Der Vorgang 23683

Der erste Kontakt 23683

Anzahl der Mails: 5

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Hey xxx! Glad to have your email again! It s nice to see that our
communication continues, and I hope that with each letter we will be
more open to each other. Yes, I love dogs very much, I always dreamed
of having a dog, but in my small apartment she will be cramped!
xxx, I think it s important to tell you right away that I lead a
healthy lifestyle. I do not smoke. I very rarely can afford a couple
of glasses of wine. In the past, I played volleyball, skied a lot, and
even figure skated. But now my work takes up a lot of my time. Despite
this, I often go to the gym to keep fit. I like to read books, watch
some movies and cook. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. As I said
in my previous letter, I work as a hairdresser. It s a hobby that
became my job ;) I didn t study to be a hair stylist. At the
university, I received a degree in merchandising, but I did not find a
job in my specialty, so now I am a hairdresser. It s quite a tedious
job because I m on my feet most of the day, but I love what I do. I
help women to become more beautiful ;))) Yes, I only specialize in
haircuts and hairstyles for women, although my 2 colleagues provide
their hairdressing services to both men and women. Our small team is
very friendly, sociable, and we always help each other. I am glad that
I have the opportunity to work with such kind ladies as these two
women, because we always help out and understand each other perfectly.
Of course, working as a hairdresser does not become rich if it is not
some luxury and famous chain of hairdressers, but I do not complain
about my life. My salary is enough to pay my bills and meet my modest
needs. I have never seen happiness in luxury and wealth. My work is
sometimes especially difficult if we have to deal with capricious and
inadequate clients, but as they say, the client is always right, and
we have to find a common language with anyone who comes to us ;) By
the way, you should know that I am writing to you my emails from my
workplace, because that s the only place where I have access to the
internet. I don t have internet in my apartment because the ISPs
haven t installed the fiber optic network into the apartment building
where I live yet, and I don t know when they will, but until then I ll
be writing to you from work. I ll try to do it regularly, but if I
can t answer you right away, please don t worry! I will always answer
you when I have some free time at work. OK? What else can I tell you
in this letter? Or it will be better if I don t make this letter long
so that it doesn t look like an endless book ;) I don t want to bore
you with my letters and make our communication dull. So I ll close
this email here and wait for your next email ;) Have a nice day! Alina
Hi xxx! How are you? How is your mood? I hope you are all well
and you didn t answer me because you were too busy. I still want to
conversation with you to know more about you. You seem to me very
interesting and good man. I really want to continue communicating with
you. Please send me a message and I will answer you. I wish you good
mood. Alina
Hello my dearest xxx! For a few days I again do not receive your
letters. How are you? Are you okay? I hope that you are doing well and
soon you will write to me. Please do not forget about me and write to
me very soon. I will look forward to your reply! Kisses! Your Alina
Hey xxx! Thank you for continuing to be interested in
communicating with me! It is more and more pleasant for me to receive
and read your letters! ;) How are you today? What makes you happy on
this day? As for me, then I m doing well, and this is a normal day. I
have some free time now and it is with great pleasure that I use this
pause to write to you. I understand that you want to get intimate
photos. But all women have their limits of decency, and I never send
intimate photos. I m looking for a serious relationship here, not an
exchange of intimate photos. I hope you understand me?? xxx, in
my last letter I told you about my work. Today I want to tell you more
about me and my family. As you know, I live in the city of Bishkek, it
is the second most populated city in Kyrgyzstan, but I spent most of
my life in the village where I was born and spent my life until I was
18 years old. This is the village of Zarya. My parents still live
there. I try to visit them 1 or 2 times a month. Zarya is the name
that this village got from the USSR. Yes, Kyrgyzstan is a former
republic of the Soviet Union. I think that the population of this
village is already less than 700 people, which is getting smaller
every year. So, about my parents. My dad is 67 years old, and he is a
native Kyrgyz. My mother is 63 years old and she is Ukrainian. She
worked as an accountant, but now they are both pensioners. They met
when Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan were one of the republics in the Soviet
Union. Their relationship began with a chance meeting at the
University of Rostov-on-Don, where they both studied, and since then
they have been inseparable ;) After their wedding, my sister was born,
and 3 years later I was born ;) I think that we are an example of an
ordinary, friendly and loving family. Our parents did everything to
ensure that their daughters received a good upbringing and education;)
In 2019, my sister left for Ukraine because she met a Ukrainian guy
who is now her husband. I can t talk much about politics and horrors
in Ukraine because my country s censorship doesn t allow it, but my
sister and her husband are safe and that s the most important thing.
As I wrote in my previous letter, I was in a relationship, but nothing
came of it, and you already know why. But enough about the sad ;) I m
not a pessimist at all, and have a good sense of humor ;) Maybe in the
next letter I can show you this ;) xxx, I also want to thank you
for being one of the reasons for my good mood ! ;) Now our
communication makes my days at work better. I can always use my pause
to read your letter and write you an reply! I would like this to
become our daily tradition ;) Speaking of the pause, it looks like my
free time is running out and I have to get back to work. Therefore, I
wish you a pleasant day and excellent mood! I sent you pictures from
my sister s wedding in 2018. Hugs! Alina
Hello xxx! I just want to tell you that I m writing to you from
my work place using a computer. I do not always sit at the computer.
Therefore, I can not support communication in SMS format. I write you
long letters when I have time. I hope that you can also write longer
letters to me and tell me about you and your life. And of course, I ll
be happy to see your photos! Honey, Merry Christmas!!! I wish you
great mood and have fun. In this magical day all wishes come true and
all hopes are justified! Christmas is a holiday of bringing happiness
to every home, every family. Let your dreams come true, good luck and
success will accompany your business! xxx, my work takes up a lot
of my time, so I don t remember when I met and had fun with a couple
of my friends. But our emails help me make up for the lack of
communication. Yes, I wrote to you that I am on good terms with my
colleagues, but still I cannot talk to them about everything that
accumulates in my heart. Sometimes the feeling of loneliness makes me
sad. Tell me if you feel alone or have you ever felt that way?
Sometimes we can have a lot of people around us and a lot of
communication, but we can still be lonely. In any case, I m starting
to get rid of this feeling, thanks to our communication, and I m happy
about it;) I think that our communication smoothly flows into
friendship. In my opinion, friendship is an important aspect in any
relationship. My mother often tells me that she and my father have
been together for over 30 years, because they are not just husband and
wife, but they are true friends. I think this is one of the secrets of
a serious relationship. Do you agree? ;) Let s believe that you and I
are on the same path ;) xxx, I want to warn you that I am
attaching my photos from the virtual cloud. I lost my smartphone, but
I didn t lose access to the virtual cloud where all the files were
stored. I can always access this virtual cloud where I can use the
internet. I am writing to you about this because I don t want you to
be surprised if in some pictures I look a little different, a little
younger, with a different hairstyle or hair color ;) I have attached
my most current pictures to this letter, so you know , in what
"technical condition" am I now ;) But I sincerely hope that you will
appreciate me not for my appearance, but for my heart ;) By the way,
about the heart. I know that the way to a man s heart is through his
stomach. Is this fair to you? If so, I m glad because I love to cook.
It s my favorite hobby ;) My mom told me a lot of her recipes and I
think I m her good student in this business! But that is not all. I
have one tradition that I try not to break. Once a week I cook a dish
that I have never cooked before. I take a recipe from the internet or
a recipe book and turn it into reality, usually on weekends when I
have free time to do it. Most of all I love seafood dishes, but I
don t have any food restrictions. Do you have any dishes that you love
now and especially loved as a child? It will be easier for me to win
your heart if I know your favorite dishes ;) Now I have to finish my
letter and get back to work! Have a nice day! I look forward to your
next email. Sincerely, Alina