Der Vorgang 23855

Der erste Kontakt 23855

Anzahl der Mails: 8

Es wurden insgesamt -- 8 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hi! Dear the stranger, I wish to look, as you wish to find and to begin acquaintance with new and good the woman? My name Aigerim. I think, that I to you is pleasant is nice. I wish to meet the man with whom my life will be counterbalanced and interesting. I very much cheerful, opened and optimistical the girl. But I still one and I very much have got tired from this vital situation. So I have addressed in agency of acquaintances and have written to you the letter. Actually, I wish to meet serious the man for stable relations and a combination marriage in the future. Dream of all my life - to find love. I wish to believe, that you are this man. I will be happy if we find our common interests, and our meeting - the most significant moment in our future. At present I do not know, how much you you are interested in continuation our conversation, therefore in more details I will write about myself later. I will wait your letter with big impatience. All the best, Aigerim.
Hey xxx.

Thank you for taking some of your time and responding to my letter.
To be honest, I didn t even expect you to answer. Anyway, thank you
for your letter. So that you have a little idea about me. Who I am,
from where, and how old I am. I want to tell you a little bit about
myself. My name is Aigerim. I come from Almaty, and I still live
there. I am 30 years old, if I seem very young to you in the photo.
Then, do not pay attention, my friends and colleagues at work do not
believe that I am so old. Although I look very young, there is a merit
of my parents, their genes were inherited by me. + To all this thanks
to physical exercises in the fitness room, and most importantly
nutrition. I manage to keep the appearance of a student of some
university. So don t be surprised why I look so young. What else can I
say, I just remembered. Knowledge of languages. I know several
languages, since I am in Kazakhstan, and the official language in my
country is Kazakhstan. + In addition to all this, I have knowledge of
English, of course there are gaps, and most likely you will understand
what I mean, because I studied English at school and at the institute,
I did not fully manage to learn English. If I took paid lessons from
an English linguist. Then, my knowledge of English would be much
better. For this reason, I know only the basics, and in my opinion I
can talk quite well. From your point of view, it may seem the
opposite. I will hope that you will not have any problems reading my
letter, and you will understand what I am writing about. In some
situations, I will use different translators. I m just keeping you
posted so that you won t have any questions for me in the future. To
tell you more about myself, I think I ll tell you about my profession,
what I do and how I earn my living. My profession, in short, I am a
dentist. I work in a state polyclinic. Where I get a good salary,
which by the way is enough for me to live. As for my interests, there
are a lot of them (I m fond of volleyball, cycling, skiing, and a
bunch of other interests). Believe me, I can tell you a lot about
myself. But, it won t be interesting, and the letter will be delayed,
where I can just bore you with a story about myself. I think that soon
I will definitely dedicate a letter where I will tell you in detail
about my interests, music, movies, books, cooking and so on. To
continue our communication, I want you to know. I don t have kids or a
boyfriend. That is, I am not in a serious relationship. So that it
doesn t interfere with our communication. As for you, xxx? Are you
in a serious relationship? It s just a very important moment for me.
If you have a girlfriend and you are married, then perhaps I would
finish writing to you, since I do not want to disrupt the relationship
and spoil the marriage. On this, let me know. Ok? Because the dating
site does not indicate that you are in a relationship. According to
the dating agency. In short, I told a little about myself. I really
hope that in the next letter you will also tell me about yourself, so
that I have more idea with whom I am having a dialogue. I think this
is the end of my letter.

Thank you for your photo. You look great!!! I will be pleased to see
you more often. I will wait for your new photos and try to make photos
for you.

It s time for me to head home to do the cleaning, cooking and other
household chores. I look forward to your next letter and hope very
much for the continuation of our communication. Sincerely yours,
Good evening xxx. How is your health? How is your mood? I m
looking forward to learn you better. This working day was really hard
for me and I got really tired, but in spite of my mood I think that
I m due to write to you because I m,as if,charging with positive
energy and warmth from our correspondence. How was your day ?????? I
with impatience shall wait for your letter. Your Aigerim
I was glad to receive a letter from you. Although I received your
letter early in the morning. But, I didn t have time, because there
was a blockage at work. Now I have an hour of free time. I decided to
devote some time to our communication. Still, I m glad that we
continued to talk. It s a pity that I can t devote all the time for
our communication, it s connected with work and with my free time from
work. So everyone has their own things to do after work that need to
be done. Going to the fitness room, meeting with friends, housework
(such as cleaning the house, cooking, if there is a dog, then you need
to walk with her, and others). I think you understand why, we can t
communicate around the clock and communicate through all sorts of
messengers such as facebook, whats app, telegram, and other
communication programs. Although communication by mail is
old-fashioned nowadays. There is some kind of romance in this, when
people, without any other communication programs, were waiting for a
letter from their friend, loved one, relatives, family members. Now
teenagers communicate on social networks, where they write in short
words, where they can t really tell about themselves, tell how the day
went. Communication in this is not complete, for this reason I chose
to communicate with you by email, and not through messengers. I hope
that you are satisfied with communicating with me by mail?? Therefore,
I am quite satisfied to write by mail, so I can tell about my day,
about myself in more detail. I want to tell you right away and add why
I won t even have time to write to you at night before going to bed. I
don t have my own computer. This is not due to the fact that I can t
afford my own computer or laptop. Because I don t see it as important.
If I had interests in playing computer games, eventually for studying.
The fact that a computer or laptop was an important attribute for me,
and I would have already acquired it. But, I have already finished my
studies a couple of years ago, then this unit is no longer needed for
me. This is my subjective opinion, of course you can disagree with me
and express your thoughts on this, where I will listen to you and
perhaps give my comment on this topic.

Now, I want to start my story about myself. I have already told a
little about myself in my previous letter, where I live, how old I am,
and who I work for. But, nevertheless, I want to tell you about my
work so that you have an idea of what I do. Rather, you already know
what a dentist does. Right!! The dentist is engaged in the treatment
of patients teeth. Since I do not work as a full-fledged dentist, but
only help at the moment, because I need more practice in this
profession. I study. I know the whole theory by heart. But, theory is
one thing, and when it comes to practice, it s completely different.
Although I already had experience at the university where I did my
internship. I still have a fear of harming the patient when it comes
to implants. For this, a little bit and a little bit, I practice to
hone until the moment when I will not have this fear. Even though my
mentor and the chief surgeon tells me not to be afraid. Still, when it
comes to serious surgery, such as putting an implant, removing the
root of a tooth, I do not dare yet, so I am currently watching and
watching the actions his colleague. At the moment I am engaged in the
removal of tartar, the removal of caries, pulling teeth, and other
small things, to inject anesthesia and X-rays. That s my whole
workflow, what I do. Next year, I hope that I will be able to overcome
all fears and become a professional dentist. In order to work in a
prestigious clinic in the future. At the moment I am happy with my

My work has been sorted out, now you have an idea who I work for and
what I do. I would like to tell you about my family and friend. I ll
start with my family first. I have only my mother and sister left
alive. My father died six years ago due to prostate cancer. Mom lives
separately from me, decided to settle in the country, as she does not
like the city bustle at all. I have a sister, Elvira, who also lives
separately. By the way, she also works in the field of medicine, but
already as a traumatologist. We went with her to her mom s posts. In
general, we have a pedigree all the women worked in the field of
medicine. It remains to tell about a friend. My friend s name is
xxxa, she already works as a photographer, then you will
understand from where I have such cool photos. That s how I briefly
told a little about my family and friend, who does what. By the way, I
almost forgot to mention, I live in my own studio apartment, I wanted
to show off a little. At least I took the apartment on a mortgage.
But, it s better than living in a rented one.

It seems that s all I wanted to tell you. If you want to see a story
from me in more detail about my family. I am ready to tell you in more
detail. In order not to delay your letter with your long story. So if
you have any questions, don t hesitate. Ok?? I almost forgot you are
xxx, you can also tell us about your work and family. We should get
to know each other better. Isn t it?? I want to end my letter with
this and I will look forward to your next letter with great
impatience. If I may, consider him my friend. Your friend Aigerim
Good day xxx. How are you doing? How is your mood? I ve already
got attached so much to you that i miss when I can t read your letter.
If something will go wrong and you ll need some encouragement,care and
understanding,xxx remember that I ll will help you. I hope everything
is well with you? The exchange of letters does us closer every day -
therefore very important to communicate as possible is more often. But
unfortunately not always there is such possibility. I understand that
sometimes you can be occupied. But I would like that you wrote the
small letter when you are much occupied. It really not difficult and
occupies only 10 minutes of your time. I hope that you will give to
our dialogue enough attention in the future. Hope to hear from you
soon. Your Aigerim
Good day my friend xxx. I ve already sent you my letter with
photos but you still didn t answer. Why? You did not like my photo?
Have you received my letter? Maybe simply you didn t have time to
answer immediately or maybe my photos and everything what was written
there didn t interest you at all??? Please write me at least a note of
explanation, because most of all I m afraid of indefinite situation
when you don t now what to expect. Hope to hear from you soon. Aigerim
Hello xxx, I ve already sent you my letter. Have you received my
letter? Maybe simply you didn t have time to answer immediately. Why?
Please write me at least a note of explanation. Well? Hope to hear
from you soon. Your friend Aigerim
Good evening xxx. I have not received from you the letter. Today I
engaged in all the day house affairs and after that I have gone for
work to a night shift. At me has appeared a few time to look mail at
presence of letters. I ve got a little time to write you a letter. I
hoped with you today to communicate while at me there is a free time.
But most likely it will not occur. Now you are either busy and you
don t have time to write to me. Or you haven t received the previous
emails. If this is really the case, then write to me again and I will
send you an email. I hope, that in your city you have good weather and
excellent mood. On it I will finish the letter. I look forward your
letter. Your Aigerim