Der Vorgang 21516

Der erste Kontakt 21516

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
I am actually called Erika, right now i am 31 years of age. I enjoy
traveling outdoors & doing plenty of activities. I must run into my
true love in my very own daily life. The main aspect for me is
unquestionably true love and common understanding. I viewed your
profile, and definitely think you happen to be very interesting,
therefore I‘d like to analyze you a lot more & learn more information
with respect to exactly who you are. I Hope, I caught your awareness
as well. Want to find a message from you soon:)
Hello! I wrote you a letter a few days ago. Why didn t you answer my
letter? Due to the fact that I was from Russia? In Russia a lot of
good people, and I will prove it to you in our communication !!! I m a
good girl, and I want to continue our dialogue. Perhaps my letter fell
into the spam box, and you could not read it. I think that you are
very good people with whom you can not just talk but also to build a
family. But you do not write me for several days and it seems to me
that you simply forgot or I just do not want to talk with me. If you
do not want all the same talk you can write me and tell me that you do
not want me to write and I m not in your taste. that I have not been
waiting for a letter from you every day. I hope we get to know each
other and our communication can grow into something more. I hope you
will write me. I will wait for your letter. Your sincerely, Erika