Der Vorgang 24525

Der erste Kontakt 24525

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These days, I began to remark how fast my time is elapse... Yes, I am yet very long away from senility, but on the other hand, my current life does not suit me. And the basic reason for this is my solitude, the failure of a loved one with whom I will want to spend the rest of my life. Yes, I may be sure that if I find such a person whom I love, and its feeling is mutual, then I will be faithful to him whole my rest days. And this are not just words, these are mine principles! So I decided to make the first move and effort to find a man in Web. And now you see my message. If you, also as me, know how bad it is to come to an empty home, lie down in a cold bed, not have attention, affectivity and just a most closed person in life with whom you can talk at any time, express thoughts, feelings, experiences, then I suppose you will understand me and my root why I am messaging you. {Possibly we can give each other a opportunity to get to know each other better and understand if we may be a happy couple or just become a good friends. If you are interested and you want to try, then I will wait for your fast reply. By the way, my name is Marina, I am 29 years old, I am originally from Kazakhstan. You can see my picture in conjunction to this short text. I wish to ask you, if you are tired of solitariness, disappointments and wish to edit your life, just write me back to this message. I utterly do not important what’s your age, skin color or life situation. I suppose that sincerely beautiful are deep in the soul of a person, and true goodness is in his heart. If my thoughts are close to you, I will expect for your reply soon. Forgive me if I wasted your time and you are not interested in my message. Have a {good|nice) day. Please email me: kazhmarinaa @ gmail . com
Good day. First of all I wish to tell thank you xxx for your response to my early short message! I expect you really obtained interest to me and after your answer to this my letter I will be absolute sure about it.
That s why this my letter will not be too large and not so enlightening. I expect you will not be insulted by it?
So, as you know my name is Marina. My age is 29 y.o. and I am originally from country Kazakhstan. But my friends say that I look younger. I consider for girl this is great(smile). How do you think? I live faraway from my parents. I work as as administrator of little medical center. Have no kids and brothers or sisters. To acquire your touch details I addressed to branch in my city of international dating agency. I reimbursed them small assets for they provide me only a few email addresses of lonely men from out of my country.
In this writing I as well would like to tell, that I’m absolute serious of my plan to find my significant other. And for this in my next letters I will tell you much more of me and my life. For you can know me better and for I can do so. On the side, I hope you will not be contrary to if I write you large, clarifying messages in future? Will you have time to read and reply it? For I able to in addition see that you are serious about it. I hope at least we may turn into good friends at the conclusion or someone more closed. Do you have numerous close friends? I want to guarantee you promptly that for me irrelevant age difference or somewhat like this. I will say you about it more my ideas in my upcoming letter s and I expect you perceive it.
I will write you my writing s from my jobbing if I have time or from internet cafe, since I do not have a computer at home. Mobile internet either work bad in my area due to there are a large number of mountains around and in my country it works well just in the capital, in Astana and another great cities. Because of it I can t be plenty time on-line. I as well have no any registrations of social networks such as Face Book. Maybe for you it seems untypical according your ideas of modern life, but I really don’t need this.
I have few close friends and most of them live here in my city. Even if you verify on internet very few people from my country there are in international social networks. There are few reasons for it and I will either say you about it in my following writing s. I have a usual Mobile phone (not smart phone), but it works solely inside of my country. So to begin our correspondence I propose to use e-mail and further when I know you better, we will find some different ways to be in contact, I give my word you.
I will tell you in my upcoming message that I had before some bad experience about internet, that s why I’m trying to be attentively now.
Sorry, I lost sight to tell, that I live in small city Chundzha. I’ve never been abroad. I consider I need accomplish on it. I expect that you not lose your interest in me at the end of reading this writing. I either be waiting that you will write me some more info about your life and also send me more fotos. xxx only a few questions for you extra(smile). Do you take an interest in animals? What was the best job you ever done in your life?
Do you take pleasure in large cities more or countryside and why? I think sufficient questions for introductory(smile). I really expect that start out of this exchange of letters can grow into a begin of new life for both us. I guess in your and my antecedent life there were some unhappy moments and periods… And I m just demand you to give me a chance to learn you better! Who knows, perhaps I have the ability to help you leave behind all the unhappy things that were in your previous life.
Best regards! Marina
These days, I started to cognize how precipitously my life is elapse... Yes, I am so far very afar from oldness, but on the other hand, my current life does not suit me. And the base reason for this is my solitariness, the absence of a second half with whom I wish to spend the whole of my life. Yes, I may be security that if I find such a man whom I love, and its feeling is mutual, so I will be trusty to him whole my rest days. And these are not just words, these are my principles! That’s why I decided to take the first step and attempt to find a man on-line. And this time you got my text. If you, the same as me, understand how bad it is to come to an empty flat, lie down in a cold bed, not have attention, fondness and just a most closed person in life with whom you can speak at any moment, share thoughts, emotions, experiences, then I believe you will understand me and my causes why I am contacting you. {Maybe we could provide each other a chance to learn each other better and see if we can be a lovely couple or just stay a good friends. If you are got interest and you wish to try, then I will wait for your fast answer. By the way, my name is Marina, To me 29 years old, I am originally from Kazakhstan. You can see my photo together to this letter. I would like to ask you, if you are tired of lonesomeness, frustration and wish to change your life, just write me back to this letter. I utterly do not care what’s your age, skin color or life position. I am sure that true beautiful are deep in the soul of a person, and true kindness is in his heart. If my thoughts are close to you, I will expect for your answer early. I m sorry if I wasted your time and you are not interested in my letter. Have a {good|nice) day. Please email me: kazhmarinaa @ gmail . com