Der Vorgang 23661

Der erste Kontakt 23661

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
I m simply a single girl from
ukraine trying to find my loved one.
recently been thru loads of problems
but that doesn t stop me from always seeking
and of course hoping to discover contentment.

Contact me personally:
Howdy, my name is Kateryna, a couple of weeks before we already exchanged emails along with you. I had written to you from the Net cafe, and today I have a new e mail. I already told you, I reside in Ukraina.
I was very pleased to see your answer and my own feelings improved. I hope that you and I get acquainted with each other, and it can grow into something more. I realize that we have a time difference. But I don t feel it can be a problem for us. I have a work day today. And I ll be free tonight. When my workday is over, I ll go to the food market. After which my evening will be free. I look forward to your letter.
Have a good day time. Kateryna.
Good afternoon. What is your name?
Thank you for answering me, I don t have enough communication with anyone right now to just not go crazy here. May I know what city do you live in?
I want to tell you a little about myself. As I told you, I am 33 years old and have lived all my life in Ukraine, in the city of Zhytomyr. But after the outbreak of hostilities, I had to give up everything and I moved to Kyiv, now I rent an apartment here.
My height is 167 cm, weight 52 kg. Before the war, I was a student at Zhytomyr State University with a degree in Management. I had plans to go to your country to do an internship and then get a permanent job. That s why I don t have a man and children here. In addition, almost all men over the age of 18 were mobilized to defend their country.
You have probably already heard about the sirens in Kyiv and the curfew. All of this is true, and many people hide in basements or subways when they hear an air raid alert. But in Kyiv, life still somehow goes on, unlike the ruined cities that are closer to the border with Russia.
I hope that all this will end very soon and I will be able to leave for your country and start a normal life. I will be glad if you tell me about yourself, it will help me to distract myself.
Here s another full-length photo, as you already understood, I m quite short :)
Sincerely, Kateryna