Der Vorgang 23559

Der erste Kontakt 23559

Anzahl der Mails: 6

Es wurden insgesamt -- 6 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello my dear mate, I want to start interacting with you. I really miss this a lot, I really miss a man around me. I believe you will love it. I am actually confident that we will discover shared pursuits. Ideally, likely to answer me and we re able to start something new.

If you are interested Please write ONLY to my personal e-mail:

Truly yours, all alone baby Lyzusha.
I am pleased that you have replied. I am Yelyzaveta, my friends as well as female friends call me personally:
"Lyza,Lyzochka,Lyzon ka,Lyzunya,Lyzusha,Lyzok,Lyzavetka,Lyzka,Lyzochik,Lyzunya,Lyzusha".
Please do not think that I m actually frivolous. Along with the message, I am sending you my shots.
I want to ask you to possibly be respectable with me. The web is actually a new form of contact for me personally.
Online dating is now popular in the whole globe.We can communicate here to get to know each other.
Don t you agree? Please throw me your own personal photos also. I m sure you do have a attractive look.
Looking at your pictures will help me familiarize yourself with you as well as your living better.
It is the very first time I m sending a letter to a guy ... Please do not laugh at me. I m a sociable
girl however I m familiar with communicating in reality. I m used to see a person`s facial area while talking to see emotions.
I hope there is a happy smile on your face at this moment and you are in a great mood. I would like to
speak about myself personally right now. i was created 27 november 1984 years. When s your own personal bday? Even though, the significant difference
in our age group cannot be a problem for the contact. Friendly relationship can unite any age.
I have the college degree. I m being employed now. My parents are actually alive, although I actually live on my own.
Presently I m a mature and also independent lady. Quite often I see mother and father. I adore parents. I ve never
also been committed, and currently I solitary. Obviously in the past, I had formed a relationship
with a man. My very last relationship with a man ended little more than two years ago. I have got a
feeling of loneliness. Lots of my buddies already have their loved ones. I m a woman and
I dream of standard feminine delight. I want to commence a good relationships. I hope you will go through my email. I really do not need
to weary you personally. Tomorrow I m waiting for a fresh message from your side. Oh ... I actually totally forgot
to state. I have a home in Ukraine. Is long distance a problem for you? Ideally it is not. Awaiting
your speedy response. Yelyzaveta.

Answer only here
Come on..
Once I reviewed my mail today I couldn t locate your message, such a shame.
I have already been looking ahead to your letter! It s me, Yelyzaveta! Perhaps u didn t really like my overall appearance and decided to never respond?
How come did not answer back?I wish to find a nice close friend and we can be best friends. Send me a response if possible!Yelyzaveta.
p.s. Please make sure to check your unsolicited mail folder maybe you will see more messages from me.
Hello my friend xxx,
It s me again! Are you in a good mood? I ve been waiting for today to see your letter. I had confidence that you would write me a letter.
Last night, I wanted to see a letter from you, but I didn t have the Internet. Because of the war, it is very difficult with the Internet now.
You ve probably already seen on TV that there is a war going on in my country. But this is in another part of my country. I m at work now.
xxx, I think I should keep telling you about my life. At the age of 37, I have never been married. I have no children. I don t smoke.
I only drink wine during the celebration. Bad habits reduce our life. I am not against smoking, everyone makes their own choice. I live in Chornomorsk,
Odessa Region. Look on the Internet Chornomorsk. Do you know the city of Kiev? The distance from Chornomorsk to Kiev-493 km. Ukraine is
a huge country. Ukraine has a very rich history. I m not going to tell you about it now. I work as a seamstress, in a sewing workshop.
My work requires me to be serious, attentive, and diligent. These qualities are present in me. I like my job. This is both my hobby and hobby,
I sew most of the clothes myself, it saves my budget. every day I start working at 09:00 in the morning. I finish work at 18:00 in the evening.
I m resting on Sunday. I have a higher education. I studied economics, but I don t like working in an office, among papers, I worked for a
while and realized that working in an office is not for me. xxx, my job brings me a stable income, which is enough for a single girl.
I get moral satisfaction from my work. I don t live to work. xxx, please tell me about your country. I m interested in getting to know your life...
How do you spend every day? Do you have a hobby? I am sending you my photos, of an ordinary, simple girl, I am not a model, the photos were
taken in the summer in Kiev, then it was still quiet there. I have to keep working now. Thank you for your attention. I hope my letter wasn t
boring for you. Yelyzaveta.

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How are you doing
xxx a few dayz back I am wrote you a letter, but you didn t reply me. Is there some thing went wrong?
You did not enjoy my a email or possibly my shots? Kindly don t be quiet, and also answer. Perhaps the
a email went into the spam folder, make sure you look down there. I hope you are going to message
me soon, I will wait around, your completely new friend ... Yelyzaveta.
I have not received a message from you not interested in our acquaintance? Yelyzaveta
Answer only here