Der Vorgang 21120

Der erste Kontakt 21120

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Es wurden insgesamt -- 1 -- Datensätze gefunden.
I d love to get acquainted with you. I found your e-mail address through a dating service. I m convinced that u find attractive my photos. At first I d like to tell some facts about myself. My 1st name is Tatyana. At this time I m 40 years old. My star sign is Cancer. I ve never been married and I have no kids. I live in France. But my native place is the Russian Federation. I ll be so glad to glance at your photographs. I m sure that you ll be over the moon to become companion. I am convinced that u ll try to find time to get acquainted with each other a little bit more. I will look ahead to a response sincerely from u.