Der Vorgang 24186

Der erste Kontakt 24186

Anzahl der Mails: 6

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Hello Friend!! are you all right? I found you on a dating site. and that brought me here to write to you. I hope you don t mind. I will be glad if you write to me.,) Tomorrow I hope to get an answer from you. your friend Anastasia
Good afternoon . What are you doing? How was your day? I went to the email and saw a letter from you I would love to continue to communicate with you. Get to know each other better and establish our communication and friendship. What do you think about it? Also, i want to see your pics You also didn t tell me your name. I want to know how to address you I would like to tell you a little bit about myself so that you get to know me a little better. I used to try to get acquainted on dating sites. But nothing good came of it. I ve talked to a lot of guys on these dating sites, but they were all not serious about me. They were jerks and wrote utter nonsense, and also asked for my nude photos. I didn t like it terribly. I was shocked by what kind of people can be evil and disgusting. That s why I stopped sitting on these sites. I don t even remember how many sites I tried to find friendship on. All my attempts were in vain. I just wanted to find good communication and maybe friendship. By the way, what are you looking for? I hope that you are a good person and we will have a great communication, I think we can become friends. What do you think? It s hard and sad for me right now. Because I live in Ukraine. Surely you have heard what is happening in my country. It s horrible. But I try not to lose heart and try to be strong. I hope and believe that soon all this mess will stop. And people in my country will begin to live peacefully and serenely. Is everything all right in your country? Has the war affected your country in any way? Are you interested to know more about me? I am a massage specialist. My massage helps people get rid of pain well, and also helps and strengthens muscles. Maybe you will like my profession? Most often, girls come to me for a massage. I help them stay beautiful and also help their body to rest and relax. But men also subscribe to me XD I think that every person needs to rest and monitor the condition of their body. I won t write much. If you are interested in our communication, then write to me, I will be glad to hear from you. Your new friend Nastya.
OK, I ll send you my photo again. After all, I sent it to you in a letter in which I told you a little about myself. But before I send my photo again. I want you not to ignore my letter. I want you to tell me about yourself. And they also sent me their photo. It s not fair, I ve already sent you my photo. Now you ask for another one, but you don t throw off your own. I hope I will see your answer and your photo soon. Your new friend Anastasiia
OK, I ll send you my photo again. I hope your reply will contain a normal letter and your photo
Hello We talked to you. But you didn t answer my letter. I hope you will answer me soon. I hope to get your answer soon Anastasiia
Good day I wrote you a letter. But I didn t see your reply to my letter. I hope to receive an answer to my letter soon. Waiting for your response Anastasiia