Der Vorgang 24398

Der erste Kontakt 24398

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Vor- bzw. Nachgänger

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
xxx Hello! After checking my mail, I saw your letter. I m glad you re
still interested in me. But before I tell you anything about me! I
want to know what you re looking for! I want to be sure that you
really want to continue our acquaintance with you, because my
intentions are to get to know you seriously. My name is Karina. My age
is 30 years old. I live in Almaty, Kazakhstan. I don t want to waste
my time with a man who writes for fun. I take dating seriously because
I had a bad communication experience. Men who were interested only in
my photos, who saw me not as a woman, but only as a sexual object,
tried to get acquainted with me. But I m not losing hope! I believe
that one day I will be able to meet a decent and decent man. Forgive
my bluntness, and I ask you not to take offense at my words. I will
hope that you are an honest and sincere person! I will finish my
letter! I hope to see your answer again tomorrow. With best wishes,
your new friend Karina!
xxx Good Morning! What s happening? Why did you stop responding
to my emails? I hope you re okay! I want to continue our acquaintance!
I miss your letters!!! I hope that soon I will be able to see your
letter! Your Karina!