Der Vorgang 24451

Der erste Kontakt 24451

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Lovely the stranger, I wish to be assured, as it is strong you are interested in searches and to meet with new and remarkable the girl?
I could not understand, you from United States?
My name Emiliia. I wish to believe, that to you my photo. I in searches someone with whom my life will be balanced and surprising.
I very much interesting, kind and optimistical the girl. But I still one and I very much have got tired from such life. Therefore I have addressed in marriage agency and have written to you the letter.
Actually, I wish to meet serious the man for serious relations and marriages further. My purpose - to find love. I very much hope, that you are this man.
I will be glad if we find one goal in life, and our meeting - the most important moment in beginning of our relationship.
At present I do not know, how much have interest in continuation our conversation, for this reason in more details I will tell about myself in the following letter.
Send your answer to my address:
I will wait for the reciprocal letter with big impatience.
Bye, Emiliia
Hi xxx!
I am very glad that my message caught your attention. You have interested me. It was nice to see your photo. You look good! I ll be glad to get to know you better! My name is Emiliia. My age is 37. I live in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I hope this fact will not prevent us from communicating? I understand that not everyone would dare to communicate with a person who is thousands of kilometres away. But if you are ready to communicate with me, I will be happy to tell you more about myself in the next letter. Okay? I hope that the age difference will not be a problem for our communication either, because I am looking for an adult man for a serious relationship!
I have to confess.. I ve had a little experience with online dating. You re not the first person I ve tried to write to. I clicked on an advertising link on the Internet. It said "acquaintance with foreigners" I was offered to pay 3 dollars for participation. This got me interested and I signed up. I was offered several questionnaires with addresses so that I could make contact. I tried to write to several men. But I was full of disappointment.. One man was only interested in sex.. Another man called me a scammer and asked for my nude pictures.. Of course, I immediately stopped the dialogue with them because my intentions are serious!
I sent you my pictures. Do you like them? What is your first impression of me? I hope I was able to interest you and that you will respond to me. I will be waiting impatiently for your next email and beautiful pictures.
I wonder if you get my emails? Do you check your junk mail folder? It seems to me that my letters just don t get to you, because I write to you every day, but I don t always get your reply... I ask you to check your junk mail folder and reply to my last letter, of course, if you are still interested in communicating with me?
