Der Vorgang 23766

Der erste Kontakt 23766

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Im Perizat, Right now i am 33 y.o, I am residing Kazakhstan. I am actually quite a social lovely women who is on the lookout for a trustworthy and as well , caring guy, my better half. I was handed your own email in a date matching office of my city. Now i am only interested in a true union, teasing around & game are definitely not for my situation. In the event that i caught your awareness and so conversation at a distance is not going to problematic for you personally, then let s keep going. If perhaps this is an issue, just simply dismiss my message. I wish you a terrific day time and a marvelous state of mind. I will wait for your letter together with your snapshot. Yours Truly, Perizat.
Kindly respond to my mail address if perhaps you have got interest:
Hello my friend xxx!
I was glad to get your letter. I was waiting for you to answer me. I hope that our acquaintance will be good and both of us will like it.
I think you will be glad to receive this letter too.
My name is Perizat. I am 33 years old . My date of birth is May 5, 1988. My height is 172 cm, weight is 55 kg.
Have a question? Where did I get your email address from? I contacted the dating service in our city.
A dating computer found me several email addresses that matched my request, these are men from other countries.
I looked at the email addresses first and decided to send you the first message. Hope you have time to talk to me.
I don t smoke cigarettes, I have no bad habit. I can drink a glass of wine if it is some kind of holiday or a big event in my life.
I also want to tell you about the city in which I live! The name of my city is Almaty. Almatyis located 1225 kilometers from our capital Nur-Sultan.
Almatyis a very beautiful city, and I really like my wonderful city! There are many beautiful streets and attractions in our city.
I also really want to tell you about my education! I studied at the State Medical University in Almaty. I learned English well at university,
and i can speak english without problem. But I think I m still wrong! :-) And if we look at these mistakes together, I know English even better!
I hope you will not refuse to help me? :-) Therefore, I ask you to forgive me in advance if I am mistaken! Forgive me :-)
I also want to say that after graduating from the university I received a diploma in the specialty "pediatrician".
But, unfortunately, I was not able to continue my medical career, because here, in Kazakhstan, as in many other countries, it is very difficult to find a good job in my specialty.
And now I work as a waitress in a bar, although I am a doctor by training. I enjoy working in our bar and our customers are very nice people.
I also want to say that I have access to the Internet!
I live with my mother in an apartment. I searched for a long time
for my man and found out that there is a way to get acquainted via the Internet. And I decided to give it a try. So, I received your letter.
Tell me what interests you? I will be glad to answer your questions. What do you want to know about me?
I look forward to your questions in the next letter. I am sending you a photo and a short video, I hope you will be satisfied.
I want you to tell me about your family, I would be interested to know everything!
Also write me your weight, height, tell me about your city, where you live, I have never been to other countries! And I will be very happy to learn more about your country!
I hope, you like it. Tell me why you decided to look for your destiny on the Internet?
What do you like to do? How do you imagine the ideal girl?
I look forward to your letter. Goodbye!
Your new girlfriend Perizat.