Der Vorgang 24368

Der erste Kontakt 24368

Anzahl der Mails: 7

Es wurden insgesamt -- 7 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Where do U live right now?
Let s try to green speak. righ now Im look up commendable gentleman;-)

Im pretty 34 yo Babe living in Russia)
I ll reply to You my photos.
It s my e-mail for contact is: , good bye
Hi, Chris! Thanks for your letter. It s good that you ready to
continue our acquaintance! I would like to know you better. Therefore,
I will ask you to write letters to me every day. It doesn t complicate
task for you? I am writing to you from the Library. I don t have a
computer at home. By the way, where are you texting me from? Are you
writing from home or work? I take our communication seriously. I m not
looking for games or entertainment. I m just looking for a serious
relationship. At a man with whom I can build a family will have a
happy future. I m looking for a relationship where there will never be
betrayal, only trust, sincere love, care, affection and support. I ll
try to tell you more about myself. I live alone in small apartment. I
have a mother and a grandmother. They are the closest to me. My family
raised me well and gave me a good education. I I am very grateful to
my mother and grandmother. I had a really happy childhood. :) My
father died when I was five years old. As I said, I work at a local
clinic. My responsibilities include paperwork. Patients come to see us
and the doctor gives me instructions on the necessary form to fill out
the paperwork. I like my job. Do you like your job? tell me more about
what you do? I am a very curious girl. I love travel and meet new
people. I live in Trekhgorny city in Russia. This is a small but
beautiful city with a population of about 32 thousand people. Russia
has many beautiful cities. do you like traveling? I love listening to
music very much. to me I like rock, jazz, electronic and Latin
American music. Sometimes I listen to classical music. I m a big fan
of the songs of the legendary The Beatles. What genre of music do you
prefer? I also love watch films. I prefer comedies, fantasy and
romantic movies. My favorite movie is "Ten Feet Above Heaven" with
Mario Casas. Do you like to watch movies? What is your favorite movie?
I lead a healthy lifestyle. I don t drink alcohol and I smoke. But
sometimes I can have a glass of good wine with my friends. in the
majority. I like to run outdoors in the morning in my free time. time.
What is your favorite sport? I think that s enough for today. Don t
forget to answer my questions. GOOD? I will be waiting for your
response. See you later! Viktoria

PS I like stuffed animals very much
Hi, darling! I noticed that you haven t answered me yet. Have you
changed your mind about talking to me? I really hope you were just
busy or just didn t notice my photo post. Today I will send you
another photo! I would like you to talk...

I guess I ll never get an answer from you again... I really don t know
why you didn t answer me today. Did I say something wrong? What have I
done that you are ignoring my letters? I am very sorry, because I
sincerely and from the bottom of my heart to talk to you ... I hope
you still answer me and I will see your letter with a photo.

Hello! I really wanted to receive a message from you on this day off
and I opened my email in a good mood. But, unfortunately, I didn t get
anything again... Are you okay? Maybe you just don t get my emails?
Please answer me over the weekend, I ll be waiting for it...

And again, I see only your silence... Look, if you really don t want
to talk to me, then tell me directly about it. Why just sit and be
silent? I treated you with a pure and sincere soul, hoping that we are
looking for the same thing. But it looks like I was the only one
looking for a relationship... I wish I could open my email and get
your message! Hope this happens soon...

I hope you re good. I m back in the. But you never
answered me. Why? Are you all right?
And I will wait your emails tomorrow.
