Der Vorgang 24219

Der erste Kontakt 24219

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Good day! What s up? I am writing you to make acquaintance and it can be we will come to a intriguing result. I chanced upon your mail box many days ago and I didn t send a letter to you, as it is not acceptable for a woman to message first in in the country I was born. You can call me Akmaral. This true Kazakh name means White Deer. At this time I m thirty six yrs, still age gap is not a problem to me. It s just a number. I dwell in KAZAKHSTAN. It is a beautiful and sovereign commonweath that follows an independent policy. I have never been married therefore I don t have children and I am looking for a gentleman in another commonwealth. I am not in habit of drinking or smoking either. My desire is to have a true, fair and long-time relationship. If you support what I texted, please you are welcome to message me back. I am eager to tell you right away that I would never look for any sex games, nude photos and I am not interested in knavery. I am an honest and open girl therefore it s not in my interest. The only thing that interest me is honarable relationships. I am sending my photograph, I have a spark of hope that you will like it. Expecting you to write to me about your personality, your state and your place.

Interested? Please write ONLY to my personal mail box:

I do hope that u liked my personality therefore I will see you response back at the first onset. Yours AKMARAL:;