Der Vorgang 24032

Der erste Kontakt 24032

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Cześć xxx. Jak się masz? Mam się dobrze. Byłam zajęta i nie mogłam od razu do Ciebie napisać.
Serwis randkowy nie zawierał moich zdjęć. bałam się wystawiać swoje zdjęcia.
Teraz wysłałam ci moje zdjęcia. Następnym razem napiszę ci więcej.
będę czekał na twój list i Twoje zdjęcia. Opowiedz trochę o sobie.

Deutsche Ãœbersetzung:

Hallo xxx. Wie geht s? Es geht mir gut. Ich war beschäftigt und konnte dir nicht sofort schreiben.
Die Dating-Site hatte keine Bilder von mir. Ich hatte Angst, meine Fotos zu posten.
Jetzt habe ich dir meine Fotos geschickt. Beim nächsten Mal schreibe ich dir mehr.
Ich werde auf Ihren Brief und Ihre Fotos warten. Erzähl mir etwas über dich.
I liked your picture. Thank you for leaving me your email on the dating site.
This is my first online dating experience. I will tell you a little about my life ...
My name is Yulia, I am 38 years old, I was born on March 18, 1984. I live in Kazakhstan in a small town of Shemonaiha.
It is a small but beautiful city with a population of about 18 thousand people.
I live alone, in a studio apartment. I have a good knowledge of your language. I think we won t have any problems understanding each other.
I am single, I have never been married, and I have no children. I have been living in Kazakhstan since I was born, and I have never been abroad.
Now I work for a store manager. My salary is not bad.
I have a higher education in economics.
I want to tell you why I decided to find a man through the Internet. I tried many times to find love in my city, but nothing worked.
I was looking for a person here, but I couldn t find one. Most men in Kazakhstan drink or have a bad temper.
I had a relationship, but it wasn t a success.
Of course, we have good men, but almost all of them are already married, I couldn t find a man here and decided to try to find him on the Internet.
xxx, I m sorry for your loss. It s hard to lose loved ones. Please accept my sincere condolences.
But this is life, and we can only accept it and move on. We have one life, and I am sure that we need to live it with dignity.
Yes, I love animals very much. I like dogs.
I have questions for you. Are you a serious man? What kind of relationship are you looking for???
As for me, I m only looking for a serious relationship, I m not looking for entertainment and games.
You can ask me any questions, I will be happy to answer them.
I m sending you a photo. Do you like my photos?
I m interested to know about you. Tell me a little bit about you and your life. Ok?
It s time for me to finish my letter.
I am waiting for your answer and hope to continue our communication Yulia.