Der Vorgang 23740

Der erste Kontakt 23740

Anzahl der Mails: 7

Es wurden insgesamt -- 7 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello! Dear the stranger, I wish to look, as you are interested in searches and to begin acquaintance with new and lovely the girl? My name is Natalia. I wish to believe, that to you my photo. I in searches the person with whom my life to change to the best. I very much interesting, opened and optimistical the girl. But I still one and I very much have got tired from this vital situation. Therefore I have addressed in marriage agency and have written to you the letter. Actually, I in searches adequate the man for stable relations and marriages in the future. Dream of all my life - to meet love. I very much hope, that you this man. I will be glad if we find one goal in life, and our acquaintance - the most significant moment in beginning of our relationship. At present I do not know, how much have interest in continuation our correspondence, therefore in more details I will let know about myself later.

If you are interested Please reply ONLY to my regular mailbox:

With impatience I wait your answer with big impatience. All kind, Natalia.
Hello xxx,

Dear xxx, thank you for your letter. I m glad you have written to me. I will
hope that in the future we will be fine friends, maybe more. I don t know what
to say in my first letter, because I have never met through the Internet before.
This - something new and unusual for me. But I will try to write good letters
you. Please don t be too hard on my spelling mistakes, english language is not
my native language. But I guess I know it well. Yes, I really love dogs, I have
a dog Buddy.

I am very glad to receive your photo. It s so good for me to see
this is to make you understand that I really want to see your face like
as often as possible. I really want you to send me your
more pictures because you have such bold features. You are so
handsome man, you don t look like any of the men I know here
Kazakhstan. You are a very handsome man and for me it is a little strange why
you are still alone and forced to look for yourself
girlfriend on the internet, I think the women in your city are blind
that they don t notice you. I think if you lived in my city, I think that I
will not pass you by when he meets you on the street. your man
gave me confidence that you can protect any woman from any
Danger. I would like to have such a person next to me.

Well my name is Natalia as you know. You can call me what you are
like. I won t be disappointed. I am 34 years old. My birthday is in
May 28, 1988 My height is 169 cm. My weight is 52 kg. You can see
my photo, do you like it? I live in the city of Kostanay. Kostanay
famous city of Kazakhstan. Kostanay is a very beautiful city. I have
graduated from medical university. My formation will consist of 3 levels:
school, college, university. Do you know anything about this city? this
a small town, almost 30,000 people live here. Tell me, that
Your full name? Where were you born and what city do you live in? When your
birthday? What is your zodiac sign? I studied for 18 years. All 18
I also studied English for years. I finished
university at the age of 25. As they gave me with a medal for excellent
my learning outcomes. Then I worked as a second surgeon in
small clinic for 4 years. It was very interesting and
responsible at the same time. I was happy to give health to people, to help
them. Much depends on me during actions. I think that in the future I
the surgeon can become independent. Do you think it s
- good dream? Probably, I am a doctor, I will work in a clinic, because.
children s therapist. I treat children.

Can you see my photo, do you like it? I don t have a man now and I
completely single and free for relationships. Looking for
The Internet has led me to the fact that I was disappointed in the men of our city.
There are few good people here, they are all tough and do not know how to
love. I have a small house with a small garden. I live alone for this
reason I am not able to Garden all the time. But
however, my garden is very beautiful and pleasant. i like to raise
flowers because they are the most beautiful that have been created
nature. I live alone, I have no children, no boyfriend.
Sometimes I get very lonely in my house. Perhaps for this
why I decided to meet you. I m already 34
and I treat life philosophically. I have a home, a job, friends,
but I can t say that I m happy. I didn t have many who I am
maybe my better half. I wrote to you again, it means that
I can share my thoughts and feelings with you. I hope that you won t
be a laugh. And we will write each other many letters. I am very
I am glad and grateful that you answered my letter, because I
I decided to try to get acquainted through the Internet only once. I
never meet before in this way. I do not understand
completely how it works because I don t have a computer. I m just new to
internet work. But I hope I can write
you constantly. I hope that you are interested in our communication, as I am.
You can tell me about anything you want. i will be happy
know everything about your life. It s just female curiosity. I understand
that tastes are different, but I hope you like my image
you. But I must say that I cannot receive large files. I need
have a problem. How do I use my computer at work? I hope that your letters
will not be More than 5.5 megabytes, we are very expensive
Internet. If not, then I will understand and I will not be angry. I will
wait for your letters with your photos. Be sure to send me some
photos, I want to have a little, which is better to present to you. I
I hope you write to me soon. I thank you Beforehand. With the
best regards.

P.S. I was pleased to receive your photo! A photograph of a person can say a lot ...
It allows you to get a first impression of this person .. draw some conclusions
... Do you agree? I like your look. You have good looks. I understand that all
people have different tastes, but I hope you also like my look ..


I already sent you a letter. But you still have not answered me. Why? Do you not
want to talk to me? You didn’t like my photo? Did you have time to answer? I
don’t know ... I’m not sure that you got my previous one, so I decided to write
to you again in the hope of receiving your answer ...

Please tell me if you are not interested in talking to me? You seemed to me a
very interesting person. I apologize for the perseverance, but your silence
leaves many questions .... ??? I will wait to hear from you...

Hi, this is the third letter I am sending you. My last 2 letters, you obviously
have not received. I wrote you a long letter, so please check your spam box
again... Probably now all my letters are there..

I wonder if you get my letters? You check the spam folder ??? My letters are
probably there now? I ask you to check this folder and reply to my last letter.
I look forward to hearing from you ..


I sent you a letter a few days ago! Hope you receive all emails? It looks like
you didn t receive it, so I decided to write to you again.. Can you tell me if
you received my last letter? I ll wait.. I hope to see your letter soon.
