Der Vorgang 24498

Der erste Kontakt 24498

Anzahl der Mails: 6

Es wurden insgesamt -- 6 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello there my fresh new good friend! I m actually thirty six years, I am residing Moldova. I m actually a highly friendly girl who s in quest of a devoted and caring fella, my personal 2nd half. I was given your email in a matchmaking organization of my own place. So i am only interested in a sincere romantic relationship, toying around & adventures aren t for me. In the event that i grabbed your main interest and as well, interaction far away isn t problematic for you, then simply why don t we continue. If perhaps this is a challenge, just disregard my letter. I wish you a good day and a wonderful state of mind. I will look forward to your answer with the pic. I dream find stable man and create family. How old are you? Where do you live? What are you doing? In case you are a serious person who needs to find real love.

If you are interested in me Please reply ONLY to my personal mail box:

But i hope that our goals are the same and you are looking for a girl, and we will continue our dialogue more closely.
Hello there. Appreciate your sharing your rapid response, I want to request you to be good with me.
The World-wide-web is an entirely new type of matching in my opinion,
however communication within the Online world is well-known across the world in these modern times.
It is not important if long distance stands between us we nevertheless may chat & get acquainted with one another.
Don t you agree? Please show me your photographs. I believe you ve a gorgeous smile.
looking at your own pics will help me analyze you and also your own life far better.
It is in reality my very first time I am writing a message directly to to,
so don t giggle at me. I m a friendly lady but I m really used to communicating in real life.
I prefer to see a individual s face when speaking and look at true emotions.
I I m hoping I you have a smile on the face at this point and also that you are in a fantastic mood.
Currently i m thirty six years old. I came to be on MAR 16st, 1986.
My own horoscope is fish. When exactly is your current birthday? The big difference in age cannot become a problem
a problem within our interaction, acquaintance can easily unite at every age.
Friend, I got a university diploma. I m actually being employed and also I m alone.
I am not wedded and do not have babies. I am hoping you study my letter.
I do not prefer to sound tedious. You are keen on looking through my message?
I know the fact that you re a decent person. I ll loose time waiting for your response the day after.
You can ask me your questions you are interested in, and then I ll try to respond to you.
All right? Along with the email I m forwarding you my pic. Ok bye.
I ll wait for your reaction. Kristina
Good morning my dear, I congratulate you! May this morning begin with positive thoughts. Catch the sun from me and recharge your good mood!!! Yours Kristina
Good day xxx, It s me again Kristina! Are you in a good mood?
I ve been waiting for today to see your new message. I was sure that you would write me a letter.
Last night, I wanted to see a letter from you, but I didn t have access to the Internet.
Now I m at work and I have access to the Internet. It is convenient for me to write letters from work...
xxx, I think I should keep telling you about my life. At the age of 36, I have never been married.
I don t have children, but I love children and children love me! I don t smoke. I only drink wine during the celebration.
Bad habits reduce our life. I am not against smoking, everyone makes their own choice.
I don t have a lot of free time, because I work a lot. When I have free time, I spend it in a variety of ways.
There is a lot of entertainment in my small town of Tiraspol. Have you already seen the city of Tiraspol Moldova on the Internet?
Have you ever been to my country in Moldova? Moldova is a little country. Moldova has a very rich history.
I m not going to tell you about it now. I work as an accountant in a construction company.
My work requires me to be serious, attentive, and diligent. These qualities are present in me. I like working with documents.
Every day I start working from 09:00 in the morning. I finish working at 17:00 in the evening. I m resting on Sunday.
I have a higher education. xxx, what kind of education do you have? My work brings me a stable good income.
This money is enough for living in Moldova. I get moral satisfaction from my work. I don t live to work.
As for the English language... I have been studying English for 3 years now. I am learning English on my own.
I try to write a letter to you on my own, but sometimes I use an online translator.
I m sorry for any possible errors in my emails. I hope that our communication will allow me to improve my knowledge of English.
Now I am very pleased that we are getting to know each other. xxx, please tell me about yourself and your country.
I m interested in learning about your life... How do you spend every day? have you met people from Moldova in your country? Do you have a hobby?
I am sending you my photos, I hope that you like them. I will also be happy to receive your photos.
Now I have to keep working. Thank you for your attention. I hope that my letter was not boring for you.
I ll be waiting for an answer from you. Kristina
Hello xxx, I like our daily communication with you. I am waiting for your letters every day!
Thank you for giving me your time. I feel your attention, and of course it s nice for me.
Please don t leave my questions unanswered. I also try to answer all your questions.
So we can get to know each other better...
How is your day going? Today I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. Every morning I start with charging.
I don t have time to go to the gym, so I do physical exercises at home. Sometimes I visit a public swimming pool.
Now I m back at work. I don t have much work to do today.
xxx, is there a beach near your house? In summer, I really like to visit the beach.
The Dniester river flows in my city. It s not a big river. But there are several places where you can relax,
stay with tents and swim in the river. In the last letter, I asked you about your hobby... I have a hobby.
I like to cook new dishes. I also have a large collection of cooking recipes from all over the world.
Since childhood, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my mother. My mother taught me to cook a lot of different dishes.
Are you familiar with Moldova cuisine? Are there any restaurants of Moldavian cuisine where you live?
In my city there are restaurants of Mexican cuisine, Spanish cuisine, Japanese cuisine, Italian cuisine.
I will be happy to introduce you to Moldavian cuisine in the future. I live alone in a rented studio apartment.
My parents live in a village near the city of Tiraspol. In the village, the Infrastructure is less developed,
and there is no work, so I preferred to live in the city of Tiraspol.
I often visit my parents. My mother is 66 years old. My dad is 69 years old. I have an older brother.
My brother is 47 years old. My brother has his own family. My brother works in the rescue
service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Moldova. My brother has a daughter, she is 4 years old.
This is my niece. But I don t see my brother as often as they don t often come to visit.
But once a year for Christmas we all gather at my parents house. I love my family very much!
xxx, when I write you a letter, I want to tell you everything. It s a pity that there is a distance between us.
If we lived next door, we could meet in a cafe and talk endlessly. I sincerely hope that you support my dreams.
I hope that one day our dreams will come true. I m waiting for your letter. Tell me more about yourself. I m very curious.
Write to me as soon as you have free time. Ok? Waiting for an answer. Kristina
Good Day Darling, Mysterious the stranger, I wish to look, how much you are interested in searches and to begin acquaintance with new and remarkable the girl?
My name Nadezhda. I hope, that I to you like on a photo. I in searches the man with whom my life will be counterbalanced and surprising.
I very much cheerful, kind and optimistical the girl. But I one now and I very much have got tired from this vital situation.
Therefore I have gone in agency of acquaintances and have sent to you the letter. Actually, I search serious the man for serious relations and marriage further.
Dream of all my life - to find love. I very much hope, that you are this man. I will be happy if we find our common interests, and our meeting - the most important moment in our future.
Now I do not know, as is strong have interest in continuation our correspondence, therefore I am more than information on I will tell about myself later.
With impatience I wait your answer with big impatience.

Interested? Please answer ONLY to my private mailbox:
All the best, Nadezhda.