Der Vorgang 24207

Der erste Kontakt 24207

Anzahl der Mails: 4

Es wurden insgesamt -- 4 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Good morning. Dear the stranger, I wish to look, how much you wish to find and to begin acquaintance with new and remarkable the girl? My name Gulnara. I think, that I to you like on a photo. I wish to meet the man with whom my life will be quiet and interesting. I very much interesting, opened and positive the girl. But I one now and I very much have got tired from such life. So I have addressed in marriage agency and have sent to you the letter. Actually, I search adequate the man for stable relations and a combination marriage further. My purpose - to find love. I wish to believe, that you are this man. I will be glad if we find one goal in life, and our acquaintance - the most significant moment in our future. At present I do not know, as is strong have interest in continuation our correspondence, therefore I am more than information on I will write about myself in the following letter.

If you are interested Please answer ONLY to my regular e-mail:

I will wait your answer with huge impatience. Bye,Gulnara.
Thank you for responding to my letter . Now, I will try to explain how I found your mail. So that in
the future you will not have any questions about this. I found your email on the dating site
"Parthner". I decided to write to you. This site was advised to me by my sister with whom we are on
good terms. First of all , I was interested in finding a man from another country . Because I m not
satisfied with men from my country . This is primarily because of their mentality. men from our
country have a lot of problems with which many women face is alcoholism , they beat their women ,
and the most important thing is that they do not appreciate their other half , in my opinion . They
are egoists!!! I don t want to say that all men are bad, but I speak from my own experience and from
the outside. As they say, there are enough fools in any country. For this reason, I decided to try
my luck on the Internet and try to find a man abroad.

I ll tell you about yourself (little). As you already know my name is Gulnara. Me 30 old.
First of all, I am from Kazakhstan and live in the city of Almaty. I have been working as an
assistant surgeon for two years, in the state polyclinic. I love my job and am proud that I can help
people. My hobby is sports. I like playing volleyball, basketball + I like to skate, skate, ski and
so on Further. I can list a lot of things I love doing. But, The best option is to tell more in
detail in our further communications. I hope you do not mind??

I have a big question for you, I want to know what are you looking for on this site???? A serious
relationship or a simple flirtation? I hope you re a serious person. After all, that site only
serves to find serious partners. Personally, I am looking for a serious man with whom I can be more
than friends. I d like to get to know you. Tell me something about yourself..... and ask what do you
want to know about me?

I am sending you my photos and I hope that you will like this photo. I will be waiting for your next
email, don t forget to send your photos. With this , I will end my letter . Sincerely yours
Good day my friend xxx.

I ve already sent you my letter with photos but you still didn t
answer. Why? You did not like my photo? Have you received my letter?
Maybe simply you didn t have time to answer immediately or maybe my
photos and everything what was written there didn t interest you at
all??? Please write me at least a note of explanation, because most of
all I m afraid of indefinite situation when you don t now what to
expect. Hope to hear from you soon. Gulnara
Hello xxx. I ve already sent you my letter. Have you received my
letter? Maybe simply you didn t have time to answer immediately. Why?
Please write me at least a note of explanation. Well? Hope to hear
from you soon. Your friend Gulnara