Der Vorgang 23764

Der erste Kontakt 23764

Anzahl der Mails: 5

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Hello, I’m glad you answered back. So then,we can start to
exchange our photos,life stories,our emotions and cultures if you
Pls send me some of your latest photos. I m serious in my
intentions so please show me your devotion too.

I shall hope that in the future,we shall be very good friends.It-
something new and unusual to me.But I shall try,write good letters to
you. In brief I to you will tell a little about myself. I the cheerful
girl with which will be never boring in dialogue. I like to write
verses creativity have got from my mum. If you like creativity I can
share. Small verses on love. I will once again be presented, that you
did not forget my name because most likely you communicate with girls
on the Internet. My real name is Begimai. Actually
to me of 36 years I have admitted a small spelling error in the
letter. I think it will not be a problem for you???? I live in
provincial town Karakol city, Kyrgyzstan.. I much want to find the good friend
hope, the satellite during life You understand me and we can
correspond with you? I should like to report small about itself, this
for me for the first time I never got acquainted through Internet but
I think do the exception for itself. I have finished university, I
doctor (the surgeon medicine) work in clinic of 4 years. Specialise
surgeon traumatologist. I live one in house in which there is 2 rooms
I do not have brothers and sisters. I have two girlfriends about them
I will tell later if it will be interesting to you. I very pleased
that I have a good friends... I think that friends very important for
each person. write me little about itself as You, conduct its free
time that You love. If to you was a little, that I have told about
myself in the following letter I will try to tell, it is as much as
possible about myself. I will wait with hope, that you will answer me.
With impatience I will wait for your letter and with your photo. Send
to me more than the photos. I will do too most to send you many photo.
On it I will finish the letter. See you later... Your new friend Begimai
Hello ,you still haven’t sent me new photo of you and I’m wondering why? In
next letter from you nevertheless I wish to see your photos , ok?

I’m very glad that you decided to continue our communication.Now I
work,and write the letter to you. I was thinking of what I can
write more about me.But I did not write to you about my family.I think
that you should know about it. I was born in Karakol city,Kyrgyzstan.
My city is located in 384 kilometers from Bishkek on southwest..
I live here. I do not remember my father because he did not
live with us.I was grown only by my mother.We were the best
friends.But my mum had a cancer of a stomach, and she has died in
2007.Year was horrendous for me.It was awful and incredible.I could
not understand it for long time.I was empty.Even now I remember my mum
very much frequently.You know,that I had very happy childhood. Only
then, several years I started to understand,that she felt, because I
had no father with me. But I have received news from other people,
that it was no mistake of my mother.My father (I cannot name his
"daddy") never loved my mum. He has left her lonely,because my mum was
the pregnant woman. It was very difficult for her to bring up me. Buy
to me of a dress and toy.We lived only her little earnings.But we
never complained of our life - we have solved all problems together.My
mum always spoke me, I should marry the person which I shall real
love.I hope you understand,that memory of my mum very important for

After death of my mum I feel very much lonely,because I have no native
sisters and brothers. but I have my best friend Tatyana and
Aijan.oooh I will send you a photo.They are remarkable girl.We
can name us sisters because we are friends more than 15 years,and we
help each other.Do you have a best friend?I want to tell you about my
hobbies.Summer for entertainment I work in my small garden.I raise
flowers.Roses,orchids,tulips,an aster.Do you have any favorite
hobbies?I can describe my individuality as sunny,active, open-hearted
sincere person with stable moral standards. I want to know you
much better because you are attracting me in what you say. How much
time are you in search of women?What do you think of my character? Do
you like my personality.What you do not like in me?Yours, Begimai
Hello, how are you? I was waiting for your answer for several days Who
know maybe something bad happened to you or you don’t want to think me
anymore, or even you don’t remember me.There are only sad dark
thoughts in my mind now and bad presentiments. Please disperse this
bad feelings and thoughts,please come back to me! I m waiting for any
sign of your attention.I depend on you and I need your lovely tender
attention.understand that this silence and misunderstanding won’t lead
to anything good. Don’t leave me as I’m very attached to you and I
like our communication and I’d like to move it forward because you are
attracting me very much.Your woman, Begimai
Hello, how are you? What is your mood? I have not received your letter
today. I still hope that we will continue to get to know each other
and exchange our letters. Today I have a good mood. I finished work
for today. As you remember, I work as an assistant surgeon. The
weather here is very warm, the sun is shining and it improves my mood.
But receiving your letters brings me more pleasure .. I hope that
tomorrow I will see your letter. Because your letters cheer me up all
day. I hope that we will exchange letters every day. I will be waiting
for your reply. Begimai
Hello ,how are you doing? How is your mood? Each your letter makes
my soul and mood be in high spirits,as if your words have mysterious
magic force and they draw to themselves by the immeasurable force. I d
like to return to our correspondence.How was your day?????? I hope
that you write to me very soon because without your letters my life
seems boring.I shall look forward to hearing from you.Begimai