Der Vorgang 23989

Der erste Kontakt 23989

Anzahl der Mails: 13

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Where r u stay right now?
what is your age?
currently I m searching for yummy guy from USA
Im single benign miss in Ukraine,

response to me at ;-) I will reply to You my photo)
Hi, it`s Svitlana.

How goes it?
Thank, I`m glad to see letter :-))

I just found your email in the spam folder.
I don`t know why it was in my spam box, but I`m glad I saw it.
So check your spam box, and click not spam too,
That we can communicate normally in the future.

I`ve never had an experience in correspondence with a man.
So I`m speaking from my heart and I`m honest with you that
I`m really looking for my second half and soul mate.

Ok, now i want to introduce myself.
Svitlana - it`s my real name. Nice meeting you;-) I am 37 years old.
I`m divorced, and I have a daughter,
We live with our daughter in a separate apartment.
I am working as the Dentist and I`m a workaholic.
This is probably why I`m alone now.

Besides, i like to do different kinds of sport,
aerobics, a ride on the bicycle, running and swimming.
I visit the gym 2 times a week. (Every tuesday and thursday)
You do sports in your life now?
Besides, tell me about, your interests or hobby??
And tell me your real name?

I have sent you my photos. Made last year, in a summer cafe.
I hope you`ll like it:))

I want to note that in my region, there is no war yet.
Since my city is located near the Moldovan border.
However, the food situation is extremely difficult.

I`ll talk about everything else later.
Now I`ll be waiting for your reply and your pictures:))

Have a spectacular day.

Yours faithfully, Svitlana.
Hello again,

I think, I should tell you more about myself and my appearance.
Okay, I was born on 19 october 1985, under the sign of libra..

I`m of average height, 5.4 tall (167 sm), this is probably why I love heels,
and I cannot say that I am very thin. Because my weight is about, 123 pounds. (55kg),
In addition, I believe that I have a beautiful figure.
By the way, what do you think of my figure?

My natural hair color is brown.
And I`ve always loved long hair. Do you like long hair?
Yes and more, I have hazel eyes.
What do you like more about me, my eyes) or something else?

I have never smoked and don`t use drugs. I am calm about alcohol, as I use it extremely rarely.
Only for special events, holidays. I give preference to white sparkling wine.
My favourite color is pink. I don`t have piercings, but there is a small tattoo on my leg,
made in my youth, which I plan to get rid of.

As for my appearance, I don`t consider myself either ugly or exceptionally beautiful.
In my opinion, I look quite normal. Although my friends often tell me that I am a very attractive girl.
Of course, beauty is a relative concept. But overall, I am very happy with my appearance.
How do you think I`m cute to you?

I`m xxx and I believe in God, but unfortunately I don`t visit church as often as i wanted to.
I want to become well-educated person and I plan to develop myself.

You should also know that, I`m a very honest woman who doesn`t cheat or play games in life.
I`ve a large heart ready for big love.
Hence, I don`t want to divorce and that is why
I want my marriage will be for a lifetime and I`ll be faithful to my partner.
Anyway, I`m a very family orientated and I`d like to create a family with the right man.
May be it�s you? Lets keep in touch and find out. Enough about me for now.

I decided to attach three of my photos to you.
How we rode bicycles with Rita in the park. I hope you enjoy them.

Anyway, I want to know everything about you and send more photos to me.
I will be wait for your reply. :-)

Have a nice day.

Most best wishes Svitlana.
Hi again,

How is your mood? I feel great! :))

If I`m being honest, I would like to speak to you on the phone.
But my cell phone was damaged and is now under repair.
So while we can only talk here. I hope this is not a problem,
because I think it will be fixed soon.

Nevertheless, I`m really very pleased to get your letter.
It helps me to know more about you and to understand you much better.
It`s always pleasant when someone shows interest to you.
And especially when it`s through such an unusual way as internet.
However I`ll use this chance to know more about a person writing me.
But for starters, please introduce yourself. What is your real name?

The point is that, to tell many good words about yourself is not very modest, but I`ll try,
I`m woman kind, cheerful, patient, caring modest and sometimes serious.
My friends say I am honest and reliable.
I`m fond of learning foreign languages, visiting museums, interested art, travelling and playing sport.
But most of all, I like watching good interesting films. Whether it`s at home under the plaid or at the movie house.
Besides, I think I am slimsensual and beautiful. ;) However, I am a single woman.
Therefore, I want to find a good friend and a kind husband for myself.
In my opinion, you are very similar to the person I`m looking for ;)

By the way, my daughter`s name is Varya,
This year, on 18 december, she will already be 6 years old.
At the time of my arrival to you, I`ll leave my daughter here with my mother.
Until I get a permanent job. Then, I plan to return for her.
I`ll start preparing all the paperwork to move my daughter to your country.
Because I would like to stay and live in your country, forever.
Later I will send you her photo.

In the meantime, I`m attaching my picture again for you.
It`s my selfie. I hope that you will like it :))
Now I should go. But I`ll write to you, a little later.
Have a spectacular day.

Yours truly, Svitlana.
I was thinking about you,
So I decided to write to you again,

Today for you, I`ll send a few more of my photos,
from the summer photo session. I think you will like them.

I`ve only good intentions and I haven`t any secrets. Therefore you must know, that
I live and I was born in Ukraine in City Uman, Cherkasy areas,

In this pandemic (coronavirusa). I lost my job (Dentist).
However, I am a doctor by profession.
And it`s not a secret to anyone that now every country needs doctors.
So I am going to come to your country.

Therefore, in the latemiddle of november, I`ve addressed the agency "Atlantic",
with the request of searching some work for me in your country.
Lastly, two weeks ago my agent has informed me that agency has found an appropriate work for me.
I`ll work in the usual assistant in hospital.Since january, till june. (six months)
However, in the future, I plan to stay in your country and work in my specialty. (Dentist)

In short, agency helps me with my documents.
So, I decided to try my luck and began searching of a good friend from your country ;))

Besides, before starting my work, i want to come to your city.
I want to see you. For the best acquaintance ;-)) Sure, if you don`t mind?
Then, I`ll try to find my work in a place closest to your city.
For example in your city.

And to tell the truth, I understand english badly in writing. My spoken english is better.
So please forgive me in advance, if I won`t be able to answer some of your questions.

Also, I don`t have home internet.
So I write and send messages to you from internet cafe, and sometimes from my friend Rita.
Besides, I want to warn you that sometimes I can be late with the answer.
Since (due to war), the internet is unstable, disappearing even for a few days.

Nonetheless, I`d like to talk to you by phone or whatsapp.
Therefore, write to me your phone number and your whatsapp number.
Country code, it is better to write separately, (in brackets),
So that I don`t confuse it with a main number.
And I`ll think, when it`ll be better to call you. Okay?

Anyway, I want to know everything about you and send more photos to me.
By the way, I don`t know your closest airport? And leave your number mobile phone.

Today, Thursday is my training day. So I`ve to leave now.

Take care.

Yours truly, Svitlana.
Hi again,

How are you and how was your day?

I am very glad that we communicate with you.
And I would like to develop our acquaintance.

I may have missed somewhere.
So remind me, please, how old are you now?
To be honest, age is not that important to me.
Because the main thing is man has to be wise,
mature & ready for long-term relationship.
I think you understand me.

Because, I want to find warm, honest, hard working, tender, confident, caring
and romantic man who is looking for friendship-(a real-relationship).
And relations leading to creating marriage and family.

Moreover, my idea of happiness is sharing my life with my favourite,
to walk down the path of life arm to arm with him, to enjoy many things that life offers with him.
Tell me, what should a future wife be like for you? What`s happiness for you?
How you imagine our joint future?

Also, what your private life now, please tell me about it?
And what you want from your woman?
Excuse me, for asking such person things with me, person whom you know only a couple of days.
But it`s interesting for me to know it about you, to understand you better.
Also please send me more pictures.
And don`t forget tell me, what`s your real name?

Sorry my dear, now i have to go.

Yours sincerely, Svitlana.

How are you, before the weekend?
Nice to hear back from you. I like to talk with you.

I don`t know why, but you still haven`t said your name?
How can I call you ?

Every day we`ll learn more about each other and it`s an interesting ;-)
I share your thoughts and I hope that I`ve qualities you`re searching for in a woman.
I know, that friendship-(love, marriage, children) and especially family are very important.
To build up a longterm relationship takes often time.
Everything can only be good with us after some meetings.
That`s why we`ve to meet and to get acquainted ;-)

I will have four or five days of a free time, prior to the beginning of work.
I believe it`ll be wonderful if we`ll spend some time together.
This meeting will make our relations stronger and will help us to know more about each other.
Do you agree with me? And please remind me where you live now?

It goes without saying all expenses are on my route. I will pay everything by myself.
And If everything will be according to plan I`ll arrive to you approximately the end of december.
But I can`t say the exact dates yet. Everything will depend on the speed of preparation of my documents.
Incidentally, where exactly do you live, in which city or province?
Do you know, how much is to rent a room in your city?

I have a photos to send you.
Photo from the equestrian school and my everyday picture in favorite jeans.
I am also attaching a video that was made several years ago.
Therefore, don`t pay attention to the rings on my hands.
Then I was still married, with my ex-husband. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy my video.
I will end my letter for now and will write you one more letter a bit later.
Because I need time to visit a phone repairman.
To find out how the repair of my phone is progressing.

Take Care.

Yours truly, Svitlana.
Hello again,

I`d some free time and I decided to write you again.

I want sincere and true love.
When you see your half and know his puts a smile on your face because of joy and happiness.
That each moment away from each other is a bitter-sweet pain that also gives
You comfort that you know whatever happened during the day will want to be experienced by the other.

Furthermore children deserve a happy home one that is built upon love and respect of the parents for each other,
and one that is built upon experiencing all of lifes wonders through and with the children.
I`m sure that it`s possible to have such a life with the right person. Most important thing person must want the same thing.

You appear to be a sincere man who can devote the time and energy in making such a life a reality.
I think that all the happiness and contentment I need in life is to make sure that a special someone in my life is happy.
But I haven`t met this person yet. Could it be you? Yes, I believe it could be.
I`m a true romantic, and as long as I`m treated with dignity and respect, remain so.
Despite, I`ve a pain in my heart from past relationship. I don`t want to experience it again.
That is why it`s most important to have a relationship built on respect and friendship.

Moreover, I feel myself closer and closer to you wiw letter we write to each other.
I know that we`re from different countries and have different style of life.
but I think nothing must be allowed to interfere with our plans for the happy future together!

And of course I`d like to know your opinion about it.
What don`t you like in your partner? What qualities must your partner have?

I want to inform you that in the coming days,
the agency promised to provide me with a permission to enter in your country.
Also in our city, there is no international airport.
But the nearest operating international airport
is located in Moldova, city of Chisinau.
So my flight will be from Chisinau.

Actually I wish to find out you better. Tell me more about yourself.
And don`t forget to send your photos.
By the way what will you do this friday and weekend?

Have a good time.

Faithfully yours, Svitlana.
I hasten to inform you that, my phone was returned from repair.
The master informed me that my phone cannot be repaired.
It will be much easier to buy a new phone.
However, now I only have money left to pay for the trip.
For me, these are not foreseen, extra expenses.
So I can`t buy a new phone.

Moreover, i was recently informed that, upon arrival in your country, in any case,
I`ll have to buy a new phone. Since the range of waves, your phones is completely different.
And I`ll also have to register a new SIM card.
In order for international roaming to be absent,
thereby making calls to me will be much cheaper.
Therefore, I think so far to refrain from buying here, new phone.
Since it does not make any sense, and i hope for your understanding.

So for now I can only write by email.
But you know that this is all temporary.
That`s why, in a few days, i want to call you from the post office.
Because I want to hear your voice and talk to you on the phone.
Besides it will be much cheaper than buying a new phone.
I think you agree with me.

Have a Nice day.

Sincerely yours Svitlana.
Hello. Why don`t you answer my mail?
Honey, I wait for you`s e-mail.
Sorry, my honey now I have to go.
Have a Beautiful day. Yours, Svitlana.
Hi my dear.

Did you get my last letter?

How are you doing?

I`m in a hurry to say you, I`ve received working visa
and permission to enter in your country, for six months.
Now my agent will make last registration of all documents.
Soon everything will be ready for my travel to you.

Oh, I looked at the prices for renting an apartment.
They are not cheap for me.

Frankly speaking, I`ve never met a man like you.
You`re genuinely different from the rest and I`m loving it!
I`m looking forward for the day when I meet someone with
the same strong desire as i have to build a happy share life.

How do you imagine your best woman?
My best man is one who isn`t afraid of telling his thoughts,
sharing his inner world, and having a strong desire to be with me and not with someone else.
Also I want him to enjoy my wishes and passions in life and I`ll enjoy his desires too.
I believe in relations when both can share responsibilities in everything.
What do you think about this?

By the way I`ve told my parents,
that i have got acquainted with you. They`re impressed ;-)
Because I told them that I met a beautiful
and rare man for me and that we are in touch,
that we are building a relationship and that I am looking at you.
I am glad that I met you and that we will further develop our relationship.

But more about you, I never told anyone else.
Because I think it`s too early to get ahead of ourselves.
We need to meet first. And know our compatibility.
Do you agree with me?

Have a Great day.

Yours sincerely, Svitlana.
Hello again, my dear .

And I still have some questions! I hope you`re not against :-))
Tell me more about your family.
Do you`ve many relatives., how often do you meet?
In my opinion, I`ve a very good family. We`ve very close relations in my family.

My beautiful girl`s name is Varya, she is five years old.
I love and adore her very much. You`ll like her when I introduce you to her.

I love both my mum and my daddy, I am the only child in my family
And i was always dreaming about younger brother or sister that them to look after. ;-))
But I only really have two sisters (cousins). One of which I do not see often.

As I`ve already told you, I live separately in a comfortable apartment,
They live not so far from me and we meet very often.
My parents are very good, careful and kind people, they always understand me a lot.
They love me so much and I love them more...

My daddy`s name is xxx. He`s strict, but fair man. My father, works as a manager.
The firm in which he works is engaged in manufacturing of ceramics.
In our region a lot of natural raw material for this manufacture.

My mum`s name is Lidiya, she`s a very sensual and kind woman.
Earlier she worked as a children`s doctor but now she doesn`t work.

My grandfather, who was a war veteran, taught me to be honorable and truthful.
But he died not so long ago. Now about my grandmother. My loving grandmother.
I love her so. She lives nearby in suburb. I often visit her.

My grandmother is very kind and fair. I love my family very much
we frequently spend time together.
Do you like evenings with your family?

I love to spend holidays with my parents very much when we gather together at the table.
Where do you usually go on holiday?
And what are you doing in january?

I also attached photos of our family. My photo, with my daughter.
A photo of my father with his beloved dog (baikal), also photo of my mother, and grandmother.
Now I`ll be waiting for your letter very impatiently my dear. ;))

Take care have a nice day.

Warm regards, Svitlana.
now as for my work.
I`ll try to explain everything to you in more detail,

You already know that by profession, I`m a Dentist.
However, in your country, I`m going to work as an (assistant) in a hospital.
My responsibilities will include receiving patients,
and keeping records in medical records.
It`s not difficult and more or less safe.
Insofar as I will be in a separate building,
I`ll not have direct contact with COVID patients.
So don`t worry. I won`t be contagious.

Besides, my job was supposed to be in your capital .
Nonetheless, as soon as I arrive in your country.
I`ll fall under the allocation of jobs.
The agent warned me about this in advance.

Needless to say, I`ll ask to stay in your cityor to another closest to your city.
Nevertheless, I think you should not be afraid of this.
Because we will be close to each other.
You are the first to know about my place of work and residence.

The agent said that the allocation of jobs could take up to five days.
During this time, I will be placed in a hotel paid by the agency.
So it is on these days that we will be able to meet with you.

Once I get a job, my employer must provide me with housing,
in the nearest medical hostel, or rent me an apartment for the first time.
So you don`t need to worry about it either.

I know, the pandemic will end soon.
Thereafter, I can apply for an extension of my visa.
And continue to work, but in his profession.
I hope I answered all your questions.

Have a good day.

Yours Svitlana.