Der Vorgang 24029

Der erste Kontakt 24029

Anzahl der Mails: 26

Es wurden insgesamt -- 26 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Big hello I want to start communicating together with you. I miss this much, I miss a guy in my life. I assume you will like it. I m actually convinced that we can discover shared passions. Hopefully, you ll message me and we could actually launch something totally new.

Interested? Please write ONLY to my regular e-mail:

Missing you, mateless baby Yelyzaveta.
I thrilled you ve responded. I am Yelyzaveta. Do you really remember me? I had written
you a letter! Do not think that I am careless. Along with the message, I mailing you very own images.
I want to request you to be respectable with me. The web is actually a brand new kind of conversation for me personally.
Internet dating has become popular in the whole globe.We can connect right here to get to learn each other.
Don t you agree with the fact? Make sure you throw me your own personal photos too. I think you do have a gorgeous look.
Looking at your own personal pictures can help myself get to know you and your living better.
This is the first time I writing a mail to a male ... Don t laugh at me. I am a sociable
young lady but I used to communicating in reality. I m used to see a humans face while talking and see emotions.
I m hoping there is a happy smile on your own face at this moment and you are in a very good state of mind. I must
focus on myself personally now. i was born 27 January 1983 yrs. When is your own personal bday? However, the difference
within our age is not a problem for our contact. Relationship can unite at every age.
I got the college education. I m working now. Mother and father are still living, although I live alone. Already I a mature
and self-employed lady. Often I visit mother and father. I love mom and dad. I have never ever
been married, and presently I am single. Obviously prior to now, I had formed a bond
with a guy. My last relationship with a man broken little more than a couple of yrs ago. Now I have got a
a feeling of isolation. Lots of my friends currently have their own families. I am a girl and
I desire standard female joy. I would like to start a strong connections. I m hoping you are going to read my mail. I really do not need
to bore you. Tomorrow I looking forward to a fresh letter from your side. Ah ... I completely didn t remember
to say. I have a home in Ukraine. Is distance a problem for you personally? Hopefully it is not. Expecting
your speedy reply. Yelyzaveta.
Good day!!!
When I looked at my e mail in the present day I didn t find your letter, such a shame.
I ve been waiting for your reply! It s me, Yelyzaveta!
Perhaps u didn t really like my appearance and actually decided not to get back?
How come did not answer back? I wish to find a nice close friend and we could be best friends.
Send me a response if possible!Yelyzaveta.
p.s. Please make sure to check your unsolicited mail folder perhaps you will see more letters from me.
Hello acquaintance !
When I looked at my e-mail in the present day I did not locate your letter, shame.
I have already been looking forward to your reply! It s me, Yelyzaveta! Maybe you did not really like my overall look
and decided to never reply? So why did not answer back?I would like to get a nice best friend and we could possibly be buddys.
Hit me a response if possible! Yelyzaveta.

P.S Please make sure to check your trash directory perhaps there ll be other letters right from me.
Hello Friend
A couple of dayz ago I m wrote you a letter, yet you did not answer me. Is there anything wrong? You did not adore
my a message or my images? Kindly do not be quiet, and answer. Probably the a note went directly into the junk mail folder, remember to look there.
I hope you ll write to me soon, I will wait, your completely new buddy ... Yelyzaveta.
Good afternoon xxx,
It s me again! I m glad to see your letter. I was sure that you would write me a letter. I can t answer you right away,
because we have problems with electricity in the city, because Russia is bombing the entire energy system of Ukraine,
and therefore we have power outages and Internet. Now I m at work, it s convenient for me to write letters from work.
xxx, I think I should keep telling you about my life. At the age of 39, I have never been married. I have no children!
I don t smoke. I only drink wine during the celebration. Bad habits reduce our life. I am not against smoking, everyone
makes their own choice. I am working. When I have free time, I spend it in a variety of ways. There was a lot of entertainment
in my city of Nikolayev (in Ukrainian Mykolaiv), before the outbreak of war in February 2022. Look at my city Nikolayev
on the Internet? Do you know the city of Kiev? The distance from the city of Nikolayev to Kiev is 491 km. Have you been to Ukraine?
Ukraine is a big country. Ukraine has a very rich history. I won t tell you about it now, you can see everything on TV,
there s been a lot of talk about our country lately. I work as a seamstress. I used to work in an office for a large firm,
but after the coup in 2014, the company began to reduce staff. And I am very glad about it, because the office is boring
and monotonous. And I found a job as a seamstress, this is my job and hobby. I really like to sew. The main part of the clothes,
I sew for myself. My work requires me to be serious, attentive, and diligent. These qualities are present in me. I like my job.
every day I start working at 09:00 in the morning. I finish work at 18:00 in the evening. I m resting on Sunday. I also have
a higher education. I get moral satisfaction from my work. I don t live to work. xxx, please tell me about your country.
I m interested in getting to know your life... How do you spend every day? Do you have a hobby? I m sending you my photos.
Don t forget to send me a photo. I have to keep working now. Thank you for your attention. I hope my letter wasn t boring
for you. Have a positive day to you! Yelyzaveta.
Hello dear xxx,
xxx, I like our communication with you. I am waiting for your letters every day! Thank you for taking the time to me.
I feel your attention, and of course it s nice for me. How is your day going? Today I woke up at 6:00 in the morning.
Usually in the summer, I start every morning with a jog. I don t have time to go to the gym, so now I do physical exercises at home.
Sometimes I visit the pool. Now I m back at work. I don t have much work today. And in general, recently, due to the martial
law in our country, there is less and less work. Sometimes we just sew clothes for our soldiers who are fighting for our country,
and we do it for free. We, our team, buy the material and sew clothes. And no one compensates us for this, we help anyone
with what they can. Well, let s not talk about the sad. xxx, I told you that sewing is my hobby, and I like to sew. Of course,
it is better to sew beautiful clothes, but during the war, you have to endure. And you know, I m still very good at cooking,
but I mostly cook our national food, I can also cook burgers, meat, pasta... I also have a large collection of cooking recipes.
Since childhood, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my mom. Mom taught me how to cook a lot of different dishes. Are you
familiar with Ukrainian cuisine? Are there restaurants of Ukrainian cuisine in your city? In our city there is a restaurant
of almost all cuisines of the world, but now most of them are closed. xxx, I will be glad to introduce you to Ukrainian cuisine
sometime in the future. Often we get together with my familiar girlfriends at my house. I like to surprise familiar girlfriends
with new dishes. I live alone. My parents live in a village near my town. In the village, the Infrastructure is less developed,
so I preferred to live in the city. I rent an apartment. I like the apartment I rent. I often visit my parents. My mom and dad
are already elderly people, they are retired. Mom has always worked as a history teacher at school, and dad worked as a shuttle
bus driver, I come from a simple family. I love my family very much! xxx, when I write you a letter, I want to tell you
everything. It s a pity that there is a distance between us. If we lived next door, we could meet in a cafe and talk endlessly.
I sincerely hope that you support my dreams. I hope that someday our dreams will come true. I m waiting for your letter.
Have a great day to you! Yelyzaveta.
HELLO, my dear xxx!
Thank you so much for the letter. I must tell you again how pleased I am to receive your letters. It s nice to realize the fact that
you re interested in me. So, let s continue… I want to tell you about the reason for my search on the Internet. I never believed in the possibility
of finding my love on the Internet. It seemed impossible. I thought it was just a game for people. I never noticed sincerity and feelings in this.
xxx, everything changed by accident! This often happens when chance changes everything. I have the closest and best friend Marina.
She has always been adventurous, brave, cheerful. Marina has never been afraid of anything new and interesting. In secret from me, she turned to
a dating agency. xxx, for a long time I didn t know anything. And one day she told me everything. Everything about her act and her LOVE.
I was shocked. It turned out that Marina had a male friend. His name was Jim! They quickly fell in love with each other. I fell in love through letters.
Fell in love forever. My friend took her suitcase and sped away. She sped away to meet her fate. Contrary to my instructions and persuasions,
it s good to think about everything and weigh the pros and cons. Against all odds!!!!!! A few months later, I was a bridesmaid at their wedding.
Yes xxx! They got married. They are absolutely happy, and now they have a child. Marina and Jim are the perfect couple. The perfect family.
Of course, someone may say that there is no ideal, and love is a myth. Someone may not trust and doubt. But I know this family, I saw their eyes
that were full of love. I saw tears of happiness in Jim s eyes when they danced at their wedding. It s like a fairy tale. A fairy tale of the 21st century!
But this is the truth xxx, the truth and life... Marina s example made me think. Forced me to act. I know there are a lot of lies and deception
on the Internet. I know a lot of different people and stories on the internet. There is a lot of everything there! But I SEE the happiest love.
The love that originated there. In letters, in expectations and in dreams. So this is my "absolutely special" reason to look for my love. To search
on the Internet. Hope, dream and believe. Believe in love... Probably xxx, now the "story of my love" begins. Time will tell! xxx, I will
be waiting for your letter. And I would like to ask at the end of my letter, what QUALITIES are you looking for in your partner? What do you expect
from our communication with you? In the photo, happy Marina and lonely Me! Your new friend, Yelyzaveta.
Fiery salute xxx,
I rush to work every day to see your letter. After reading your letter, I have a good mood all day. Now I have free time,
and I m writing you a letter. Our communication with you in no way interferes with my work. I manage to do everything that is required
of me at work. There s not much work anyway, less and less. All because of the war. Well, let s not talk about sad things. xxx,
how did you spend last night? what are your plans for tonight? Yesterday I wanted to go to yoga, but I found out that the yoga coach
left Ukraine, like this, everyone is leaving here. I had to sit alone and watch a movie at home. I like to watch movies on
the big screen. I like melodramas, comedies, adventures. But again, because of the war, all cinemas are closed. What genres of films
do you like? I don t have any particular preferences in music. My choice of music depends on my mood. I can listen to pop, jazz, blues, romance.
Do you like dancing? I m a good dancer. As a child, I attended a dance school. When I was studying at the institute, I was doing aerobics.
xxx, I also like to dance a slow dance. It s been a long time since I ve danced a slow dance. Dear xxx, do you think of our
relationship as friendship? I want to know that. I am a very trusting girl. My heart has been broken in the past! I don t want the experience
of a failed relationship to repeat for me. I like you. I like your letters. I m revealing my feelings to you now. It seems to me that
my life is beginning to be filled with meaning. Sometimes I think about you during the day... I can imagine what you are doing at one
time or another. Please be sincere with me. I will be completing the letter. If you didn t see my letter on some day, know that it s not my fault,
it s all the bombing. Because of them, I have problems with electricity and the Internet. And as soon as I have the opportunity, I immediately
write you a letter. I m waiting for your letter! Your girlfriend from Ukraine, Yelyzaveta.
Hello my friend xxx,
I was tired at work today. Our director called me early in the morning and asked me to prepare a report for the past 4 months (as it was strange).
I ve just finished all the necessary calculations. Later, I will go to the director and submit a report. Your letter brought me a smile...
xxx, I want to look into your eyes now and guess your mood. do you know that a glance can say more than a million words? My eyes sparkle
with joy when I check my mail and see your letter. thank you for the happiness you bring me.Have you told anyone about our communication with you?
I didn t tell anyone that now I have a friend in another country. I promise that I will not tell anyone about our communication with you.
Some people are very envious, and I really don t like it. Our communication is our joy with you. xxx, what kind of vacation do you prefer?
do you like noisy companies or do you prefer a quiet holiday? As for me, I used to really like noisy companies. I loved to have fun, and was the
soul of the company. Now (after 10 years or less) there have been some changes in my life, probably caused by the fact that I have become an adult.
It is much more pleasant for me now to have a rest in a small company of my familiar girlfriends in a cozy cafe, which has also not been the case
since the beginning of the war in our country. I dream of a romantic evening with the man I love. xxx, are you a romantic? Do you like to
surprise a girl? I like romance... I want to go hiking, to the mountains, to the river, to live in a tent! I like to watch the stars, I like to
have dinner by candlelight. I also like to dance a dance to slow music... However, it s been a very long time since I ve had all this. Well,
I dreamed everything and went to the director to submit the report that I had prepared.Let only the best moments, emotions and important people
move with you into the new year 2023. Today I m going to the village to my parents, to celebrate the New Year. my kisses are for you...Yelyzaveta.
Let the New Year become a good fairy tale for you! Let all miracles and dreams come true.
Howdy !
So why did not answer back? I wish to speak with you.Hope you will have a nice, relaxing as well as delighted week.
Remember to, send me note, I ll be patiently waiting, Yelyzaveta.
Strangely I didn t find your message.I am awaiting your answer, in these days!
I thought ur will find time for me and will write to me!Throw me a reply if possible! Yelyzaveta.
Hi my dear xxx,
It should be winter outside, and we have rains. When I left the house, I took an umbrella with me. There is still no rain, but there are
a lot of clouds over my city. The weather does not affect my mood at all. Your letter brought me joy... Do you remember that in the
last letter I told you that I went to submit a report to my director? The director accepted my report. The director told me some
unpleasant news. Namely, that because of martial law, as there are constant power outages and, there are no orders for tailoring.
She (our director) said that soon we will all be on vacation because of this war. She (the director) cannot support all of us at her own expense.
She said to wait a few days and she would announce it to everyone. xxx right now I have no plans for the future, as I did not expect this.
It will be good if we can meet at this time! I understand that you have your own life, but while there is an opportunity, you should
not miss it. This is my personal opinion. Today at lunch I visited a cafe with my colleague. We ate and talked. My colleague s name
is Krystina. Krystina told me that she noticed a change in me recently. I started coming to work earlier than usual. I spend a lot
of time at the computer. Also, my colleague said that I ve been looking very happy lately... I didn t expect to hear about it. xxx,
I didn t tell my colleague anything about our communication. But I thought about it and realized that my life really changed after
the beginning of our communication. I come to work earlier than others so that I can read your letter in a calm atmosphere. When I read
your letters. I am plunging into another world. I try to imagine that we are next to each other and talking. Please don t laugh at me...
I trust you, and that s why I m telling you about it. I will finish my letter to you now. I wish you a pleasant day! Remember that you
have a girlfriend in Ukraine, Yelyzaveta
Hello there
how are you keeping? You are not replying, are all the things okay with you?Please answer back, I m slightly worried.
Make sure you verify your unsolicited mail directory maybe there will be more emails coming from me.
always your .... Yelyzaveta.
How rare are you to write to me? Yelyzaveta.
Howdy dear xxx,
I just read your letter... xxx, I really like our friendship. Earlier. I had a feeling of curiosity about you. Now I have a feeling
of sympathy for you. I m waiting for your letters, like a child waiting for a Christmas present. Your letters have become the most important
part of my life. It s been a long time since I ve experienced the feeling that s in my heart right now. I have feelings for you...
I m afraid to tell you this, but my feelings for you are greater than sympathy. I am looking forward to your letters with great impatience.
I go to bed and think about you and me. previously, I had no idea that feelings could arise when communicating in e-mail. Now we are convinced of this.
xxx, how do you feel? I am sincere with you, and I only tell you what I feel. I don t have any secrets from you. Dear xxx,
today I want to ask you some questions. if you don t want to answer me, I ll understand you. Please tell me how do you view your future?
What do you want in the future and do you want me to be a part of your future? Would you like to have your future wife for the rest of your life?
I want to get married only once and be happy. It s hard to talk about feelings in letters. I want to look into your eyes and listen to you.
A glance can convey much more words. do you agree with me? Our meeting will help us get to know each other. Yes, I m already seriously thinking
about our meeting. And by the way, I have an international passport that allows me to travel all over the world. I made it back in 2015,
but I never used it. I made a passport during the first coup in Ukraine in 2014... I really appreciate our communication with you. xxx,
I m afraid to check my mail some day and not see your letter. Please don t leave me without your letters. I ll be leaving work earlier today.
My mother promised that she would come to the city in the afternoon to visit the shops. And in the evening Mom will come to visit me.
And of course I poison my photos that our familiar girlfriend takes, she is studying to be a professional photographer, and often trains very
much on us, her girlfriends, and we like it, free, semi-professional photos. Kisses... Yelyzaveta.
What`s new?
You are not here and it hurts me, boredom and longing are on my heart. I don t know if you miss me as much as I miss you...
How are you darling !
If I could, then I rushed would come to you like a tiger and forced would write me to me that you
everything would not unsubscribe, I m bored! Yelyzaveta
Where are you, my mysterious happiness? Where are you, my undying love? I feel very bad without your answer.Yelyza. Please check your trash folder.
My naughty tongue wants to play with you, wants to go into your mouth and start a little!
Good evening
how are you doing today? You aren t writing anything, are all the things all right with you?Be sure to answer back, I m a little concerned.
Make sure you check your trash directory perhaps you ll find other messages from myself.
always your .... Yelyzaveta.
I wish my dear man of the day of smiles and that he passed without mistakes! Your Yelyzaveta
Greetings! Exactly what are you going to do at the time of the day off? Please remember to, write me a message, I ll be patiently waiting, Yelyzaveta.
Big hello
Have a good rest! I have already been expecting u letter, in these days!
I thought your will find time for me and will write to me!
Send me an answer if possible! Yelyzaveta.
What re you up to? It s Wed. Let this day brings smiles! Let it bring good luck! I miss you. Yelyzaveta