Der Vorgang 23663

Der erste Kontakt 23663

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hello my fresh new good friend! I m 36 years old, I am from Moldova. I m quite a friendly person whos trying to find a committed and supportive guy, my own 2nd half. I was handed your personal email address in a a relationship agency of my own town. I m just on the search for a heavy relationship, toying & adventure are not in my position. If perhaps i captured your main curiosity and as well, conversation at a distance is definitely not a challenge for you, then let s continue. If perhaps this is an obstacle, just simply pay no attention to my email. I wish you an ideal day as well as a marvelous mood. I most certainly will look forward to your message with your photo. I dream meet worthy man and create new call of society. How old you are? Where do you live? What are you doing? In case you are a truly serious person who wishes to discover real love. I hope that our goals are the same and you are looking for a girl, and we will continue our dialogue more closely.

Interested? Please reply ONLY to my private email:

With regards.