Der Vorgang 24104

Der erste Kontakt 24104

Anzahl der Mails: 7

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I ve been lucky enough to write to you,
excuse me early if I ve bothered you.
I want this to be a new chapter in my future whole life.
So, to get to know me better,
I ll tell you a little story about me
I hope that the correspondence between us is not interrupted and
and that you are surprised and open my email.
I don t really know how to start my story.
I have never tried to tell anyone my life in the email until now.
I can describe my character as the solar, active, outspoken woman.
I m probably like everyone else, I m glad when I have a change of mood
and cry out loud with tears when I m sad.
I have all the same qualities as any other girl.
I am a friendly woman but at the same time a proud woman if I was offended.
Normally I admire candor and honesty.
Have you seen my photo? Can you also pick up a sheet of paper and greet me on it?
I trust that you are welcome, that our written exchanges will continue.
In a next one I would like to know more about you, your view on life.
so far only a test letter to make sure that you see what I am writing here
What s your real name?
That name xxx, This is your nickname?
is my real name Alymkan.
Soon the great holiday of Christmas and we could congratulate each other on this day,
if you have such a desire? ho ho ho
I expect you like it, and we can get closer
Today I have 10 December here and I wish you
have a good day this Saturday
Hello xxx,
Thank you for answering me and now I will briefly tell about myself
I live in Kyrgyzstan. in the city of Karakol.
I am 31 years old. I haven t been married.
I have no husband and no children.
I m looking for a person with whom I could be plant and care for crops together
plant onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes.
In other words, I m looking for a man with whom I could live my whole life together,
hand in hand and have a warm relationship and understanding each other in everything
do not offend and support each other in difficult hours.
How to put it briefly, do everything together

I am a very cheerful person, I see everything in bright colors,
I always meet good people in my life, because I m always like that,
I also love animals, especially horses.
I always dreamed that my betrothed would come to me on a horse,
like in old movies.
Maybe you think it s funny, but I really want it

I often want to go to the forest, listen to the birds singing, it s so quiet and calm,
where I live there is a source nearby, this source is natural and it gives water from the bowels of the earth
there flows a stream with spring water and I often go there to wash and get this water,
unusual water, but water that gives strength.

If you are interested, maybe when I go there I will shoot a video clip for you,
where you will see with your own eyes a video from this natural source,
where spring water flows from the bowels of the earth.

Since where I live, wages are low,
and I have to look for a part-time job in order to have an additional income.
Moreover, I really like the profession in which I work.

I like animals a lot. But. I recently bury my cat, he was many years old, he was old.

A long time ago I found this cat on the street, and I felt sorry for him, I took him in, and we lived together for a long time.
Since I do not have a loved one nearby, the cat purred to me every day and was my friend.

Now that he s dead, I ve decided that I won t get a cat again until then.
until I have a family.
Because I am very attached and after the cat died, I grieved for a long time.
I can be strongly attached to a cat or a person, but I don’t have a man nearby, I’m still alone.
I want to have a family. Husband, child, cat and dog. This is how I see my future family.

So I have already told a lot about myself, and now I ask you to tell about yourself in the same way,
so that when I open your letter, I can read it with joy and enjoy reading.

Tell me please about your life?
What is your job and what do you do in your free time?
How many pets do you have?
How many wives did you have, and why did you part with them?
What dreams do you have, what do you dream about?
For example, I dream of having a strong, healthy family in which we will all be as one.
I want my husband to love me, and the children to obey their father and mother.
Do you want such a family?

I just wrote this piece of paper so you can make sure that I wrote this letter today.
Today I will try to send you a video in which you will see that I am a living and real woman.
Hello xxx,
I wrote you a letter yesterday, but apparently you never received it.
The reason I do not know. I am sending you a letter, but you do not answer me in response.

I suspect that you are not receiving my emails due to the fact that they arrive in your wrong mailbox folder?

I want to tell you that you would check all the folders in your mailbox to make sure
that my letters now to be in the wrong folder in your mailbox?
Should my letter from yesterday be there?

I am sending this short letter just to inform you of this thought.

I will continue to communicate with you as soon as I see your new letter for me.

Today is wednesday and I am writing this letter to you at December 14th.
I really hope that you will answer me back very soon.
I think of you
Hello xxx,
Today, when I started writing this letter, here is wednesday, 14 December.
What day is it today when you received my letter?

And this morning after I open my computer, I immediately shoot a video for you
so that you can see how I started writing a new letter for you,
you will see how I write to you if you watch the attached video

So on the video you will see that I am a living and real woman
Immediately I want to ask you to send me exactly the same video with you,
on which I will see how you started writing a letter to me,

This morning I woke up very early, I was restless,
because I kept remembering what I wrote to you yesterday.
I remember every line from yesterday s letter, and I have more thoughts that I would like to tell you and then ask you a question.

Today I want to ask you xxx
Have you ever had someone betray you at work?
Yesterday I told you that I have a job, but I did not say what profession I work in.
I work as a teacher at a school. I work at Secondary school number 15 in Karakol city.
The school where I work is located in Kyrgyzstan
I am an English teacher. I teach International English and prepare children for exams.

In the collective in which I work, there are many colleagues whom I always treat well.
I really like to make friends and share my thoughts, because I have no one to share with relatives.
Since I have no relatives and I have never been closer than my collective at school.
I thought that if there is friendship, then it should be strong, without betrayal.
But my colleague betrayed me. She told the whole school about me, that I was a lonely and old unmarried woman.
She said that I was 31 years old, and that I had not yet started a family.
So she made fun of me behind my back in front of the school staff.
Those whom I considered my friend turned out to be a traitor.
My inner world turned upside down.
I did not think that there are people who can be so deceitful.
It turns out when I believed in friendship and shared my most intimate,
My friendship has turned against me.
I was ridiculed by telling the entire school collective everything I told her about.

I am glad that I found out in time that with whom I am friends, otherwise I would have told her about our correspondence
and then the whole school would know about it.
But in time I heard from other colleagues what a "real" traitor she really is.
And our friendship with her is over.
It s good that I found out in time who to be friends with And she doesn t know anything about our correspondence
and now I can share my most intimate with you.
Because now in my life appeared you xxx
I hope that I won t inconvenience you.
that I share my thoughts with you.
What can you tell me about this situation?
How did you react if this incident happened to you?

I would be very interested to know about you, I want you to tell me an interesting case with you
Maybe you had exactly the same experience when a loved one betrays you?
Or maybe one of your relatives does terrible things to you?
In any case, I am waiting for a response letter from you, which I will open and it will be interesting for me to read
I will make myself a strong black tea and read your reply letter.
I want to get a letter from you that I could read at least 2 times like an interesting book
tell me more about yourself,
How was your day?
What did you eat today?
What do you want to do today?
Has anything similar happened to you lately?

I hope you re not angry that I write so much about personal things,
but perhaps today s letter gave you the pleasure of reading it?

Now I work until tonight and I will have a second shift.
But today, when I come, I will definitely look at what you wrote to me,
After reading your letter, I will go to sleep with these thoughts.
Hello xxx,
Today, when I started writing this letter, here is Thursday 15 December.
I am very glad that I can write to you again and tell you a few thoughts about myself,
so it will be easier for you to imagine me and my life.

Well, first of all, I want to tell you, thank you so much for appearing in my life,
since I started writing to you, my life has become easier, because when I remember you,
I immediately start smiling a lot.

I even today especially for you xxx, want to send you a live video with me,
I take a small video in the bathroom and wave my hand to you, maybe it will please you
In the video I smile thanks to you
Thank you for being in my life now.

What can not be said before about how I lived without you.
I didn’t have anything like this before, because I didn’t have a relationship like this before.

Yesterday I already told you that at the school where I work as an international English teacher,
I had a case when a work colleague whom I considered my friend, suddenly turned out to be the kind of friend with whom you should not be friends and trust your secrets.

Thank God everything fell into place and now I can clearly see who is who at my work.
I have a collective here at school, but it turned out that you can’t consider anyone your friend and you can’t share your secrets.
As the proverb says. You can t have friends at work.

I miss the person next to me so close to me. With whom I could share my thoughts.
But I don t have anyone by my side. I have no relatives, and I can’t even share my life with anyone and tell how I live or how my day went.
That s why at the beginning of the letter, I expressed my gratitude to you for the fact that now I have you.

I really want to have a close friend like you
But I can only dream about it. Maybe my dream will come true someday.
How would you act in a situation in which the collective at work turned out to be a traitor?
What would you do in my place? And how would you react to the fact that you were betrayed by a friend at work?

Once again, I m sorry that I have to tell you all this,
but I just feel that you are very close to me, and that I can trust you and tell you anything.

I really hope that you are the man I can trust?

I just looked at my watch, it turns out I ve been writing this letter to you for an hour.
Yes, I have been writing this letter to you for exactly 1 hour. Because I set the timer the moment I started writing it.
I just wanted to know how long it takes to tell you as honestly as possible about myself.
And today I was as honest as possible with you, spending exactly an hour to write all this.
I m sorry that my letter turned out to be so long, I just thought what I wrote to you.
I wanted to describe all my thoughts as accurately as possible, so that you could feel me from the inside as accurately as possible.

I will be waiting for your reply. Please write me the longest possible letter, now I want to read a long letter from you
Tell me everything you want, so I can feel you as accurately as possible from the inside.
Now I wish you have a good day.
Hello xxx,
Today when I started writing this letter here is Friday 16 December.
And starting to write this letter, I turn on the timer again to find out how much time I spend on this letter.
This morning when I woke up, before work, I went to the kitchen and made a quick breakfast,
because today I fell awoke at late in the morning, and I didn’t hear the alarm clock, I overslept my work.
With the advent of you in my life, I began to notice that I think a lot about you.
It s probably not for nothing, you re on my mind almost all day.
And how are you with this? Do you remember part of me during the day?

You already know that I live in Kyrgyzstan. In the city of Karakol,
after I get disappointed in past relationships, I no longer build new relationships here in Karakol,
I don t want to experience pain in my heart again, so where I live, I no longer build relationships.

You probably think that I have sexual needs? And would you like to know how I deal with it?
I answer you xxx. Yes! I am a healthy woman! And I always have a strong desire to have sex.
But since I do not build any relationship here in Karakol, I choose for myself the option,
in which I do not have sex with a man, but when I am at home alone, I satisfy myself with my hands.

I got so used to this lifestyle that instead of having sex with a man, I learned to give myself an orgasm.
You probably wanted to know what is my sexual need per week? How many times do I masturbate a week?
I usually masturbate 1-2 times a week, that s enough for me. I get 1-2 orgasms and then go to bed full and fall asleep.
How many times a week do you masturbate?

Probably what you found out about the fact that I masturbate there is nothing reprehensible in this.
I think that all people on the planet masturbate. The only difference is how many per week they do it.
Someone needs it every day, someone may not masturbate at all.
For example, 1-2 times a week is enough for me, this is enough for me.
If I had a man next to me, then there would be no need for masturbation.
We could have sex together as much as needed.

Usually it takes me 30 minutes to masturbate, sometimes less, it all depends on the fatigue at work.
How long do you usually masturbate? 15-20 minutes? or less? Maybe more?

Answering me these questions, you and me. together we will approximately know our sexual needs,
so we will know if we are suitable for each other sexually.

In any case, before two people want to have sex, it is always necessary to discuss who likes what in sex.
What would be good for everyone during sex.

Forgive me, maybe you are upset now that I write so much about sex, but I think that we are adults and we can be open on this issue?

you probably want to see me naked? I m warning you right now.
I will not send any naked photos. You can resent me all you want.

I am a normal adequate girl, and I am not of easy virtue.
Please don t ask me to take depraved photos.
I ll tell you this, I don t want my nude photos with no clothes on the Internet.

You can send them there yourself. Or show my friends to someone.
I just don t consider this option. I don t send nude photos.

I work as a teacher at a school and I don t need these problems.
You already know that where I work, everyone is a gossip fan.
If at my work they still see nude photos, then I will not survive this.

The same goes for you, no need to email me a photo of your dick.
I think it would be better if you could send me a full body photo of you in clothes and any photos of you outside.

If everything works out for you and me and we meet each other one day,
then you can see me in person and i will see you in person.
We ll just have a picnic together in nature
somewhere far away from people, or vice versa where it will be crowded.

We ll just take a blanket, a blanket, a bedspread and go to the beach together.
How do you imagine our meeting in the open air?
Can you write your thoughts in your next letter?
Do you have a beach nearby that we could go to together?
Where we could spread a blanket and just listen to the silence of nature.
Then you could eat a croissant and drink some inexpensive wine
Remember from memory you have somewhere nearby a place where
where you and I could retire in nature in the future?
An example of how I would like it, I send it to you in a photo from the Internet

now I have to continue my work, I will see your letter tonight.
so try to answer me today during the day.

I m going to pay the bills tonight after work. Because it s already the middle of the month.
Because no one will pay all my payments. I have to do everything myself.
I don t have anyone I can rely on.
What will you do today?
What are your plans for this evening?
Please tell me in as much detail as possible.
I want your letter to be long. Therefore, I ask you to be as honest as possible and write to me everything that is on your mind.
In addition, I want you to write me a long letter that I would like to read 2 times.
Can you write me a long letter today?
I want to read your long letters and re-read them with pleasure when I go to bed.
Have a nice day,
see you.
Waiting for an answer.
Hello xxx,
Today, when I started writing this letter, here is 17 December.
Today I woke up very early, I could not sleep well
because you never left my head.
I am now setting the timer again, so that later I can see how much time I usually spend writing this letter.
But usually I spend more than an hour writing to you,
because first I write what I feel right now, and I express these thoughts at this moment,
why i set a timer? I m just always interested to know how long it takes me to write everything that I wanted
Have you ever kept track of time? Have you wondered how long it usually takes you to write your letter to me?

Today I could not sleep well, I often woke up at night,
I always had thoughts about you in front of my eyes,
I must have aroused you, because the conversations in the letter were as close as possible to arousal.
I confess to you xxx,
I was so excited yesterday night that I couldn t contain it any longer.
Since I live it and I don t have anyone around,
so no one bothers me to do at home alone everything that I want.
yesterday night I masturbate. I remembered those lines from the letter that I wrote to you, and this gives me even more excitement.
Usually I masturbate with my hand, I don t attach any objects and I don t put them inside me.

It s easier for me to take my hand and caress myself for 20-30 minutes,
then comes a strong orgasm, after which I can quickly fall asleep.
If I didn t masturbate yesterday night, I wouldn t be able to sleep all night.
Orgasm helps me to relax and relieve tension from arousal.
After today s night orgasm, I went to the kitchen and drank a glass of boiled water and then I went to bed.
Sleep came quickly. Because I got what I wanted.

Forgive me for writing you all the intimate details, but we are adults
and we can write about it calmly and not be ashamed of each other.
I repeat, every person on the planet has done it or is still doing it.
So you don t have to be ashamed of it. It is impossible to change what is created by nature.

I m sorry that I have to write you all this,
but I trust you with my intimate details, and I hope that you will not treat me like my colleagues at work,
who gossiped about me throughout the school.
I don t think you are.
You will not talk to everyone about everything that I will tell you now.
I consider you my friend and even more
One day I would like to meet you to tell you - Hello xxx!
We could get to know you personally and shake hands,
What would you do first when you meet me?
Will you shake my hand? Or hugged me with all his might?
Could you ever meet me at your house?

I decided that I want to send you a postcard today by mail,
can you write me your home address,
I ll go to the post office today in saturday and send you a postcard,
so you can get it from me to your home address.
I want you to receive a live postcard from me in the mail.
So you can be closer to me
because when you pick up a postcard from me,
you can feel that I am also holding her in my arms.
I ll take my favorite perfume and sprinkle it on a postcard
so you will smell my scent and we will be closer to each other with the swami.

I want again to ask you xxx
After you read my letter and get very excited,
please don t ask me to send you naked pictures of me,
in last letter, I told you
it s impossible
I am a school teacher and I am a decent woman
if it happened that my nude photo gets on the Internet,
I will simply be kicked out of school and I will no longer be able to work as a teacher.

Do not ask for a naked photo with me, it s useless.
I m like a teacher from a school, you just have to understand with your head,
that if my naked photo gets on the Internet, the students of the school can find it,
and then they show these photos to their parents, or even the principal of the school.

What should I do when everyone at school finds out that the teacher from school number 15 in Karakol,
taking naked pictures and posting them to the internet?

Can you imagine what could happen?

I would not want that tomorrow morning when I wake up, on the news or even on TV
see the news: Secondary school number 15 in the city of Karakol The teacher took naked photos and sent them to the Internet,
now the whole school knows what she looks like without clothes. The principal of the school said that this teacher resigned of her own accord.
This news could thunder throughout Kyrgyzstan.

Yes, we can talk to you about intimate topics, but I m not going to send anything without clothes.
It s taboo! If you want to see me naked, then this will only happen in person when you meet

You can masturbate as much as you like after reading my letter,
but never ask me to send you a photo of me without clothes.
I can send you over the Internet only a photo of me in clothes.
Understood me?

Since I told you that I like to talk to you about anything.
I will try my best to answer exactly what you want to hear.
I like sex and all its manifestations.
I like kisses in all intimate places, if you kissed me from head to toe, I would only be happy about it.
So you could bring me to orgasm faster.
If you caress my lips every time you want to make love to me
then I could reach my orgasm faster.
Do you want to know if I want you to caress my clit and vagina?
xxx what do you think? Would I like to receive it from you? or not?
Do you think that I would refuse if you started licking me with your tongue?

Well, I will give detailed answers to all intimate questions.
I have been as sincere and honest with you xxx.
And now I want to ask you to answer me honestly and sincerely to what I will now ask you?

Have you ever cheated on your wife? To your beloved girl?
Could deceive me and cheat on me intimately?
Would we like to start a serious relationship in the future?
Would you like to meet in the future and get to know each other better?
Possible accommodation together?

I have just checked the timer and I see that I have been writing this letter to you for over 1 hour.
I want to ask you to answer me the same,
please write me your long letter.
I want to ask you for a letter that I would like to read several times.
And please feel free to write to me what you think, it will be only the most honest thoughts from you.
I hope you do everything I asked you to do today.
I would really like to snuggle up to you now with all my strength,
but I m sure we can do it sometime in the future.
I wish you have a good day.
please write to me, today before going to bed I will read this.