Der Vorgang 22485

Der erste Kontakt 22485

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Good day! I d really like to meet you. I m wondering what did you pay attention to, my photo or read the text that I wrote? I want to tell you right away that I am from. I hope that this will not frighten you and will not alienate you from our communication and acquaintance. Now I live in Alma-Ata and I am a little over 30 years old. We have a rather difficult situation right now, and I would like to arrange a long vacation outside of Kazakhstan in the near future, and perhaps permanently change my place of residence. I am sure that I am ready to build a happy future together with a decent and adequate serious man who would be older than me and had a lot of experience of the years behind him. With a man who could support me at first, and help me realize my plans for life. With a man who would treat me with due respect and know how to hear my words. I would be interested to know about your habits and life priorities, about where you live now, and what you do. About your dreams and plans for the future. I am waiting for your letter. Anastasia from far Kazakhstan
Hi! What s up? I d really like to meet you, if you don t mind. You can call me Anastasia. I am 34 y.o. and I am from Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. I really dream of moving to another country. Could you tell me more about yourself, about your country, about your life? How are things in your country with coronavirus? To be honest, I m already tired of everything. I want a quiet life without diseases, wars and masks. I will be waiting for your letter. Anastasia from distant Kazakhstan