Der Vorgang 21425

Der erste Kontakt 21425

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hi again xxx!!

I m so happy to hear back from you again! So I did
everything correct and you ve got my letter. I glad that you
got my letter and also interested in same as me! I would say
I m so excited!! In a good meaning of the word!

Probably it s better if I also write you some more about
myself. I should apologize as I m not a good writer in spite
I like to talk much. I m 31 years old. My birthday is at 14
of February. Hope that s alright for you in spite on our
difference. I m not too tall, just 1.64m and in the same
time pretty slim as my weight is about 50 kilos.

I work as a hair stylist at the beauty salon (the girls
heaven as many would say...before watching how much we get
paid of course). I don t smoke or drink. Among my habits
sports has a special place. I used to it and try not to miss
as it helps as to stay in shape and also in a good health.
Sometimes I even watch big sports events like Olympic games
or football or ice-hokey World Cups. I like movies and
different scientific TV programs, adventure programs.

I need to tell I m from the eastern part of Ukraine living
in the city called Sverdlovsk. Hope not scared you with as
it s name and the fact it s in the war zone. I should say
I ve never travelled myself anywhere abroad before (only
around my own country) including to Germany. I would love to
visit it and hope I ll have a chance to do it rather sooner
than later.

I hope you are not bored of me:-) I ll be waiting for your
reply then:-)
