Der Vorgang 22068

Der erste Kontakt 22068

Anzahl der Mails: 9

Es wurden insgesamt -- 9 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello My dear friend and good Tuesday evening.
Today is 14 June when I write this letter to you

My name is Kseniya.
xxx - This is your personal nickname
I would like to begin my letter by greeting you by name
What s your name?

What happened? Why do not you answer me?
I don t see your letter. Where are they?
You don’t want to communicate with me?
Or do you have too little time for me?
I hope i m not too ugly for you

yesterday on Monday 13 June I sent you a live video of me
Where your eyes could see that I am a living and real woman
But you didn t answer me? Did that mean you didn t see my live video for me?
And then today on Monday - I ll ask you.
Did you receive my letter in which you saw a video of me?

I don t have a smile this evening
This is because when I open my mailbox I don t see what you would write to me.
I don t have a smile in the photo and it s because of you
why because of you ??
Because you are missing!
And because you no longer answer me.
I am a real and living woman.
And I don t understand why you reject me ???
Your Kseniya
I wish you a good start to the morning today Wednesday
Now that I started writing this letter,
my time is here 10:05. and Today is 15. June.
What time is it on your watch now when you received my letter?
I want to thank you for your reaction and that you generally answer me
I will probably have to tell you a few sentences about myself to start a dialogue
Then you would know me better.

I will warn you right away if it seems to you somewhere that I was rude in my words,
for earlier please forgive me.
I will just express my thoughts and emotions.
This is how I most honestly describe what I think.
and so you will feel me best from the inside.
Sorry for the earlier, for the straightforwardness and somewhere it can be rude or even too defiant!

But by nationality. I am Ukrainian.
Now I temporarily live in the Russian Federation.
It has become difficult for me to live here.
Because, due to recent events, do you watch TV?

Here where I am now, This is Russia.
I came here to study and work.
But I am devoted to my native land and the place where I was born.
I was born in Kharkiv region. City of Kharkov.
And it hurts me unbearably to see on TV
how the Russian Federation kills civilians.

I am against the war in Ukraine. Because my hometown has been bombed.
Kharkov is no more. One Ruins. Residents of Kharkov are hiding in the basements.
My native place, no longer lives a peaceful day.

I came here to Russia in December 2021,
then when I arrived, no one knew that hostilities could begin from Russia.
Because I am Ukrainian. I love my native land and my hometown Kharkiv very much
When I left Kharkiv here in Russia in December 2021,
then on the streets of Kharkov it was peaceful and calm.
Neighborhood children were walking in the yard, elderly people were sitting on the bench and smiling,
but what I now see in the news, it leads me to fear and a state of frustration.
I turn on my TV and see how my hometown is destroyed. He is no more!

I am against war. And I do not support that it is necessary to fight against civilians.
This is not our war. This is a government war.
Let the presidents personally go to duel with each other.
Since I am a woman from Ukraine, I want to speak to you so that you understand
what I feel at the moment when my native land no longer exists.
I support the need to stop this war,
because you can t be so evil and go on the attack on civilians.

I m looking for a man who could start a family with me,
or civil marriage.
I support the fact that marriage is not necessary, but just live with each other
and enjoy the beginning of each day, spend a lot of time together,
make love and love each other.

xxx - This is your nickname, Or is it your name?
what is your real name?
How can I best address you by name
Write me your full name

I want to tell you even more about myself and I will do so in my next letter,
which I will start writing as soon as I send you this letter.
I really hope that you will quickly find my letter in your mailbox.
and answer me as soon as possible.
I hope things are going very well for you.
I sent you a previous letter in which I tell you my nationality
And so I continue to write a letter in which I want to continue the story about myself and ask you new questions
I am a woman who knows what I wants and what doesn t want.
I want to meet a man with whom I could live in fidelity and prosperity
My nationality gave me an upbringing in which I can warm you with my warmth,
But, I want my partner to respect me and appreciate me and take care of me.
I want my partner not to go to the left and look at other women.
I like in a man that he is loyal, shows me respect,
shows me how loving she is, shows me how open you are to me.
I don t like an unfaithful man.
Every well-bred woman of my nation adheres to this.
You know that I am Ukrainian woman and I just like that I can be proud of my loyalty to a man.

Exactly the same. oppositely. same applies to you.
If you are a true man
Could you live with an unfaithful wife?
You would probably also not want to live with a woman who walks to the left?
and distributes itself as from right to left to any man.
This is what I call infidelity.
It is very difficult to find a partner who would agree to be faithful and honest with their partner. for sex.
Personally, I am ready for such a relationship, not to walk and respect my man.

And you? Are you ready to live in faithfulness?
Or are you more interested in freedom? rather than a stable, faithful woman next to you?
What would you choose? Free life and poke your penis to the first woman on the street?
Or do you choose a stable relationship with one partner, but at the same time do not walk left to right?

What about my job? I will tell you now.

You already know. Because I told you in a letter.
I arrived here in the Russian Federation in December 2021,
then I came here to Russia in order to improve my qualifications as a teacher.
Because in Ukraine there are many children who want to learn and know the Russian language,
this was especially necessary for Russian children in Ukraine.
I wanted to increase my knowledge of the Russian language in Russia, because here it is the main language.
For this reason, I flew here to Russia in December 2021,
to improve knowledge of the Russian language and get a diploma in Russia.
And then work in any country of the world as a Russian language teacher,
because only in Russia they can give a diploma of the World standard,
and with this diploma I can work in any country of the world,
I know that there are many countries where Russian children and their parents live,
they want their children to have a Russian language teacher like me.
I wished that I had more knowledge and I could find additional work.
And now, due to recent events, I can no longer return to Ukraine,
You already know that I am Ukrainian. I lived and grew up in Ukraine in the city of Kharkov.
my home is now destroyed. On TV, I saw that in my hometown of Kharkov
it is impossible to live, because there people hide in the basements from rockets.
And in connection with what is happening, I will temporarily have to live here in Russia.
Thank God I was able to get a job here.
Here, no one offends me here in Russia,
and that genocide that we see on TV does not happen to me.

I go to work every day. I have my favorite job.
I work as a teacher of the Russian language.
This is a very necessary profession for children to study.
But I am a tutor. I help children to learn the Russian language
Grammar and spelling of words.

But my knowledge does not end with Russian, Ukrainian.
I additionally know and can teach children English.
Yes, I am an English teacher.
And I also teach English lessons.
This language is also very popular in all countries of the world.
And thank God that I know 3 languages in my life and all of them are needed anywhere in the world.

The children s parents find me through advertising in the newspaper.
This is how I find new students who have to learn all the rules
and teach how to write correctly in Russian.
In other words, I am a language teacher.

I am often asked a question. Why did I choose this job?
That s all because I like to do good to people and make the world a little friendlier.
And I would really like that peace would come on earth as soon as possible and the war would end.

Today I want to send you a photo, I took it this morning as I woke up
I didn t know what to shoot, but I filmed how I woke up.
Hope you had a big smile

Maybe it s not difficult for you to take a photo of how your morning begins?
And you send me your photo in your new letter
sending me a kiss or waving your hand
It depends on you.
When I see you in a photo, I get goosebumps.
I will represent you in real life.

if you have certain questions just ask and i will try to answer you honestly.
I want to tell you that I find you very interesting and get to know you more.
You look very mature for your years. Why haven t you found a wife yet!?
If I had you by my side, I would do anything to keep you with me.

I m going to look at your letter tonight. So write to me
I will be surprised by your next letter.
Kseniya + You = friendship
Have a nice day today 16. June 2022 and a tender kiss.
Hello my dear
I m Kseniya. Is this your nickname - xxx?
What is your real name?
It s been several days since we spoke,
you don t answer my letters anymore, why?
I asked you why but you didn t want to tell me,
you know I m still worried about you.
Because I don t know where you are, where you sleep, if you ate etc...
I didn t want to abandon you because I had promised you,
but it s if you wanted to get away from me, no problem in any case,
except that I wanted to know the reason for your distance.
Even if you didn t want to answer my previous letters but please answer me this one.
What is the reason that you no longer want to write to me?
I eagerly await your réponse. Please please please
Maybe you even forgot about me
to remind you who I am, I will send you my photo again
Have a good day
What a beautiful day today. Today, as I write this letter, 19. June.
Your Ukrainian Girl is fine, no one offends me, I m safe and sound.
Now I m at the computer and I have free time to write to you and tell you more about myself.

I would really like you to feel me and get to know me better,
for this I will tell you how my day began today, starting in the morning.

This morning I am woke up early,
then I went to the toilet, there I did what everyone does, pee.
then I undressed and I go to the shower to wake up soon,
I spend no more than 10 minutes on bathing in the shower, this is enough to wash my face, brush my teeth
I washed myself there with gel and shampoo
and then I make myself a coffee with milk
and then I get dressed and go to work.
So my morning flew by. very fast
In the morning, everything needs to be done quickly in order to be in time for work.

You already know that I am a Woman from Ukraine. I am not a refugee. I don t run away from Ukraine.
I am here in Russia to improve the qualifications of a teacher. To get a world-class diploma,
in order to work in any country in the world in the future, and teach children Russian, English and Ukrainian.
But it so happened that when I arrived in Russia, there was no war between our countries yet.
And in my home city of Kharkov, there was a peaceful sky overhead in Ukraine.
And you already know that now I am in Russia, because in December 2021 I came here from Ukraine
I had a simple plan, to come here to Russia to improve the qualifications of a teacher.
But what happened in February of this year turned my life upside down.

And now I live in Russia. For living in Russia, I choose the city of Tutayev.
I choose this city because it has the cleanest environment and the most beautiful nature.
The city of Tutayev is located near Yaroslavl.
And the city of Tutayev is located far from all the polluted cities of Russia.
This city is located on the shores of Volga River.
Perhaps there is also a beautiful River near you?

A few words about my work.
You already know that I am teacher Russian, English and Ukrainian languages
And I have kids who need grammar and spelling.
I didn t choose this profession by chance.
I ve always liked doing good to people
That s why I decided to work on this job
Where I ll be useful with something.

Parents of children find me through the newspaper
and so i have children who need to be taught the language and
But I also have a job that I have to go to.
I go to the knowledge center for local development.
Parents bring their children there every day and leave them after school
and my job is that i help to do homework with children.
In other words, in this knowledge center, I help children who came after school to do their homework.
That s where I get my salary, too, but it s not that much money.
Most likely this is additional income on top of what I can have.
This is an office space that kids come to after school.
and that while the children s parents are still working.
Children are with me. Under my supervision.
Perhaps you also have such knowledge centers ???
This is referred to here as - extended day.

Impressive! But now you know where and how I make a living.
I have to work 2 jobs.
This is the only way I will have enough money to buy everything I need.
Every month I pay utility bills for the apartment, gas, heating, electricity.
And that s why I have to work two jobs

Write to me about your day like this
It will be easier for me to imagine your day
and how your life works?
After all, you probably have 2 jobs too?
and all the same utility bills that need to be paid off at the time. yes?

I don t know if I should say it. But it s probably worth it once.
I don t smoke and I don t drink alcohol, I have a sober lifestyle.
I work a lot and don t have time to drink alcohol. And I don t have time to smoke.
I have a rare color of eyes. Because my eyes are green.
You already know that I am 33 years old.

I am alone, have never had a family and am looking forward to a serious relationship for living together.
I have no kids. I wasn t divorced. I do not know what that is.

I am looking for a man to live together
wake up and fall asleep together in the same bed,
What about waking up together in the morning?
and enjoy life together?

Tell me, have you ever dreamed of waking up with a girl?
Not an easy girl.
Quite the opposite with your beloved girl.
Who loves you and never betrays you? Have you dreamed of this?

I always dream of a man who will love me and never betray me.
I want a man who won t trade me for another woman.
I often feel sad and lonely because I m still alone
and not in a serious relationship.
Since my life did not work out on a personal front, then everything that pleases me in life
This is my job as a tutor. and assistant in extended day.

That I would be inspired by the new day. I often listen to fun music.
Sometimes I listen to music and even dance.
Music gives me inspiration and a good mood for the whole day.
And do you sometimes feel that listening to music increases your mood?

It often seems to me that I will never meet and find my soulmate.
It is the soul mate I want to fully understand.
And it is precisely because of these thoughts that I am so afraid.

Today I want to show you a piece of myself.
For this I will send you a photo of me in which you will see me
and thanks to my photo you can introduce yourself to me in real life
Imagine if I were by your side now
What would you tell me first

Tell me about your work.
What are you doing to make money?
Maybe an interesting case at work?
Where do you work and what do you do?
What other languages ​​do you know?
What is the name of the city you live in?
Tell me more about you?
and tell me what you do every day?
send me more photos of you with your reply

Now I m looking forward to your video where I can see your photo album
and show me how you arranged your life
I look forward to hearing from you
You will see me 25. June at your airport.
That was the good news. I have just returned from the Customs Committee.
I learned that in order to come to your country,
I still need to have a temporary visa to your country,
and I need to show that when crossing the border
I have the necessary amount of money in my hands
I have to show that I m going to your country legally.
and i need to show cash
for each day of residence in your country.
I opened a temporary visa for 25 days.
Since I have a Ukrainian passport and I can visit any country in Europe and the European Union with it without any problems

But I have to have the required amount of money for every day of my arrival in your country.
The law states that I have to have 30 USD for every day stay in your country.
What would prove that I am the right tourist. I have to have cash.
This is due to the fact that I am traveling to your country as a tourist.
I have to show the Customs Committee that I have cash in my hand
I was able to open a temporary visa to your country for a minimum period of 25 days.
25 days x 30 usd day = 750 USD
This means that I need to show that I have 750 USD cash with me.

I didn t think I would have to tell you that.
But apparently must!
I ask you to help me. I know asking for money is not nice, but I have no choice.

I ll give you this money back as soon as we see you at the airport.
I will fly to you on 25. June. And that means I will get your money back on 25. June.
I am very ashamed to ask for your help, but in this situation all I can do is ask for your help.

The second news is that
I give my passport to the passport office to check and I needed to find a good woman,
so she can get your money and then give it to me,
but to be precise, we will go to the office together, and upon receipt of your money, I will be present in person at the office!
That s why your money will be under my strict control, and in complete safety!
and as soon as the good woman receives the money in the office, I will immediately take the money from her and hide the money in my clothes in a safe place.
And with your money, I will go to the Customs Committee to get permission and then fly to you on 25. June

I was at the nearest bank office and I consulted about a money transfer here in the country of Kyrgyzstan, in the city of Bishkek
I consulted with the director in the office about the money transfer

And the office director fully advised me on this issue and explained to me
that you can send a money order via MoneyGram or Ria (Contact Sys, Zolotaya Korona, koronapay).

I ask you to send money on the name and surname of good women SHARIPA KOZHOGELDIEVA.
Please send 750 USD today on Name and Surname good woman:

Here at this address
This is the address where we can get your help.
Send money to this address:

Mon-Sat 08:30-18:00
Make a transfer here
Because we now in Kyrgyzstan in Bishkek
here at the airport

And as soon as you make a money transfer,
immediately send me a screenshot or any other document
a document confirming the money transfer in her name and surname.

I want to see with my own eyes that you make a money order
in the name and surname of a good woman SHARIPA KOZHOGELDIEVA
just send me a check
scanned document
quality copy of the document
where I can see with my own eyes all the details of a money transfer

don t worry she is a good woman and you can trust her.
So I will always control a good woman
and your money will always be under my strict control,
so you don t have to worry about your money

As proof of my words.
I will send you a paper on which I will write the name of the airport where I am currently located and today s date.
So you will know that I am writing to you in real time.
Now you can see that I am a living girl and I am writing this with my own hand.

Today as I write this letter, Tuesday 21 June.
I am currently in Manas Airport, Bishkek City.
Country Kyrgyzstan.

And please remember that as soon as we meet at your airport,
and it will be 25. June, and on that day I am going to return your money back to you
You don t lose your money, you just help me get permission (green light).
and then I can travel to your country without any problems
I will write you the exact time of departure and arrival in your country
as soon as you make sure you sent the money to me

We can get your help if you send via Ria
then the partner of these banks in Kyrgyzstan is Zolotaya Korona and CONTACT.
Make a transfer through Ria (
We can get help here at Zolotaya Korona ( or CONTACT (

Please help me. I am very lonely in this life.
And I have no one but you
That s very sad.
I want to stay with you.
I am waiting for you to give me a personal hug at a meeting.
Please help.
I need to get permission (green light)
Permission to visit your country.
Together we can do it and I ll come to you.

Yes, you may not like my request, but this is the only way
so that I can solve the problem and get permission (green light)

look at the street where you have a Ria office nearby
remember when you were on the street. Where did you see Ria office on the street?
For example, in your street or in your city.
look for your nearest Ria office through the official website

Also in the office they told me that you can send a money order
on the site, online, for this you need to register on their site
and create a money transfer there

And I also found out here at the office that you can send money online through MoneyGram
To do this, you need to register on the MoneyGram website here

Now I expect that after you read my letter,
then you will go outside and find an office of MoneyGram or Ria close to you

and make a money transfer there as I asked you
in the name and surname of a good woman: SHARIPA KOZHOGELDIEVA

do not forget to indicate the country of the money transfer destination
send money here to Kyrgyzstan,
because I and a good woman are now in Kyrgyzstan.

And when you re there in the office then send the amount
exactly 750 USD through any convenient system for you
because there are offices and they are open
We can receive your money if you send it via:

riamoneytransfer (KoronaPay, Zolotaya Korona, Contact sys)

don t leave me please don t turn away from me
I will come to you and prove to you that I am honest with you
I will be faithful to you for the rest of my life, give me a chance to prove it to you
I want to look into your eyes and enjoy a wonderful time together.
So don t turn your back on me.
Your Kseniya
Hello dear
Today when I start writing this letter here Monday.
And today is the beginning of the day. Morning, 20 June.
What day of the week do you have when you received my letter?

Your Ukrainian girl is back in touch. And I m glad that I can continue to communicate with you again.
Thank you very much for your lines and those sent along
kind words in your letter, which I like very much
I represent you in real life and if I m not mistaken
You are a very beautiful and attractive man, I have to put it that way.
I would like to answer your questions first.
I hope and really want to believe that you would never dare hit or insult a woman. Because I think so. Only cowards and broken guys do that.
And have you never hit a woman or anything like that ???
something like that only shows insecurity and weakness towards women.
Unfortunately, this happens far too often in our society and is often not noticed, which I find very sad.

I like cooking-baking-grilling, humor, getting to know nice people,
various card, board and dice games, hiking in nature,
laughing very much, reading literature, sitting by the bonfire,
eating by candlelight, listening to music and concerts,
sunflowers , Friendships, cinema or DVD evenings, art + culture,
history, making compliments, togetherness with a man, kisses,
I love sex and everything connected with it,
picnic outdoors, taking photos (nature, old walls, people, etc.), giving small gifts,
in the summer when it s warm, I like Nudism only without bra,
cycling, Naturalness, sunshine, going for a swim (sometimes naked)

I already told you in the last letter, but I will repeat again,
I am from Ukraine and I am not a Russian woman.
And in support of the fact that I am native from Ukraine, I would like to send you my photo in which you could see my hometown of Kharkov, which is now broken and it has become impossible to live there!

I found a photo for you to show you how I walked last summer In my native Kharkov,
in search of a partner, and since then I have been alone, having never met anyone in my life.
When past summer began, I walked a lot in the park, city Beach, hoping to meet my soul mate, but it never happened.
And now I have memorable photo with past summer, that I can capture during a walk.

What I don t like is violence against women /children and old people, egoism, greed, wrong friends, lack of humor, prejudice, unanswered letters, bad mood.

What do I like in terms of togetherness /love and sexuality: I like intimate kisses on all parts of the body, cuddling, showering together, shaving, massaging each other with body oil, lingerie,

any form of sex that women and men like, trust (for example mutual intimate shaving), lying naked in bed or on the couch and looking at each other.

So, I hope my frank words didn t embarrass you or even annoy you ???
Probably after everything I ve said
You will feel where you want something more from me
That feeling of excitement and you want to see me naked?
I don t take shameful nude photos. This is taboo!

The very idea of ​​being photographed naked without a coward is not very safe.
The photo can be stolen from the camera or you can simply lose the camera on the bus or on the street
and then I am shamelessly humiliated and insulted forever.
When the photo leaks on the internet and my career is shamefully destroyed.
It s a shame to be naked on the internet, I don t even want to imagine it. For me it is - Horror!

Do you believe in horoscopes??? Do you have something that, for example, you follow the horoscope every day?

I believe in a horoscope! And every morning I wait for my horoscope. And I hear him on the radio.
After listening to my horoscope. I immediately imagine what to expect that day.
When do you hear your horoscope, do you think that that day you are waiting for you?
Tell me. What about the horoscope in your life?

I wanted to ask you. When is your birthday? and who are you on the zodiac sign?
My birthday is 25. June. And I am from the zodiac sign Cancer.

Did you know that the Cancer zodiac sign is the calmest and friendliest? Do you know a lot about this zodiac sign?
Everyone should be calm and not harm anyone.
Is it like that in your eyes
I actually believe in zodiac signs. And I believe that the Cancer zodiac sign is the friendliest, quietest and most harmless for everyone.

I ve read that my zodiac sign Cancer has the greatest compatibility. When you live together as a family.
And that my zodiac sign will be very lucky. So I m waiting for this happiness!

Last year, on 25. June 2021, it was also my birthday.
And that year no one even wished me a happy birthday
Even last year no one gave me a bouquet of flowers, I was just alone on my birthday

I had a little experiment last night.
I ve never tried this before, last night before bed,
I went outside and I try to walk without underwear.
I was wearing a dress and I didn t wear anything under the dress.
Does it happen that you also go without underwear?
Do you like to go without underwear in summer?

Today again I want to ask you to do an action,
maybe I seem obsessive with this request,
but it s better to ask you to do it. to know at least someone thinks of me.
I ask you to print my photo and hang it on the wall or in a frame.
So that when you look at me and my photo on your table
it warmed your heart and your soul!
And I want you to send me a photo report, how you printed me
and which photo frame did you choose for my photo.
Send me a photo so that I can see that you have printed my photo and my photo is framed on your table.

So, my dear, I hope you don t hold my openness against me or think anything else of me, but I am for honesty and respect.
I wish you a nice day. I send you a big kiss
Hello dear
Your Ukrainian girl is back in touch. And I m glad that today on Tuesday I can give you sunny news.
Today I fly here afternoon to Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek to transfer to another plane

You already know that I rented an apartment, but when the owner of the apartment found out that I was a woman from Ukraine,
I was asked to leave his apartment. I couldn’t rent another place because there in Russia as soon as they see that I’m Ukrainian,
then I get rejected immediately.
And I decided that it was time for me to fly away from Russia and fly by plane to you in your country.

this afternoon I bought a plane ticket to your airport.
And I will come to your country this Saturday 25. June.
The truth is is that great the news?

I know that there is no direct flight from Russia to your country,
but I can fly to you through
through another country, and it will be through Kyrgyzstan
I will fly to you through Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan country where the airspace is open to fly to your country

Now I will tell you how I will get to you.
I will repeat again. No need to think and write that my flight will not take place in your country
The plane flies, only it flies with transfers through another country.

I chose for a long time through which country I can fly to you,
and I make a choice, this morning I flew to Kyrgyzstan
in order to fly from here to your country

I will be able to fly to you because I am currently in Kyrgyzstan
and i m here now Bishkek, Manas International Airport,
and 25. June I will depart from Manas International Airport
And then I will fly to your country. This is how we will meet.

And today is 21. June, this is what happened
This morning when the owner of the apartment where I rented it kicked me out,
I took my bag with things and went to the airport.
I bought a ticket from Tutaev city where I lived,
from the city of Tutaev, I fly to Kyrgyzstan, Manas International Airport.

I had time to remember my hometown of Kharkov, you know that now my native Kharkov is broken and there is no way for me to go there.
The only way I have now is to go to you.
Thank God that I am Ukrainian and they will freely let me into your country.

Today, upon arrival in Bishkek, I was at the Customs Committee.
I learned that in order to come to your country,
I still need to have a temporary visa to your country,
so that s why I m going to get a visa in a short time
as a citizen of Ukraine who wants to leave Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek.

And when you already know that I m in Bishkek now, I just want to be as clear as possible
tell you what, I have news you should know.
Now I am writing to you from the Internet Cafe at Bishkek.
I m out of breath looking for internet cafes in Bishkek.
And thank god I found a place to write to you from.
I am writing this letter to you so that you can be happy for me.
The fact that I am alive and that everything is fine with me.
And now I m waiting for a flight to your country, to your airport
which will take place this Saturday 25. June.

Since I have a Ukrainian passport and I can visit any country in Europe and the European Union with it without any problems
My departure will be on 25. June by plane from Bishkek.
Thus, there are no restrictions on arriving to you
And I will arrive at your airport on 25. June.

I m so waiting for you to wait for me with open arms
and after seeing each other s eyes
You take my hand and you hug me and give me a kiss

Do you still wonder what finances I used to buy a plane ticket to your airport?
I answer you
I worked my hardest to save some money for a rainy day
and that dark day has come.
Since I have very few personal clothes, I just wanted to update my entire wardrobe,
wanted to buy shoes and much more,
I m donating the last of my saved money to our meeting.
I wanted to buy outerwear. I to buy but didn t buy.
That s because I spent my savings flying to you 25. June.
I want to fly to you get to know you face to face.

Is it time to turn the chapter and start a new life? What do you think about it?
You and me. We can start a common life together.
Would you be able to protect me from all the misfortunes in your country?
Do you want us to become a couple and we will wake up together in the morning?
We can fall asleep and wake up together completely naked under the covers.
In the morning we will go to the kitchen completely naked, without a single tissue on the body to drink hot coffee with milk.

I will take the place of the woman of your dreams, and you will become a man who will take everything into his own hands and will not let me be offended,
so together we can create a strong union in which I will give everything you need,
I have not had an intimate relationship for a long time, and I have completely forgotten what it is.
Don t even think in your head, I haven t been in a relationship for a long time and I haven t had a man for a very long time.
And I m very hungry sexually, so I m ready to start a new life with you, in which we will complement each other.
I am healthy and do not have any diseases, I have never been ill with anything.
I don t have syphilis and I don t have HIV. I did not suffer from any terrible diseases that are possible.
If you want, upon arrival to you, I will go and give my blood for analysis, so that you can make sure that I am clean in front of you
I have a healthy body and I have a clean body. When you undress me, you will see for yourself that I have a healthy body.

Now I will be waiting for a flight to your country.
Wish me good luck! Have patience. See you soon
Hello dear and a good start to the morning Monday
and when I started writing you a letter today 20 June
if your morning was good, then I m glad for you that you can afford it,
but I ve been under a lot of pressure for days now.
I started having problems here in Russia, due to the fact that Russia is now at war with Ukraine,
The owner of the apartment no longer wants me to rent an apartment in Tutaev, and she kicks me out.
Now here in Russia. Everyone from Ukraine is under a lot of pressure from the government and I can no longer live here.

I rented an apartment here in Tutaev and the Mistress found out that I am Ukrainian and now she does not want to have anything to do with me.
The owner of the apartment is afraid that the Russian government will find out that she is renting an apartment to a Ukrainian citizen.

I was looking to rent an apartment in another place, but I was refused because I am Ukrainian.
Here in Russia they don t let me live anymore, because because of these hostilities, everyone thinks that I am anti-Russian.

My hometown is no longer there. The city of Kharkov, this is the place where I have lived all my life, now this city is destroyed and defeated.
And I can t go back to my home country. And I can not return to my native Kharkov.

And I thought for a long time what to do. And I came to a decision, and I want to voice it now.
Because I am not allowed to live here in Russia and I cannot return from my native Ukraine.
I want to come to live in your country, and I think that there will be a place for me and I will find a place for myself.
I can fly to your country and find a job. And for the first time, I will work myself to rent housing in your country.
But if you could help me with housing, that would be great.
I want to fly to your country for temporary residence,
and if the war does not end, then I can stay to live in your country.
If you want us to live together, then I would be happy to consider this option.
Because in a few weeks you became my dear and close person.

Since I have a Ukrainian passport and I can visit any country in Europe and the European Union with it without any problems.

On TV, I saw what happened to Kharkov.
There, in Ukraine, in my Kharkov, all my property was destroyed.
Now of all the things I have left only a small sports bag
I consider myself abandoned in this life. And I feel that no one needs me.
I was an unloved girl in the family, and now even when I remember this, I want to cry,
I want to be loved, that I would be behind a man s shoulder, that my man would replace my father, whom I missed so much.
And he was a reliable support and protected me and the shore like I never had before.

Forgive me for expressing my state of mind to you, but I have no one else to share it with.
In this harsh world, I am one small grain, where there is no one around me who could protect me.
I hope that in your life I will have to be near you.

I want you to pay attention to very important information,
Find out which international airport is near you?
I want to ask you to know what is the three-digit code for your nearest airport?
I know that every airport has a three-digit code, and you have an airport nearby too.
and your nearest airport also has an abbreviated name that symbolizes a three-digit code.
And I ask you to write me the three-digit name of your nearest airport.

I will come to you on 25. June in the passenger plane.
I ll be flying from my nearby airport
To Your international airport to meet you.

It s great that you and I can meet together and look face to face,
what would you like to get as a gift from me?
How can I explain to you, I want you to feel the warmth from me,
and I want you to remember our meeting day for a long time,
What would you like to receive from me as a gift?
Would you like to get physical intimacy or something memorable that you can keep on your shelf?
What is the best gift for you? Intimacy or a souvenir associated with me?

I will fly to your country, to your airport, on 25. June 2022.
I found out that in order to visit your country, I must have an indefinite visa to your country,
so that s why I m going to get an indefinite visa within a short time, as a Ukrainian citizen who wants to leave Russia.
Today I was already at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and I learned everything in detail about this.

You and I am Kseniya! We will meet soon and be together.
I want you to print all my pictures and hang them on your wall
so that when you look at the wall, you can look at me.
Now in a letter I will send you another photo with me,
so I will attach 2 photo to the letter, which you can also print on the printer and hang on the wall,

Please send me a photo report on how you printed my photos and how you hung them on your wall.
Maybe you can put my photos in a photo frame so that they are securely stored on your desktop or hang on your wall in a photo frame.
Please send me a photo report of how you did it. I want to see it.

Please write me the name of your nearest airport,
I will see how I can fly to you at your nearest airport.
Every airport has an abbreviated name in the form of a three-digit code
I ask you to write me the three-letter code of your airport.

And I hug you like the dearest person.
and with this letter I send you my kiss.