorized me officially as the executive manager, bill and exchange department of the bank to verify the next of kin to our deceased customer. Therefore, the bank will always abide by my official directions through the official authorization best-tow on me. Hence I contact you for the deal

And for these reasons you have nothing to fear as your interest and identity will be legally protected. So I would like to use this opportunity to tell you the detailed information concerning our deceased customer.

The deceased account holder with our bank Mr. Park Seoungjae, from Korea, which has an plane crash in Guam on Wednesday August 6, 1997 Time Web posted at: 2:38 a.m. EDT (0638 GMT)

National who naturalized here in Burkina Faso for (16) years, He held account number NBOA4934109, routing no: 91002211 with our bank. This account has been dormant and nobody has applied to our bank for the release of this money to him or her as the next of kin.

As the Bills and Exchange Manager of this bank, I have studied this transaction very carefully, and I have noted that there are no risks involved. I am here to protect all your interests in this transaction until this money hits your account in your country. Since I am here, I shall be giving you all the developmental information from our bank as soon as this transaction commences.

I know that you will not betray me when this money enters into your account in your country. I have all my hopes in this transaction because I shall soon go on retirement. I am a simple banker whose credibility is still intact and with my maturity and understanding, I promise to give you the best co-operation.

We must hurry up with this transaction so that our bank and the government shall not claim and inherit this money because it has over-stayed.

My mobile number for easy communication is +226 78 71 33 54,

I await your urgent reply to guide you on the next step.

Best regards.

Mr. Mohamed Touma Ansari
Greetings dear Friend.

How are you today my friend, I have been waiting for your reply in line with the details I sent to you so that we can proceed, I am unable to receive your mail till now. What is the matter?

There is no point to waste time at all; this business that I proposed to you is my financial benefit and yours too,

Also, you should know that business is either be accepted or decline it’s not compulsory, if you are not capable to transact with me in other to achieve this claim, do not spoil my entire efforts by keeping me waiting, it is better you come out openly and tell me that you’re not interested anymore to enable me to look for someone else who will help me to achieve this claim than delaying my time with you,

The time frame is the best time to do the transaction because after the long years of absence, the bank has decided to transfer the fund to the treasury if unclaimed at the end of the fiscal year which will elapse in 2021 that is why everything has to be done speedily if you wish that we make a success in this transaction.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Mr.Mohamed Touma Ansari