Der Vorgang 21921

Der erste Kontakt 21921

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hey. My name is Yevgeniya. Do you mind meeting? I m 29 y.o., I live in Kazakhstan. I am a purposeful girl. I m not looking for empty correspondence or anything like that. If you are 35 or more, it will be cool to meet you. I m sending my pic. I hope you will answer soon.
Hi! how are you?? My name is Yevgeniya. I live in Kazakhstan, I hope this is not a problem for you. I am 29 years old, and I want to meet a mature man who clearly knows what he wants in life. I m not interested in empty correspondence or anything like that. If you are 33 years old or older and you are an interesting conversationalist. I will be looking forward to your reply with a photo. I m sending you my picture. Have a nice day! bye!