Der Vorgang 21389

Der erste Kontakt 21389

Anzahl der Mails: 5

Es wurden insgesamt -- 5 -- Datensätze gefunden.
How are you doing? What are you doing?
This was written to you by a single, unmarried woman, and I have no children. My name is Liubov.
I see a lot of couples in love.
And I also wanted to find my love. Are you looking for a serious relationship too?
If you are interested in getting to know each other better, please answer me.
I will answer your letter, tell you more about myself and send you my photos.
I will wait for your reply!
Hello xxx!!!
Please send me your photo. I am pleased to get the letter from You. I
to want to hear You more and I hope that find the good friend. My name
is Liubov to me 35 years. I much want to find the good friend hope,
the satellite during life You understand me and we can correspond with
you? I should like to report small about itself, this for me for the
first time I never got acquainted through Internet but I think do the
exception for itself. I have finished university, I doctor (the
surgeon medicine) work in clinic of 4 years. As my salary small,
sometimes I sit in stock exchange Binance. I much love the nature. I
live one in house in which there is 2 rooms, I have a cat by name
Fluffy. I have much friends. I much love to spend its free time with
them. I very pleased that I have a good friends... I think that
friends very important for each person. write me little about itself
as You, conduct its free time that You love. I wait anxiously your

Your friend Liubov!
Hello xxx! I answered your letter yesterday. I told a little
about myself and sent two photos. Did you get this letter? please
check the spam folder. Maybe my letter got there. I also found your
letter in the spam folder. I will wait for your answer. Have a nice
day! Liubov.
Hello my dear xxx! How are you? How is your health? I hope
you re doing well and you just forgot to write me. Today is Saturday
and I will rest. I work on Saturday part time. Now I have already
finished my work and I am writing you my letter. I have a lot to do at
home. I need to cook food and clean the house. I also need to clear
snow near the house and on the roof of the barn. How do you spend your
weekends? Please write to me when you can. I ll be waiting for your
letter on Monday. I have to go now. Have a nice weekend. Liubov.
Hello xxx! You haven t answered me for over a week. If you
don t want to continue communicating, then say so. Don t sit there
like a coward and ignore it. Be a man and don t keep me waiting for
you. Also check your spam folder. Maybe my letters are there. I found
your letter in the spam folder. Anyway, I m waiting for an answer!