Der Vorgang 23566

Der erste Kontakt 23566

Anzahl der Mails: 13

Es wurden insgesamt -- 13 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello xxx. How are you doing today? I am extremely glad that you were able to answer me.
xxx, I m glad to continue to communicate with you and get to know each other better. As always, my mood became much better when I opened my mail and saw your message, a smile appeared on my face. xxx I m a little confused. For me, this is a very exciting moment.
I want to warn you right away that my English is not the best, but I hope that we will not have any problems with communication. I signed up for English courses and I think that very soon I will be able to speak English fluently.
xxx, I guess I need to tell you a little about myself. My name is Anastasiya, I live in Russia in the beautiful city of Tomsk. Perhaps you have never even heard of this city, but I assure you that it is worth visiting. this is a very nice, colorful city with very beautiful nature in the area. The beauty of this city cannot be described in words. What city do you live in? What do you like to do, how do you spend your free time? I love outdoor activities, I like to travel. This summer I was in the beautiful city of St. xxxsburg. I really liked this city.
xxx, I work in the fashion boutique "Mosaico Family" as an administrator. I like my job. Before that, I worked as a nurse in a hospital, but after 5 years of work, I realized that I needed to change something in my life. My job didn’t give me pleasure at all, so I decided to quit. I always liked to dress beautifully and therefore I decided to get a job in a clothing store. Now I am happy, my work gives me pleasure. What are you doing? Do you like your job?
I am 39 years old, my birthday is July 5th. it s time for me to start thinking about my future. I would really like to have a loved one nearby who can always give warmth and care. I had several unsuccessful attempts to build serious relationships with men from my city, but after the last failure I realized that I did not want a Russian man. Therefore, I decided to turn to online dating, but unfortunately I had one bad experience here too. It is very difficult for me to talk about this because I have been trying to forget about it for a long time.
xxx, I am very glad to meet you, I hope to receive your answer soon.
I look forward to hearing from you. Anastasiya.
Hello. How is your day? what are you up to today? Now I m thinking about you. I m glad we found each other. Today I opened my mail in the hope of reading your letter, but my mail was empty. why haven t you written to me yet? I will hope that you will answer me as soon as possible. I wish you a good day. Sending you a million kisses. Your Anastasia.
you crazy?
Hello. better look at yours. good luck to you!
Hello. How are you doing? How is your day going today? I hope you haven t forgotten me yet. We met you on a dating site and you left me your email. Sorry for not writing to you earlier. I would like to continue our acquaintance and get to know each other better. I hope you won t mind. I will eagerly await your response. Have a nice day. Anastasia.
Hello. How are you doing? How is your day going today? I hope you haven t forgotten me yet. We met you on a dating site and you left me your email. Sorry for not writing to you earlier. I would like to continue our acquaintance and get to know each other better. I hope you won t mind. I will eagerly await your response. Have a nice day. Anastasia.
Hallo xxx

Wie geht es Ihnen? Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort. Ich habe Ihre E-Mail-Adresse von einer Partnervermittlung erhalten. Ich sah dich und meine weibliche Intuition sagte mir sofort, ich solle dir schreiben. Ich hoffe, Sie sind ein guter Mann und ich habe mich nicht geirrt. Warum habe ich dich gewählt? Du schienst mir ein guter Mann zu sein. Ich suche eine ernste Beziehung. Mein Name ist Kseniya. Jetzt bin ich 39 Jahre alt. Ich bin 167 Zentimeter gross und wiege 60 Kilogramm. Ich lebe in der Stadt Znamensk. Mein Geburtstag ist der 1. April 1984. Während meines Studiums habe ich Deutsch studiert. Mein Deutsch ist nicht perfekt, aber ich denke, du verstehst mich. Ich war noch nie verheiratet. Ich habe keine Kinder. Ich lebe alleine in meiner Wohnung. Ich arbeite als Innenarchitektin. Was ist Ihre Aufgabe? Wie ich bereits sagte, bin ich an einer ernsthaften Beziehung interessiert. Ich möchte eine Beziehung finden, die auf gegenseitigem Verständnis, Vertrauen, Respekt und Loyalität basiert. Ich bin von Männern aus xxx enttäuscht, weil die meisten von ihnen nicht an Familie denken. Die meisten Männer interessieren sich nur für Unterhaltung, Sex und Alkohol. Das ist nichts für mich. Dies ist wahrscheinlich der Grund, warum ich beschlossen habe, im Internet nach Beziehungen zu suchen. Welche Art von Beziehung brauchen Sie? Was ist Ihnen bei einer Frau wichtig? Ich bin eine gesellige Frau. Ich geniesse es, Zeit mit meinen Freunden und Liebsten zu verbringen. Ich sende Ihnen meine aktuellen Fotos. Ich würde gerne Ihre Fotos zusammen mit Ihrem nächsten Brief sehen. Sie können mir alle Fragen stellen. Ich werde Ihnen gerne antworten. Ich hoffe, dass wir uns besser kennenlernen und Freunde werden können. Ich werde auf deine Antwort warten.

Beste Grüsse, Kseniya.
Hello. How are you doing? All this time, I have been checking my mail every day in the hope of receiving a letter from you, but unfortunately I have not received a response from you. I m sad. Haven t you already forgotten me in such a short time? I don t want to lose touch between us. I will hope that you all will answer me like that.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kiss, your Anastasia.
Hello xxx!

I wonder if you receive my letters? Are you checking the "spam" folder? Perhaps

my letters are there now? Please check this folder and respond to my last

letter. I m looking forward to hearing from you..

Hello. How are you doing? All this time, I have been checking my mail every day in the hope of receiving a letter from you, but unfortunately I have not received a response from you. I m sad. Haven t you already forgotten me in such a short time? I don t want to lose touch between us. I will hope that you all will answer me like that.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kiss, your Anastasia.
Hello. How are you doing? How is your day going today? I hope you haven't forgotten me yet. We met you on a dating site and you left me your email. Sorry for not writing to you earlier. I would like to continue our acquaintance and get to know each other better. I hope you won't mind. I will eagerly await your response. Have a nice day. Anastasia.
Hello. How are you doing? How is your day going today? I hope you are doing well.
Every day I open my mail in the hope of receiving a letter from you and I feel sad when I see that my mail is still empty. have you already forgotten me? so little time has passed ... I will hope that you still remember me and we can continue our communication.
I am looking forward to your letter. Your Anastasia.
Hello. How are you doing? All this time, I have been checking my mail every day in the hope of receiving a letter from you, but unfortunately I have not received a response from you. I'm sad. Haven't you already forgotten me in such a short time? I don't want to lose touch between us. I will hope that you all will answer me like that.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kiss, your Anastasia.