Der Vorgang 24260

Der erste Kontakt 24260

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hi there my new pen-friend! My name is Tatiana. I’m thirty-five years old. I have a good job and a steady income If you think I’m not honest, or you think I’m gonna prove to you that I’m honest. You better not answer that letter! As an ordinary girl I’d like my family. My most important goal is to meet the man I love. Maybe on the internet Age doesn’t matter! I am no longer young myself. By all accounts, I consider myself always a beautiful and well-behaved girl I cook well and always keep clean! If you want a girl like me, we can start a relationship. My main goal is to meet an interesting, confident man who has goals in life. Someone who wants to grow and develop and achieve their goals. If your goal is just fun or some kind of perversion, just don’t answer that letter.

Interested? Please write ONLY to my private email:

I will be waiting for your photo and information about your life!
I m glad to write to you David,

I got your Message.It seems to me that you are watching for my answering.
So I hastened to respond so that you know I saw your E-mail.
Actually many people neglect to such little things as rudimentary decorum and esteem.
It took your time and you strived to write me a email,to make the first move,this is really important, I am very pleased.
That s why,the minute I read your email,I wish to instantly answer you.This night I will reflect about what to share to you in my forthcoming letter.
for me that age is nothing more than numbers.And the age difference doesn t matter to me.
Sure, I will strive to impress you.I will attach some more of my pics.I will try to tell a little about myself.
I m asking you don t be dissappoined if my letter does not coincide with your expectations, because as at school I m going to write a composition, an autobiography.
I do hope you don t end up being some kind of twerp,a fabulist or a hitched man. I do not claim that I will impress you or that you will fall in love with me.
I m certain it will be something catching on both of us.I need a favor,as soon as you get this e-mail, let me know.
once I received your message,I right away confirmed it.Now it s your turn to respect...
I m just sure that maximum tomorrow night you may find my next text and see my photographs.
So check on your postbox at times,in addition your ad and junk mail folder! A quick text will not take you a long time.
I will write you when I have a chance.I always keep my word and keep my promise!

Wow,it’s good to see you! David,

I do hope that you are fine.You can tell so many events in letters.Tell me, maybe you didn’t like something in my Mails or my photo?I hope you have read everything
I wrote earlier.I received your last letter the other day.I understand that you have a lot to do or my letter may simply not reach you.Please check your junk
folder.Maybe my letters are there.I want to know your news.I hope that everything is ok with you and you just did not have enough time to reply me.If you have 5-7
minutes of your time,please write me how your day was.I really want to continue our communication.

All the best,Tatiana