Der Vorgang 24528

Der erste Kontakt 24528

Anzahl der Mails: 13

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I will try to write to you once again, you don t remember me because you got a single letter from me, or you didn t get it at all.. I tested to start dialog between us, but it looks like something went wrong, because I didn t get a respond from you. I am interested in getting to know you better and if you response I would great desire to tell you about myself..
Hiya xxx!
I am really happy that my letter caught your attention. I was really interested.. I would like to receive your photo because it is very important for me to represent who I writing to. I would be happy to learn more about you! I hope we both feel the same. I am called Emillia. My age is 31 years old. My birthday is December 31st. I m from Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek. I hope that doesn t affect our communications? I realize that not everyone persons will will be to chat with such a distant girl. But if you are willing to communicate with me, then I will be happy to tell you more about myself in the next letter. Okay?
You asked where I got your e-mail??? I clicked on an advertising link on the Internet. It said "acquaintance with foreigners" I was offered to pay 3 dollars for participation. This got me interested and I signed up. I was offered several questionnaires with addresses so that I could make contact. I wrote to several men, but only you answered))
I will not hide, and I confess, I had little experience of online dating. You re not your first person I have trying to talking to. Before you, I had written several persons, but I have been saddened(( One men was only interested in sex, another guy called me a scam artist and asked for my indecent pictures. Naturally, I right away stopped the communication with them, after all I mean no harm!!! I am here to find a decent and matching men with whom I can build a good attitude. How do you like it? I sent you my picture. Do you like my picture? What is your basic thought of me? Hope that I was able to attract you and that you tomorrow will answer me! I eagerly await to your tomorrow message and beautiful pics..
Best wishes...
Hello xxx!
How are you feeling? I am looking forward to getting to know you better. This work day has been very hard for me, I m very tired, but despite my mood, I think I have to write to you because I really enjoy communicating with you. It saddens me when I don t get letters from you, but I understand. I know that if you don t write to me, you have a reason. I hope you re doing all right... You have changed my life and now I want us to talk more. I understand that it is not always possible to answer. But I hope you write to me when you have time.
Good evening!
I will try to write to you again, you probably don t recollect me because you got a one letter from me, or you didn t get it at all.. I wrote to you in the past but you never answered.. So I decided to contact to you again, hoping this time to get your answer me. Hope that you are interested in getting to know me better and we can continue our communication...
I hope to hear back from you soon..
Hiya xxx!
Today is a good day, but it would be even better if I found a letter from you in my mail. Every letter you write, every compliment you give me makes me a very happy woman! It s good that we can communicate with each other from different parts of the world. Here I am sitting in front of my computer and I can share some of my thoughts with you. I m waiting for your quick email and I m finishing my message. Don t disappear for too long and take care of yourself.
See you soon..
Hello xxx!
It has been a very hard day for me and I am very tired, but despite my mood, I think I should write to you. How was your day? I like to share my thoughts with you. Let s say we are not close to each other, but the Internet gives us the opportunity to communicate. Even if that communication is incomplete, it s good that we have it. Would you agree? Write to me as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Well? Kisses and hugs. See you soon..
With respect..
Hallo xxx!

Ich schreibe dir nur, um zu wissen, wie dein Wochenende war? Ich frage mich, was du dieses Wochenende gemacht hast. Ausgeruht? Habe gearbeitet? Noch etwas .... Ich bin etwas verärgert, weil ich heute deinen Brief nicht bekommen habe. Ich hoffe, nachdem Sie diese Notiz gelesen haben, werden Sie mir schreiben. Ich hoffe sehr darauf. OK? Ich werde warten.

Hallo xxx!
Es tut mir wirklich leid, dass Sie mir nie Ihr Foto geschickt haben. Ich dachte, dass unsere Kommunikation viel interessanter wäre, wenn wir Bilder austauschen könnten. Stimmst du nicht zu? Ich hoffe, du verstehst meine Gedanken und vergiss nicht, mir dein Foto in der nächsten E-Mail zu schicken. Lassen Sie mich Ihnen etwas über mich erzählen. Ich bin nur ein durchschnittliches Mädchen. Ich bin geschieden und habe keine Kinder. Ich arbeite als Immobilienmakler. Ich kaufe, verkaufe oder wechsle Wohnimmobilien. Die meiste Zeit verbringe ich in der Agentur mit der Dokumentation. Regelmäßig gehe ich zu Treffen mit Käufern, um Geschäfte zu machen und Häuser und Wohnungen vorzustellen. Ich wurde von der International Academy of Business Administration, Law, Finance and Business ausgebildet. Ich kenne englische und deutsche Sprachen. Ich lebe alleine. In meiner Freizeit treibe ich gerne Sport, gehe ins Schwimmbad, höre Musik und lese Bücher. Ich habe ein Zuhause, einen Job, Freunde, aber glücklich kann ich mich nicht nennen. Vielleicht, weil ich den Jungen, mit dem ich in Kontakt treten möchte, noch nicht getroffen habe... Hmm...?? Ich arbeite viele Stunden und habe nicht viel Zeit, jemanden auf der Straße zu sehen. Ich hoffe, dass wir uns weiterhin kennenlernen werden und was passiert. Wir können jetzt eine Freundschaft beginnen, aber kann diese Freundschaft in Zukunft etwas Ernsteres werden? Wie hört es sich an? Ich muss zurück zur Arbeit, also muss ich diese E-Mail fertigstellen. Ich warte sehnsüchtig auf Ihren nächsten Brief und Bild..

Hello xxx!
How are you doing today? How is your health? I hope this letter has put you in a good mood and that you enjoy reading this short note.. But the longer the wait, the sweeter the reward. Really? :) The longer I wait for your letter, the more enjoyable it will be for me to read it later, but if I wait too long, I might lose interest... :) I am now finishing my work and am going home. I hope I get your reply to my letter when I get home...
I hope to hear from you again..
I write you a test email and sending you my photograph so you know who is contact to you. I write to you in last time but you never answered.. That s why I decided to wrote to you again, hoping this time to get your respond me. I would be very pleased to continue our dialog, if, of course, If you are still interested in conversation with me.
See you soon..
Hi xxx!
I wrote you a letter, but you haven t replied. Is something wrong? I hope I didn t say anything to offend you? It saddens me when I don t get letters from you, but I understand. I know that if you don t write to me, you have a reason. I hope you re doing all right... Do not forget about me. I ll be waiting for your letter. Take care. Your letters make my days brighter.
Hello xxx!

I was very upset when I didn t get your reply. Are you all right? How was your weekend? This weekend my friends and I went shopping.... In the evening we went to a cafe and ate pizza. Do you like pizza? Now I m sitting at home and writing you a letter. I hope you will answer me tomorrow and we can talk..

Hello xxx!
Today is a good day, but it would be even better if I found a letter from you in my mail. Every letter you write, every compliment you give me makes me a very happy woman! I m sure you have your reasons for not writing me. I am ready to wait for your answers. I remember you. The important thing is that you do well! I hope you don t disappear from my life. I am finishing my letter. I think of you. Take care. I will be waiting for your prompt reply.
I hope to hear back from you soon..