Der Vorgang 21260

Der erste Kontakt 21260

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

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Hello it is Irina. Please don t be surprised that I m writing from another email address( I ran into not properly understood technical problems with my computer on work. It was necessary to call for computer repairer. Fortunately I didn t lost my data but lost access to my email address ( I created new one and I ll write from this one only. I ve been trying so send you my letters for these days but there is no answer from you.
I thought that there is no reason for so immediate termination of our corespondence, that s why I thought maybe it s better to write you from another email address. Hope that now my letter will reach you and you ll reply.
I m writing this letter with great hope and great inspiration at the same time.
I ll keep this letter short because I want to receive your answer as soon as possible so hereto I will end my letter. Hope to see your reply very soon after what we can continue our correspondence.

Your favourite Irina...