Der Vorgang 24375

Der erste Kontakt 24375

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hello Dear, Is everything good? I am texting you to chat up and it can be we will get to a intriguing result. I chanced upon your e-mail many days ago and I didn t write you, as it is not common for a woman to write first in the country where I live. You can call me Akmaral. This true Kazakh name means White Deer. I am just thirty six years old, but the age difference doesn t make a real problem to me. It is just a number. I stay in Kazakhstan. It s a eye-filling and sovereign commonweath that does independent politic way. I have never been married and I have no babies and I am eager to find a man in another country. I I don t like to drink or to smoke both. I d like to built a genuine, fair and long-term relationship. Whenever you share my views, please write me back. I will tell you right now that I do not pusrue sex games, naked pictures and I am not interested in roguery. I m a truthful and plain-speaking lady therefore it s not in my interest. I m only interested in real relationships. I am sharing my photograph, I do hope you will enjoy it greatly. I d like you to write to me about your personality, your land and your city.

If you are interested Please answer ONLY to my regular mail box:

I hope that you liked the person I am so I will receive your reply back at the first onset. Your Akmaral.