Der Vorgang 22062

Der erste Kontakt 22062

Anzahl der Mails: 12

Es wurden insgesamt -- 12 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hey my

Where are You from? I hope you are free to commendable chat!

What s your age?
What is your given name?

Im universal female staying in Ukraine:-)

at present I m seeking sweet male, I am going to reply to You my photo. email box for response;)
Hello again,

I think, I should tell you more about myself and my appearance.
Okay, I was born on 19 october 1984, under the sign of libra..
I`ll be 38 years old.

I`m of average height, 5.4 tall (167 sm), this is probably why I love heels,
and I cannot say that I am very thin. Because my weight is about, 123 pounds. (55kg),
In addition, I believe that I have a beautiful figure.
By the way, what do you think of my figure?

My natural hair color is brown.
And I`ve always loved long hair. Do you like long hair?
Yes and more, I have hazel eyes.
What do you like more about me, my eyes) or something else?

I have never smoked and don`t use drugs. I am calm about alcohol, as I use it extremely rarely.
Only for special events, holidays. I give preference to white sparkling wine.
My favourite color is pink. I don`t have piercings, but there is a small tattoo on my leg,
made in my youth, which I plan to get rid of.

As for my appearance, I don`t consider myself either ugly or exceptionally beautiful.
In my opinion, I look quite normal. Although my friends often tell me that I am a very attractive girl.
Of course, beauty is a relative concept. But overall, I am very happy with my appearance.
How do you think I`m cute to you?

I`m xxx and I believe in Gob, but unfortunately I don`t visit church as often as i wanted to.
I want to become well-educated person and I plan to develop myself.

You should also know that, I`m a very devoted woman who doesn`t cheat or play games in life. I`ve a large heart ready for faithful love.
Hence, I don`t belive in divorce so the marriage will be for all my life and I`ll be faithful to my partner.
Anyway, I`m a very family orientated and I`d like to create a family with the right man.
May be it will be you? Lets keep in touch and find out. Enough about me for now.

By the way, I forgot to tell you that I found your letter in the spam folder.
I don`t know why it was in my spam folder, but I`m glad I saw it.
Therefore, I ask you to also check your spam folder.

I decided to attach three of my photos to you.
How we rode bicycles with Rita in the park. I hope you enjoy them.

Anyway, tell me more of yourself. And don`t forget to send me your photos.
I`ll be impatiently waiting for your letter. ;-)

Have a nice day.

Most best wishes, yours Svitlana.
Hi,it`s Svitlana. How was your day at all?
Sorry for the long wait. Helped my mom with groceries.
I`am very happy to speak with you:)

First of all, I want to say that,
I`ve never had an experience in correspondence with a man.
So I am speaking from my heart and I`am honest with you that
I am really looking for my second half and soul mate.

Ok, now i want to introduce myself.
Svitlana - it`s my real name. Nice meeting you:-)) I`m 37 years old.
I`m divorced, and I have a daughter, she is 5 years old.
We live with our daughter in a separate apartment.
I`am working as the Dentist and I`m a workaholic.
This is probably why I`m alone now.

Besides, i like to do different kinds of sport,
aerobics, a ride on the bicycle, running and swimming.
I visit the gym 2 times a week. (Every tuesday and thursday)
You do sports in your life now?
Besides, tell me about, your interests or hobby??
Tell me where you were born, and where do you live now?
And tell me your real name?

I have sent you my photos. Made last year, in a summer cafe.
I hope you`ll like it:-)

I`ll talk about everything else later.
Now I`ll be waiting for your letter and your pictures;-))
What are you doing this weekend?

Have a nice holiday.

Yours faithfully, Svitlana.
Hello,it`s Svitlana. How was your day at all?
I`m sorry for the late reply. Helped my mom with cooking dinner.
I`am happy to your message:)

First of all, I want to say that,
I`ve never had an experience in correspondence with a man.
So I`am speaking from my heart and I`m honest with you that
I`m really looking for my second half and soul mate.

Ok, now i want to introduce myself.
Svitlana - it`s my real name. Nice meeting you:-) I`m 37 years old.
I`m divorced, and I have a daughter, she is 5 years old.
We live with our daughter in a separate apartment.
I am working as the Dentist and I`m a workaholic.
This is probably why I`m alone now.

Besides, i like to do different kinds of sport,
aerobics, a ride on the bicycle, running and swimming.
I visit the gym 2 times a week. (Every tuesday and thursday)
You do sports in your life now?
Besides, tell me about, your interests or hobby??
Tell me where you were born, and where do you live now?
And tell me your real name?

I have sent you my photos. Made last year, in a summer cafe.
I hope you`ll like it;)

I`ll talk about everything else later.
Now I`ll be waiting for your letter and your pictures))
What are you doing this weekend?

Have a nice vacation!

Cordially yours, Svitlana.
Hi,it`s Svitlana. How`s it going?
I couldn`t reply earlier. Helped my grandmother with groceries.
Thank I`m very glad to see letter;-))

First of all, I want to say that,
I`ve never had an experience in correspondence with a man.
So I am speaking from my heart and I`am honest with you that
I`am really looking for my second half and soul mate.

Ok, now i want to introduce myself.
Svitlana - it`s my real name. Nice meeting you;-)) I am 37 years old.
I`m divorced, and I have a daughter, she is 5 years old.
We live with our daughter in a separate apartment.
I`am working as the Dentist and I`m a workaholic.
This is probably why I`m alone now.

Besides, i like to do different kinds of sport,
aerobics, a ride on the bicycle, running and swimming.
I visit the gym 2 times a week. (Every tuesday and thursday)
You do sports in your life now?
Besides, tell me about, your interests or hobby??
Tell me where you were born, and where do you live now?
And what is your real name?

I have sent you my photos. Made last year, in a summer cafe.
I hope you`ll like it:)

I`ll talk about everything else later.
Now I`ll be waiting for your letter and your pictures:))
What are you doing this weekend?

Have a wonderful weekend.

Best regards, Svitlana.
Helloit`s Svitlana.
How are u getting on???
Write to me, with you everything is all right?? I already worry,
I`ll be waiting for your reply, my darling.

Have a Nice day.

Respectfully yours, Svitlana

P/S What s your real name?
Helloit`s Svitlana.
How`ve u been???
With you that that happens.
I`m looking forward to it letter

Have a happy time.

Kind regards, Svitlana

P/S What s your real name?
Helloit`s Svitlana.
How`s do you do?
Why are u so quiet, don`t you want to talk to me anymore?? Write to me,
I will be impatiently waiting for ur e mail., my honey

Take care of yourself.

Yours, Svitlana

P/S What s your real name?
Hiit`s Svitlana. I`m worried about you.
Are you all right? Have you received my letters?
Are you checking your (spam folder)? Perhaps my reply is there.
Now, I hope to read from you soon.

Hope to see you soon.

Respectfully yours, Svitlana

P/S What s your real name?
Helloit`s Svitlana. I`m worried about you.
Why don`t you answer my e-mail? Have you received my messages?
Please check your (Spam) folder? Perhaps my reply is there.
I will be wait for your message with great impatience.

See you around. See you later.

Yours truly, Svitlana

P/S What s your real name?
Helloit`s Svitlana. I am worried for you.
Honey, why don`t you answer my letters? Have you received my answers?
Please check your inbox for (Spam) folder? Perhaps my letters are there.
Now, I hope to read from you soon.

Have a Happy day.

Warm regards, Svitlana

P/S What s your real name?
Helloit`s Svitlana. I am worrying about you.
What`s up? Are you, doing okay? Did you receive my email?
Please check your Spam folder? Perhaps my reply is there.
Well honey, I`ll wait for your reply.

Catch ya later.

Yours cordially, Svitlana

P/S What s your real name?