Der Vorgang 2403

Der erste Kontakt 2403

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hello xxx! How are you today? My name is Irina. You have informed
me the email on dating site absoluteagency. I very much liked yours
profile, and I am very interested in you. I will try to write now more
about me and that I search here, I hope that you will read it with a
great interest. To me of 27 years, I from Russia, from the city of
St.-xxxsburg. My birthday on August, 10th, my zodiac sign a lion.
Here I try to meet my unique man with who at me will be the happy
future. I tried to search for the man from Russia, but, unfortunately,
all my diligence were vain. One my acquaintance has advised to me to
use the Internet as she heard that on the Internet many people have
met each other, and now they live happily together. And here now I
here, I hope that I can meet here my unique and unique man:) I hope
that after perusal of my letter, you can learn a little about me. If
you have, what be questions, set to me them, and I will necessarily
answer all your questions. Also tell to me a little about itself in
the following letter, I want to learn you as it is possible is better.
I have put some my pictures, I hope, you will love them. I wait with
the big impatience of your answer, and I hope also to see some your
pictures. Irina