Der Vorgang 22088

Der erste Kontakt 22088

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
I hope and pray all is well with you and you are staying safe.
Sorry it took so long to respond I just don t check my email very often.
I noticed that you are looking for a serious relationship with a honest lady
I m also looking for a soul mate. I am a woman with non-standard interests.
I don t watch TV and goofy programs.
I like doing my hobby and learning new things
Recently I found out that I like nudism,
the warm season is coming and I will try it again
when I m completely open or even someone s eyes spy on me
I think that there is nothing to be ashamed of, just new feelings.
I m healthy and adequate, I m just free from relationships and I can it is
and I m not ashamed of nudism, people have worse habits that I would be ashamed of
such as lies, hypocrisy, betrayal or bad swearing
You may also like nudism and you know what it feels like
I am looking to find my other half, who would also like my hobbies
I hope these few pieces of information bring you closer to my person.
I don’t play with anyone else feelings and not here to play games.
If you care to continue our communication and you are interested then let me know.
My real name is Vicka and you can contact me at first here then go to WhatsApp. Have a wonderful day
Regards, Vicka
I really want you to be healthy on this day 3 May
and that you would be completely safe today
My name is Vicka, I don t have a nickname, so you may call me by whatever name you like!
My hobby is still the same, I just want to chat with you, so I ask you to see this letter as soon as possible
I believe my some emails simply disappear in another wrong folder in your mailbox?
That s why I m sending you this short letter again now.
this will be a kind of test, and having received an answer to it, I will make sure that you receive my letters
and I want to make sure that you see what I am writing to you now
I also use WhatsApp as well as viber app since both are free for international calls.
So tell me a bit about yourself, your likes, dislikes, dreams, etc.
I see that your nickname - xxx
What s your real name?
I’m sorry for asking so many questions but I’m trying to get to know you a little better
I’ll end now and send you a shot letter of me looking forward to your reply