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Hey My:)

Where r U right now? what s your age?
How is your given name?

May be You re able to talks)

Now Im look up humane mister I m astounding woman staying in Ukraine;)
I can send You my pictures)

This is my e-mail box for answer is: ) have a good time
Hi xxx, it`s Svitlana.

How are you??
Thank you very much for your message :))

I just found your email in the spam folder.
I don`t know why it was in my spam box, but I`m glad I saw it.
So check your spam box, and click not spam too,
That we can communicate normally in the future.

I`ve never had an experience in correspondence with a man in the internet.
So I`m speaking from my heart & I`m honest with you that
I am really looking for a true love and serious relations.

By the way, you`ve a beautiful name - xxx. I like.

Okey, now i want to introduce myself.
My real name it`s Svitlana. Nice meeting you:) I`m 37 years old.
I`m divorced, and I have a daughter,
We live with our daughter in a separate apartment.
I`m working as the Dentist and I`m a workaholic.
This is probably why I`m alone now.

Besides, i like to do different kinds of sport,
swimming, a ride on the bicycle and running.
I visit the gym two times a week. (Tuesday and Thursday)
You do sports in your life now?
Besides, tell me about, your interests or hobby?
I have sent you my pictures. Made last year, in a summer cafe.
I hope you`ll like it:-))

I`ll talk about everything else later.
Now I`ll be waiting for your letter and your photos;-))
What are you doing this weekend?

Have a Great day.

Sincerely, Svitlana.
Hi again, xxx.

I think, I should tell you more about myself and my appearance.
Okay, I was born on 19 october 1985, under the sign of libra..

I`m of average height, 5.4 tall (167 sm), this is probably why I love heels,
and I cannot say that I am very thin. Because my weight is about, 123 pounds. (55kg),
In addition, I believe that I have a beautiful figure.
By the way, what do you think of my figure?

My natural hair color is brown.
And I`ve always loved long hair. Do you like long hair?
Yes and more, I have hazel eyes.
What do you like more about me, my eyes) or something else?

I have never smoked and don`t use drugs. I am calm about alcohol, as I use it extremely rarely.
Only for special events, holidays. I give preference to white sparkling wine.
My favourite color is pink. I don`t have piercings, but there is a small tattoo on my leg,
made in my youth, which I plan to get rid of.

As for my appearance, I don`t consider myself either ugly or exceptionally beautiful.
In my opinion, I look quite normal. Although my friends often tell me that I am a very attractive girl.
Of course, beauty is a relative concept. But overall, I am very happy with my appearance.
How do you think I`m cute to you?

I visit church, not so often but i believe in God and I`m xxx.
I want to become well-educated person and I plan to develop myself.

You should also know that, I am a very honest person who doesn`t cheat or play games in life.
I`ve a large heart ready for endless love.
Hence, I don`t want to divorce and that is why
I want my marriage will be for a lifetime and I`ll be faithful to my partner.
Anyway, I`m a very family orientated and I`d like to create a family with the right person.
Will it be you? Time will show us. Enough about me for now.

I decided to attach three of my pictures to you.
How we rode bicycles with my friend (Rita), in the park. I hope you enjoy them.

Anyway, I want to know everything about you and send more photos to me.
I wait for your message. ;-)
What are you doing this weekend?

Have a nice day.

Kindest Svitlana.
Hello xxx, it`s Svitlana. I`m worried about you.
You`re doing okay? Did you receive my letters?
Do you check your SPAM folder? Maybe there are my letters.
I will be wait for your reply with great impatience.

Have a great day.

Yours sincerely, Svitlana
Hello xxx, it`s Svitlana. I`m worried about you.
Honey, you`re doing okay? Did you receive my email?
Are you looking at your Spam folder? Perhaps my reply is there.
I will be waiting for your letters very impatiently my honey.

Have a Spectacular day.

Truly yours, Svitlana
Hello xxx, it`s Svitlana. I`m worried about you.
Honey, are you doing okay? Have you received my email?
Do you check your spam-folder? Maybe there are my letters.
Well honey, I`ll wait for your message.

Have a happy day.

Warmest regards, Svitlana
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