Der Vorgang 23849

Der erste Kontakt 23849

Anzahl der Mails: 11

Es wurden insgesamt -- 11 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Dear the stranger, I wish to look, as you are interested in searches and to begin acquaintance with new and remarkable the girl?
My name is Natalya. I wish to believe, that I to you is pleasant is nice. I in searches the man with whom my life will be quiet and fascinating. I very much cheerful, opened and positive the girl.
But I one now and I very much have got tired from this vital situation.
So I have addressed in agency of acquaintances and have written to you the letter.
Actually, I search present the man for serious relations and marriage in the future.
My purpose - to meet love.
I very much hope, that you this man.
I will be glad if we find our common interests, and our meeting - the most important moment in our future.
At present I do not know, as is strong you you are interested in continuation our conversation, for this reason in more details I will let know about myself in the following letter.
With impatience I wait for the reciprocal letter with huge impatience.
Good pastime.
Hello, I m glad that you answered my letter, I hope that you really weren t too surprised by what I wrote to you! I really want to know that you are a real person and are looking for a serious relationship! I m looking for a serious relationship, not just entertainment! to be honest, I don t know how to start my letter now, because you yourself understand that this is new and quite unusual for me! I hope you don t think I m weird!
Okay, where do we start!? I probably need to tell you a little about myself! My name is Natalya, you can Natasha or Nata! I am 36 years old, I live in the city of Volgodonsk, my city is located in the south of Russia, if you are interested, you can see it on the map, maybe it will give you more idea of where I live now! Also, along with this letter, I will send you some photos so that you really see how I look! I received your profile from a dating agency in my hometown, this agency is called "Two Hearts Together"! I do not know where they got your information from! I know that you are not from Russia and I hope that this will not prevent us from communicating with you! I think that Russia is not being talked about very well in the world right now, but you do understand that the politicians of many countries, both my country and other countries, are to blame for everything! Let s also immediately decide with you that I m really here for a serious relationship and I m looking for my man, a real man. I really don t know much about you right now and I d like to get to know you better! I don t think I need to write to you a lot right now, if you re not interested in a serious relationship, then tell me straight out! I won t bother you in this case!
There was very little information in your profile, so tell me about yourself, I want to see your photos! I would like to continue communicating with you! You probably understand that I m shy right now and I don t know how to really start a conversation in the right direction, or rather I don t know what exactly I should write to you now! I once talked to a man on the Internet, he was from Russia, just like me, only he lived in another city, it seems he lived in St. xxxsburg, but I don t remember it for sure! But he wanted naked photos from me, and I m not here for these games, I m looking for a serious relationship and I know what honor and dignity are! I stopped communicating with him right away, now I decided to write to you! OK, I ll finish the letter, so as not to write a lot now, I ll be happy to continue communicating with you! I will be happy to answer your questions and in the next letter I will ask my questions if you want to continue communication!
With great respect Natalya.
Hello, how are you!? I haven t received an answer from you yet! are you busy!? or did you not receive my letter!? I do not know this, but you have not written me anything so far! I don t want to be annoying, but if you have the opportunity, then write to me! It s already Saturday, I m working today, but I don t want to be honest! I still have a lot of work to do today, so it s doubly insulting! Okay, I won t complain to you, I need to get back to work now! I wish you a wonderful weekend and hope that you will be able to write me your new letter soon!
Sincerely Natalya
Good afternoon, why haven t you answered me yet!? Of course, I still couldn t write to you a lot today, because I have a lot to do today and I need to have time to do it all today, because tomorrow I m not working and I plan to spend time with my sisters and nephews! We agreed to go for a walk together! I already need to go to one company to pick up signed contracts and return to the office! I hope you have a good weekend too, I wish you have fun! I hope you can find the time to write to me.
Good afternoon!
It s Natalya again! I don t want to seem intrusive, but I don t understand why you don t answer me! I wrote to you quite recently, but you never answered me! you wrote to me before and disappeared! do you have no interest in communicating with me or do you not receive my emails!? I do not know it! I hope you can send me your letter soon! I m not going to write to you a lot right now and I d just like to know why you re not answering me! If you are not interested in communicating with me, then tell me so directly! Then I won t wait for your letter anymore and I won t bother you! I wish you a good day!
Good afternoon! I m back to work now! I thought that you would write me your answer now, but I have not received any answer from you! why!? are you busy right now!? I am waiting for your new letters! I wanted to talk to you more, but you never answered me! maybe of course you were busy with the New Year, so you haven t answered me yet, but today is January 10th and I would like to get your answer! write to me soon! I wish you a good day!
Good afternoon, how are you? I wish you a great day!
Hello, how are you!? are you doing well!? I haven t received a letter from you right now, you re probably busy and that s why you didn t write to me! did you know that St. Tatiana s Day and Student s Day are celebrated today!? these are holidays in Russia! But I am not Tatiana and I have not been a student for a long time, so the holiday does not concern me! I just wanted to make a little joke and remind you about yourself! I will be waiting for your new letters, I hope you have a good day today!
Good afternoon, how are you? I just wanted to wish you a good Monday and I hope your week will be successful! I haven t received an answer from you yet to my last letter, I don t know if you re busy or something else! But I d like to talk to you! Natalya
Good afternoon!
Are you all right? I was hoping that you would write me a letter, but so far I haven t received anything from you! how are you? how s your week going? everything is fine!? I just wanted to remind you about myself and tell you that I m waiting for your new letters!
Hello, how are you?
I haven t received your answer for a long time, I don t know why you haven t answered me yet! Have you received my letters? have you been very busy? But I think you could find some time to write me your letter! Well, if you want to continue our communication, then write to me! if you don t want to communicate anymore, then also write to me and tell me honestly, then I won t bother you anymore! I wish you a good Monday and a great start to the new week!