Der Vorgang 24199

Der erste Kontakt 24199

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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Hi, I hope that you just do not mind me writing u this mail. I m trying to find a serious connection as well as develop real love. For me it s going to be a great if we ll get familiar along with each other and also start chatting. I am a modest plus a good lady who is interested in legitimate as well as honest absolute love. For me, the main element in life is the fact that my valentine is always beside me, with whom I will be okay. I ll be a loyal and decent girl for very own dear and a thoughtful better half. If you are attracted in becoming part of my precious destiny and will write me back soon! Yours Truly, ROZA
Hello there, I hope you do not actually mind me writing you this message. I m just in search of a real connection as well as develop family. To me it will probably be a excellent in cases where we ll become familiar along with one another and begin chatting. I am a moderate plus a good young lady that is trying to find true and also truthful absolute love. In my opinion, the main factor within life is the fact that my mate is always beside me, together with who I will be safe. I ll be a dedicated and respectable young lady for my man and a thoughtful better half. Hope you are curious in getting to be a part of my precious journey and will write me back soon! All the best, ROZA
It is very nice and unexpected to receive your letter. You are the first man to whom I write my letter, since I have never done this before. I want you to know that I am glad to meet you and hope that it will continue. I also know that there are a lot of liars, perverts and pimps on the Internet, but I hope you re not like that. My name is Roza. According to the horoscope, I am Aquarius, but I don t really believe in zodiac signs, since it s all nonsense. I was born on February 10, 1987. I have a kind and gentle nature, I do not like to argue and swear, and in fact I am a gentle girl. I have never been married and I have no children. I live in the city of Saratov, do you know about such a city? I m only looking for real love and a serious relationship and I don t need stupid games. I don t want to waste my time since I m not a young girl anymore. I will be glad if you are the man I have been looking for all my life. If you and I manage to build a relationship and love, then it will be good for both of us, won t it?
I have a few questions for you to find out more about you, I hope you don t mind it. When is your birthday? Where and by whom do you work? What do you expect from our acquaintance? You can also ask me any questions and I will be very happy to answer them and get to know you better.
I hope that you are interested in me and therefore you will continue to communicate with me and write to me soon. I ll be waiting for your letter. Roza.